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Federal Aviation Administration Wood River Region Replacement Airport EIS Who:City of Ketchum & City of Sun Valley Date: February 13, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Federal Aviation Administration Wood River Region Replacement Airport EIS Who:City of Ketchum & City of Sun Valley Date: February 13, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federal Aviation Administration Wood River Region Replacement Airport EIS Who:City of Ketchum & City of Sun Valley Date: February 13, 2008

2 Wood River Region Replacement Airport EIS February, 2008 2 Federal Aviation Administration Wood River Region Replacement Airport EIS Project Participants Federal Aviation Administration Ms. Carolyn Read, FAA Northwest Mountain Region Ms. Cayla Morgan, FAA Northwest Mountain Region, FAA EIS Project Manager Ms. Patricia Deem, FAA Northwest Mountain Region, Legal Counsel Environmental Impact Statement Consultant Mr. Mark Perryman, Landrum & Brown, EIS Project Manager Ms. Sarah Potter, Landrum & Brown, Deputy EIS Project Manager Mr. David Rickerson, Landrum & Brown, Lead Aviation Planner

3 Wood River Region Replacement Airport EIS February, 2008 3 Federal Aviation Administration Discussion Topics for Today’s Meeting:  Purpose of an EIS  Criteria for the replacement airport EIS  Role of FAA, airport sponsor and Consultant in the EIS process  Range of alternatives to be considered in EIS  Presentations to other interested jurisdictions Wood River Region Replacement Airport EIS

4 February, 2008 4 Federal Aviation Administration What is the Purpose of the EIS: Ensure Federal government programs and actions meet the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) goals and policies. Take a hard look at the environmental impacts of the no action, the proposed action, and reasonable alternatives. Wood River Region Replacement Airport EIS

5 February, 2008 5 Federal Aviation Administration Site Selection Criteria for Purpose and Need Be compliant with FAA design and safety standards commensurate with current use (currently C-III) and future aviation demands for the region. Provide reliable and safe access to all users in adverse weather via a minimum of a Category I instrument approach system (CAT I ILS). Provide for approach and departure protections. Wood River Region Replacement Airport EIS

6 February, 2008 6 Federal Aviation Administration Site Selection Criteria for Purpose and Need (con’t.) Address continuation of air carrier service and other aviation operations for the region. Provide adequate land area to accommodate future demands and provide flexibility to meet the needs of the volatile aviation industry (approximately 1200 acres). Provide access to communities in the Wood River Region. Address impact to the environment. Wood River Region Replacement Airport EIS

7 February, 2008 7 Federal Aviation Administration Role of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Serve as the Lead Federal Agency on the EIS. Ensure an independent and objective review of the Airport Sponsor’s Proposal (i.e., development of a replacement airport) and other reasonable and feasible alternatives that meet the identified purpose and need. Direct the work performed by the EIS Consultant. Wood River Region Replacement Airport EIS

8 February, 2008 8 Federal Aviation Administration Role of Airport Sponsor (FMAA) in EIS Process: Assist the FAA in acquiring data Assist the FAA with facilitating public involvement and outreach components of the EIS. Role of Consultant (L&B Team) in EIS Process: Work as an extension of the FAA. Wood River Region Replacement Airport EIS

9 February, 2008 9 Federal Aviation Administration Alternative Sites and Potential Impacts Three Phased Approach to Alternatives Analysis Identify comprehensive range of alternatives Define a short-list of alternatives Detailed analysis of short-listed alternatives Potential Range of Alternatives to be Considered On-site alternatives (may include new options) Off-site alternatives (may include new sites) No Action alternative Other modes of transportation and/or technology as potential options Wood River Region Replacement Airport EIS

10 February, 2008 10 Federal Aviation Administration

11 Wood River Region Replacement Airport EIS February, 2008 11 Federal Aviation Administration Wood River Region Replacement Airport EIS

12 February, 2008 12 Federal Aviation Administration Requirements of Airport Sponsorship Purpose of the meeting with other counties: Present airport sponsorship eligibility requirements Discuss the financial commitment associated being an airport sponsor must consider:  Capital/development costs  Ongoing operational costs Review requirements and eligible uses of airport revenues Discuss regional airport considerations Discuss joint powers considerations

13 Wood River Region Replacement Airport EIS February, 2008 13 Federal Aviation Administration QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION Wood River Region Replacement Airport EIS

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