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1 st World Conference of Women’s Shelters Edmonton, AB September 8 – 11, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "1 st World Conference of Women’s Shelters Edmonton, AB September 8 – 11, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 st World Conference of Women’s Shelters Edmonton, AB September 8 – 11, 2008

2 Delegates 800+ delegates 51 countries (Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, United States, Scotland, Ghana, Mexico, Italy, Serbia, Ukraine, Botswana, Kyrgyzstan, South Africa, and so on) Included shelter workers, government agencies, YWCA, SPCA, Batterers intervention programs, authors and researchers, health care providers, union representing health-care workers

3 New Brunswick Delegates 8 delegates from New Brunswick 2 WIB 1 ACSW 5 Transition House Executive Directors –Woodstock –Tracadie –Moncton –Miramichi –Gignoo

4 Pre-conference Workshop 4 th annual “Breakfast with the Guys” Attended by Edmonton Eskimos, Edmonton Oilers,local and provincial governments, police, business, etc. Over 300 attended. Key messages: 1. Media impacts the socialization of boys 2. Violence against women is a men’s issue! 3. Leaders must take a stand and this will make it easier for others to follow. 4. Programs alone will not eradicate VAW - Social change is needed!

5 Key Workshop Themes Different shelter practices Responding to diversity Children and violence against women Human trafficking Staff wellness

6 Key Learnings Domestic violence is a part of the continuum of VAW VAW must remain a gendered issue – Male Violence Against Women Women working in shelters are in high risk professions 30 day shelter stay is not long enough VAW shapes a child’s development Safety and wellbeing of children are directly related to the safety and wellbeing of their mothers Staff wellness is a MUST

7 Questions to ask ourselves What are the needs of women? Are our shelters meeting all the needs of women (Australia – paradigm shift – focuses on meeting all the needs of women (Maslow’s hierarchy of needs)? How are we addressing the complex needs of women, such as women with addictions?

8 Special Events Violence against Women 365 International Poster Exhibition

9 More special events Cultural Events Youth play “Speak” Peace banner – Japanese form of Saori weaving

10 Next Steps Develop strategy for dissemination of information: Share information at next meeting of Transition Houses How can we improve our response?

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