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Two Cons 1 Kings 12:25-30 His great concern for the travel hardships on the people led him to set up Dan and Bethel as worship sites. Out of convenience.

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2 Two Cons 1 Kings 12:25-30

3 His great concern for the travel hardships on the people led him to set up Dan and Bethel as worship sites. Out of convenience for the people he established these two places for Israel to worship God. With no conviction the mind of man runs wild.

4 Two Cons 1 Kings 12:25-30 Convenience leads us to many errors that take us further from God with the use of each convenience. Worldly conveniences: Join the church of your choice Man justifies by faith only Various methods of baptism Use of musical instruments Partaking of Lord’s Supper – occasional/daily Meals in fellowship halls Clothing drives

5 Two Cons 1 Kings 12:25-30 Join the church of your choice Man justifies by faith only Various methods of baptism Use of musical instruments Partaking of Lord’s Supper – occasional/daily Meals in fellowship halls Clothing drives The wonderful thing about convenience is that it does not take any authority to institute and engage in these things.

6 Two Cons 1 Kings 12:25-30 Convenience makes is possible to appeal to the majority on many different levels making the majority feel better about themselves. The great thing about convenience is that it is so convenient. It does not require any real effort but makes things possible with the least investment.

7 Two Cons 1 Kings 12:25-30 Gen. 4:3-5 – Cain and Abel brought an offering to God. Was Cain’s sacrifice with conviction or convenience? Lev. 10:1 – Nadab and Abihu offered a fire out of convenience and it was profane Convenience allows the use of anything we deem appropriate. Col. 3:17 – Just do it in Jesus name.-Matt. 7:21-23

8 Two Cons 1 Kings 12:25-30 Sometimes we can deem the right thing as inconvenient. Acts 24:25 – Felix says that what is right is not convenient Acts 26:28 – Agrippa was almost persuaded John 12:42-43 – It would have been inconvenient for the rulers to confess Christ John 9:20-23 – the parents of the man Jesus healed found it inconvenient to confess Jesus

9 Two Cons 1 Kings 12:25-30 Conviction on the other hand is necessary in order to do what is right. It requires something of us. It takes strength and courage to stand for truth. Jeroboam lacked the conviction necessary to follow God’s commands.

10 Two Cons 1 Kings 12:25-30 Heb. 11:4 – Abel offered a more excellent sacrifice Conviction only comes by faith. Gen. 5:21-24 – Enoch’s conviction was not wavering; God took him Josh. 24:15-18 – The children of Israel agree with Joshua to serve God Judges 2:7-12 – their conviction quickly wavered

11 Two Cons 1 Kings 12:25-30 David is an example of conviction. 1 Samuel 17 – David defeats Goliath Moses too is an example of conviction. Heb. 11:24-27 – Moses chose conviction over convenience

12 Convenience can lead us down the path of sin when the conveniences take us from God and serving Him. Rom. 12:2 – convenient to be conformed Heb. 10:25 – convenient to stay at home 2 Tim. 2:15 – convenient to not study Eph. 5:19 – convenient to use instruments/let other do the singing 1 Cor. 11:22,34 – convenient to eat while we’re already here Matt. 28:19 – convenient to not say anything 1 Thess. 5:17 – convenient to let others do the praying 1 Cor. 16:1-2 – convenient not to give James 1:27 – convenient not to visit Phil. 2:12 – convenient not to work Matt. 10:22 – convenient not to endure

13 Conviction hears these passages and does them. Rom. 12:2 – conviction to be transformed Heb. 10:25 – conviction to exhort one another 2 Tim. 2:15 – conviction to be approved to God Eph. 5:19 – conviction to sing without additions 1 Cor. 11:22,34 – conviction to not add a work of the church that does not exist Matt. 28:19 – conviction to teach others 1 Thess. 5:17 – conviction to pray 1 Cor. 16:1-2 – conviction to give James 1:27 – conviction to visit Phil. 2:12 – conviction to work Matt. 10:22 – conviction to endure

14 Two Cons 1 Kings 12:25-30 Do you have the necessary conviction? 1 Cor. 15:58 – steadfast immovable always abounding 2 Peter 3:18 – grow in grace and knowledge What “convenient” thing is keeping you from serving God?

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