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Introduction to limbs Sanjaya Adikari Department of Anatomy.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to limbs Sanjaya Adikari Department of Anatomy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to limbs Sanjaya Adikari Department of Anatomy

2 Main topics covered Skeleton
Superficial nerves/veins – only the important ones Dermatomes Muscle compartments – attachment & action of muscle groups and their innervation Brachial plexus & lumbosacral plexus

3 Main topics…. Special regions: axilla, cubital fossa, carpal tunnel, snuff box, femoral triangle, cubital fossa, gluteal region etc. Joints with ligaments Arterial anastomoses Lymph drainage

4 Skeleton Axial Appendicular Skull Vertebral column & ribs Limb girdles
Bones of the limbs

5 Upper limb

6 Skeleton Shoulder/pectoral girdle Arm (humerus) (radius, ulna)
(carpal bones) (metacarpals, phalanges) Fore arm Wrist Hand

7 Superficial veins & nerves

8 Dermatomes

9 Muscles of the shoulder
Flexors Extensors Internal/medial rotators External/ lateral rotators Abductors Adductors

10 Compartments of the right arm
Anterior Coracobrachialis Biceps brachii Brachialis N: musculocutaneous C5, C6 Posterior Triceps N: Radial nerve C7, C8

11 Contents of the right arm compartments

12 Compartments of the right forearm
Pronator teres………. Flexor digitorum superficialis Flexor pollicis longus Flexor digitorum profundus Pronator quadratus

13 Brachial plexus

14 Axilla Anterior wall Posterior wall Medial wall Lateral wall Apex
Transverse section Anterior wall Posterior wall Medial wall Lateral wall Apex Floor

15 Cubital fossa

16 Anterior aspect of wrist
Median and ulnar nerves Radial and ulnar arteries Tendons of flexor muscles Flexor retinaculum

17 Carpal tunnel Palmar branch of median nerve

18 Anatomical snuffbox

19 Hand Dorsum Palm

20 Joints with ligaments

21 Anastomosis around the elbow
Arterial anastomoses Anastomosis around the elbow Scapular anastomosis

22 Axillary lymph nodes supraclavicular apical lateral central posterior
To thoracic duct or right lymphatic duct supraclavicular apical lateral central posterior anterior

23 Lower limb

24 Skeleton Pelvic girdle Thigh (femur) (tibia, fibula) (tarsal bones)
(metatarsals, phalanges) Leg Ankle Foot

25 Skeleton of the foot

26 Superficial veins & nerves

27 Posterior arch vein

28 Adductor canal perforator
Below knee perforator Upper medial perforator Lateral perforator Middle medial perforator Lower medial perforator Level of medial malleolus

29 Dermatomes

30 Fascia Lata

31 Femoral sheath

32 Compartments of the right thigh
Fascia lata

33 Innervation Anterior compartment Femoral nerve Medial compartment
Obturator nerve Posterior compartment Sciatic nerve

34 Compartments of the right leg

35 Innervation Anterior compartment Deep peroneal nerve
Lateral compartment Superficial peroneal nerve Posterior compartment Tibial nerve

36 Lumbosacral plexus

37 Femoral triangle

38 Gluteal region

39 Popliteal fossa Right SeMem SeTend Biceps Popliteal surface of femur
Gastroc Gastroc Popliteus muscle

40 Foot Dorsum Sole

41 Arches of the foot Medial longitudinal arch Lateral longitudinal arch
Transverse arch:

42 Joints with ligaments Ligaments at the ankle
Ligaments at the knee joint

43 Trochanteric & Cruciate anastomoses

44 Inguinal lymph nodes Deep inguinal nodes Superficial inguinal nodes
Vertical group Horizontal group

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