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By Miranda & Zach G. The Skeletal System and How it Works.

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1 By Miranda & Zach G. The Skeletal System and How it Works

2 Your Skeletal System is all the different shapes and sizes of bones in your body. There are three main jobs that the skeleton is responsible for. Your Skeletal System Has Three Main Jobs

3 First, your skeleton protects the fragile parts of your body like the heart, the brain, and the lungs. The First Main Job of the Skeletal System

4 Second, your skeleton lets you move. It allows you to sit, walk, run, jump bend, skip, flip, roll and twist or turn. The Second Main Job

5 Last, your skeleton gives your body its shape and size. All people have there own shape and size so everybody can be different. The Third Main Job

6 Remember to get enough calcium and exercise everyday. Here are some things you should do:  Exercise every day  Eat all the right amount of servings of each food group every day.  Drink at least 3-4 glasses of milk a day.  Eat 1-2 vitamins a day. It will keep your bones strong. Keep Your System Working Well

7  There are 350 bones in your body when you are a baby, but there are 206 bones in your body when you are an adult  Half of your bones are in your hands and feet  Girls stop growing at the age 16  Boys stop growing at the age 18  Your bones are made of bone marrow, which is where red and white blood cells come from Fun Amazing Facts

8  The longest bone in your body is your femur. It is 18 1/2 inches long when you are an adult.  The smallest bone in your body is located in your ear  There are 230 joints in your body.  There are 27 bones in your hand.  Your face has 14 bones in it.  There are 6 bones in your pelvis More Amazing Facts

9  Your leg is the fastest growing bone in your body  There are a total of 22 bones in your skull and 26 bones in your spine.  The hardest part of the bone is the outer part  An adult’s rib cage has 12 ribs  A giraffe has the same amount of bones in its neck as you have in your neck. Its neck is just longer. Even More Amazing Facts About the Human Body

10 Amazing Human Body CD-ROM. New York: DK Interactive Learning, 1997. Discovery Communications Inc. "Your Gross & Cool Body." The Yuckiest Site on the Internet 2000. On-line. Internet. June 15, 2001. Available: McGann, Andrew. “The Skeletal System.” A Look Inside the Human Body. On- line. Internet. June 15, 2001. Available: Scholastic. The Magic School Bus Explores the Human Body CD-ROM. Microsoft Corporation, 1995. Broekel, Ray, “Your Skeleton And Skin,”. Chicago. CHILDRENS PRESS. 1984. Bibliography

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