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Jessica Radke-Snead, RD, MS Bio 241 Anatomy and Physiology

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1 Jessica Radke-Snead, RD, MS Bio 241 Anatomy and Physiology
Unit 3: The Muscular System Lab 2: Muscles of the Appendicular Skeleton Jessica Radke-Snead, RD, MS Bio 241 Anatomy and Physiology

2 Making Sense of the Muscles
Description  Location  Function Use muscle origins and insertions to describe where the muscle is located AND what it does Origin: attachment of a muscle tendon to the stationary bone Insertion: attachment of the other muscle tendon to the moving bone Action: the movement that occurs at the joint due to the muscle contraction

3 Practice Muscle: Pectoralis Major Origin: Clavicle, sternum and ribs
Insertion: Greater tubercle and intertubercular sulcus/groove of humerus Function: Adducts and medially rotates arm at shoulder joint (try this yourself!) Clavicular head flexes arm Sternocostal head extends arm

4 Muscles: Upper Extremity
Movement of Shoulder and arm Forearm and hand Origin/insertion requirement Shoulder and arm: ALL Forearm and hand: All BUT flexor carpi radialis, extensor carpi radialis longus, flexor carpi ulnaris, extensor carpi ulnaris Cadaver Shoulder and arm: All BUT levator scapulae, subscapularis and subclavius Forearm and hand: ALL

5 Muscles: Upper Extremity

6 Muscles: Upper Extremity

7 Muscles: Upper Extremity

8 Muscles: Upper Extremity

9 Practice Muscle: Rectus femoris Origin: Iliac spine
Insertion: Patella and tibial tuberosity Function: Extension at knee Flexion at hip

10 Muscles: Lower Extremity
Movement of Femur Leg and thigh Leg and foot Origin/insertion requirement Femur: All BUT gluteus minimus, piriformis and illiopsoas Leg and thigh: ALL Leg and foot: ALL Cadaver requirement Femur: All BUT illiopsoas Leg and thigh: All BUT sartorius Leg and foot: All BUT tibialis posterior

11 Muscles: Lower Extremity

12 Muscles: Lower Extremity

13 Lab Objectives Return exam 2—review your exam and the keys
Please see me if you need assistance with course material Today: Ensure that you are able to identify each muscle defined in your lab guide, including indicated origins and insertions, on all lab models/diagrams Break into 3-4 Cadaver Groups BEFORE: Review the Lab 2 muscles designated with a (C) DURING: Please wear a provided lab coat and work efficiently so as to respect all student’s time spent with the cadavers

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