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B.A.D. vs. Bad: The Challenge of Identifying Gifted Diverse Learners By Roger S. Baskin, Sr.

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Presentation on theme: "B.A.D. vs. Bad: The Challenge of Identifying Gifted Diverse Learners By Roger S. Baskin, Sr."— Presentation transcript:

1 B.A.D. vs. Bad: The Challenge of Identifying Gifted Diverse Learners By Roger S. Baskin, Sr.

2 One Scenario A teacher asks the question: “Class, based on the information we have learned this week, was Dr. Martin Luther King a good man or a bad man?”

3 The Dilemma The teacher expects the class to say in unison “He was a good man!” However, one student shouts “He was a bad man!”

4 The Teacher’s Filter This child has been giving me trouble all year. This is just another example of a child who clearly is headed nowhere fast. Besides, the child always colors out of the lines, is fidgety, and does not look like the type that will be successful. I will ignore the child and move on. This child is just being bad.

5 The Child’s Filter Dr. King was one cool dude. He was B.A.D. Bold Awesome Determined A lot of people didn’t like him because of his stance on the war, but he was alright with me. He helped a lot of people.

6 Culturally Responsive Teaching “The achievement patterns among ethnic groups in the United States are too persistent to be attributed only to individual limitations. The fault lies as well within the institutional structures, procedures, assumptions, and operational styles of schools, classrooms, and the society at large.” Geneva Gay

7 Higher Level Thinking and Evaluation of Student Knowledge The teacher’s question was not an example of higher level thinking. A higher level question prompts analysis, synthesis, or evaluation. A more appropriate question would have been the following:

8 Analysis Compare Dr. King’s efforts to the efforts of a contemporary activist. In an essay, explain what they have in common?

9 Synthesis Create a poem or collage that expresses how you see the impact of Dr. King’s work.

10 Evaluation In a written response, assess the impact of Dr. King’s work on modern times. Did his work make a difference?

11 B.A.D. Gifted students can be BOLD in that they question authority when they see what they deem to be illogical explanations for rules or expectations. This boldness often deters teachers from identifying their AWESOME ability to learn rapidly. Gifted students are also DETERMINED to pursue their interests.


13 Achievement Gap Implications Opportunities for advanced instruction can often be limited when the school’s perception of children’s abilities are limited. Gaps then develop because of access to opportunity for academic rigor and enrichment.

14 Solutions Use of a wider lens for identification of gifted traits including those exhibited beyond the school setting Differentiation that includes culturally relevant connections Higher level thinking practice that allows students to dig deeper into their learning Funding for enrichment programs for diverse learners

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