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Infrastructure Development, Energy, WASH and Shelter program.

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1 Infrastructure Development, Energy, WASH and Shelter program

2 1. Drinking Water: During the last couple of years 50 under water storage tanks have been built. 50 ground surface drinking water storage tanks have also been constructed. The other drinking water facility include instalment of 174 hand pumps during 2011 and overall 2364 hand pumps have been installed so far. 2. Street Pavement Facilities: IDEAS has so far laid down 90 street pavements. 3. Sanitation: 9438 permanent latrines were constructed last year.

3 Infrastructure Development, Energy, WASH and Shelter program






9 4. Hand wash Facilities: 1009 hand wash facilities were constructed last year. 5. Provision of Low Cost Shelter to families: During 2011-2012, 47347 shelters were successfully constructed and delivered to the communities by HANDS - IDEAS program

10 Infrastructure Development, Energy, WASH and Shelter program



13 Shelter project in District Dadu after flood 2010. lNumber of vulnerable households - 3785 (22 %). Among the vulnerable households: 52% - household headed by old person 19.6% - household headed by person with chronic disease 5.6%- household headed by person with disability 51% of the household had no permanent proper toilets. 40% - household had temporary toilets 7.2%- household had permanent toilet facility 45.3% - household lost their crops 22.3% - lost their farming animals 27.6% - families had hand pumps for drinking water

14 Infrastructure Development, Energy, WASH and Shelter program 6.Irrigation Schemes 1879 irrigation schemes were completed during the last 02 years including tube wells and water courses/channels. 7. Household Technologies: IDEAS program has successfully made and provided 217 Naadi (biosand filter) to the target communities 217 smokeless stoves have been made in communities during the last couple of years.

15 Infrastructure Development, Energy, WASH and Shelter program


17 8. Disaster Risk Reduction Schemes: 01 protection wall was constructed for flood protection in coastal area by the IDEAS program. 9. Communication Schemes: 01 Jetty was successfully constructed and handed over to the community. IDEAS has successfully completed construction of 1103 Link Roads in different target areas. 149 culverts/ bridges have been successfully made by the IDEAS team in target areas. 10. Social Sector Schemes: 150 transient shelter schools were built by IDEAS last year.

18 Infrastructure Development, Energy, WASH and Shelter program


20 11.Energy Generation Schemes: 10500 energy generation schemes have been installed by IDEAS including solar panels and solar lights. 12.Portable Ceramic Water Filter: IDEAS provided Portable Ceramic Water Filter to 1260 families in target villages during 2011-2012. 13.Training on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Duration 03 days, 02 trainings were conducted and 32 participants were trained.

21 Infrastructure Development, Energy, WASH and Shelter program


23 14.Masons and Community Members Training on Shelter Duration 01 day, 120 community members of 27 flood affected villages of Sindh were trained.

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