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The Data Centre of the Future Secure, Modular, Scalable, Mobile, Green presented by: Pablo Fernandez, AST Tallinn, 31. Jan. 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "The Data Centre of the Future Secure, Modular, Scalable, Mobile, Green presented by: Pablo Fernandez, AST Tallinn, 31. Jan. 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Data Centre of the Future Secure, Modular, Scalable, Mobile, Green presented by: Pablo Fernandez, AST Tallinn, 31. Jan. 2008

2 About AST High Security (modular) Data Centre Construction Turn key solutions Proven track record with 300+ projects (Tier 3++) Data Centre Consultancy & Design Secure Storage Solutions for SMB Data Centre Audits EMI Consultancy & Testing EMI Shielding Solutions World patent in Modular Data Center solution Present in over 20 countries IBM specialist DC solutions supplier since 2003.

3 A Rapidly Changing World Security –Physical and environmental threats a reality that can put at risk our entire Company´s existence. Modularity –Doing it for real not just thinking about it: DC has to be prepared to expand w/o disrupting its normal operations. Scalability –Designed to increase Power and Cooling density to match future needs. –Moore´s Law Mobility: –Ability to relocate a DC and re-use of the assets that configure it. Green –DC Consolidation and Servers´ Virtualization as main driving forces to optimize DC usage and energy efficiencies. –DC layout, insulation, cool what is needed.

4 Part 1: Planning

5 Designing Your Future DC Must be aligned to corporate plan Must be part of overall IT infrastructure plan –IT needs forecast –Technology refresh forecast Must allow for organic growth –Acquisitions, technology change, unplanned growth Design for 10 years life span

6 TIA 942-2005:TIER Classification chart resume

7 Est. growth needs DC XYZ : kW/Rack 2008 201220152018 2 KW/ Rack 20 KW/ Rack 10 KW/ Rack 5 KW/ Rack 15 KW/ Rack

8 Est. growth needs DC XYZ : nr. of Racks (i.e.: organic growth 10% + growth by acquisitions) 2008 201220152018 120 Racks 260 Racks 210 Racks 190 Racks 230 Racks Growth by Acquisition Growth by Acquisition

9 Est. Growth needs DC XYZ (iii) : Total power of racks (servers) 2008 201220152018 400 kW 4 MW 2 MW 1 MW Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

10 Designing Your Future DC What tier level facility do you require ? –Understand what the tiers are –Relevance to your business needs Power requirements –Current density vs future requirements Location –Geographical, physical, power availability Learn from others´ mistakes –Reduce one time / custom engineering –Investment levels –Others: power availability,…

11 Tendencias de consumo eléctrico

12 Part 2: Physical Security

13 Infravaloración de riesgos externos Fire: affectning 0,5% of DCs Water: affecting 2% of DCs Nr. of natural disasters has grown 25% in last 10 years Source: Swiss Re

14 Pérdidas económicas por fallos en CPDs Losses (EUR M) per hour of DC downtime

15 1995200020052010 39% 48% 60% 28% 99% 1% % Companies requesting 8x 5 % Companies requesting 24 x 7 IT Disponibilidad 24x7 Average availability requests

16 Origen de Fallos en Centros de Datos Origin of DC downtine

17 Equipos que fallan en CPDs Main origin of DC failures

18 Disponibilidad media anual de Sistemas IT Average DC availability Source: T-Systems

19 Legal and Standards environment SOX Personal Data Protection Act Basel II ANSI 942 En1047-2 Etc...

20 Estabilidad térmica Centros de Datos Thermal stability: critical for IT HW. Max. RH% (absoluto) (Smart Shelter actual) Max. Temp. (incremento / absoluto) (Actual Smart Shelter) 25 º C / 50 ºC 20ºC 85% 66% 50 ºC/ 75 ºC 30ºC 85 % 66% Tapes, Disks and magnetic support Hardware

21 Temperature rises > 300°C Rel. Humidity up to 100% Nothing survives within the Data Center (HW, tapes,...) Water Steam emitted by wet materials walls (gypsum and brick walls RF120)> 150 liters of water / m3 of concrete wall Water condensation in plenum => shortcircuits - Environmental Contamination (human hazard): 1 kg PVC burned (at 300ºC) causes 5.800 m³ of acrid gas. - 80% of Fires affecting Data Centers, come from the outside. - Only 20% of Fires are caused inside DC. Water flooding Risk: concrete ceiling is not water proof. Flames > 1100ºC Conventional Data Centers

22 Liters of Water/ 1m³ of concrete (RF90) Conventional Data Center: Water and humidity dissipation under heat and fire.

23 Temperature rises < 50°C (max 70ºC as per EN1047) Rel. Humidity up to 70% (max. 85% as per EN1047) HW operates normally. Tapes and disk preserved. NO Water Steam emitted as wall materials are dry (no wet material). NO Water condensation in plenum: Sealed Room. - NO Environmental Contamination (NO human hazard): NO burning possible as internal temperature. - Note: Smart Shelter under EN1047 certification process SMART SHELTER structure (Fire resistant 120 min.) NO Water flooding Risk: concrete ceiling is not water proof, but Secure Data Centre is. Flames > 1100ºC Emitted steam remains out of the Smart Shelter. Smart Shelter Protection

24 ■ Dimensiones: –W: 2000mm –D: 2000mm –H: 2500mm ■ Auditado por: Ensayo Octubre 2005

25 Test Audited by SGS Leading Company in inspection, verification, testing and certification Founded in 1878 42'000 employees, SGS operates a network of about 1’000 offices and laboratories around the world Swiss Company listed on (SWX) Swiss Exchange Certification Services. SGS certifies that products, systems or services meet the requirements of standards set by governments (e.g. GOST R), standardisation bodies (e.g.ISO 9000) or by SGS customers.


27 Resultados


29 Real example

30 Part 3: Modularity

31 Modular, Cellular Approach Modular Vaults: 60 Racks/each Phase 1: 3,6kW/Rack Scalable Energy Efficient Highly Secure

32 Modular, Cellular Approach 7812 Ground Floor 5643 First Floor Phase 2 Phase 1 1 2 Vault Technical Room Vault Secure Operations Centre Key SOC Module AModule D Module CModule B



35 Sala de Seguridad IT Auto soportante

36 Grow As You Need An Example of a hosting Centre Exceeding User Demand

37 European Oil&Gas Company

38 European Health&Care Company



41 European Telecom Company


43 European Retailer Company



46 European Industrial Company


48 Part 4: Scalable

49 Fase 3 Electrical design considering future needs: - Added power needs (space, Utility supplies,…) - 10 years plan - Resiliency levels

50 Fase 3 Mechanical design considering future needs: -Added cooling needs (space,…) - Where is cooling needed: different areas of DC for High Density,… : planning on appropiate DC distribution. - 10 year plan - Resiliency levels

51 Scalable Electrical Infrastructure Recomendaciones

52 Part 5: Mobility and Outdoors : Portable Modular Data Centre

53 Mobility & Outdoors locations The future is MOBILE: –A traditional DC does not meet everyone's needs Short term projects Disaster recovery Remote locations Hostile environments Space limitations Expensive real-estate will push DC out of traditional urban environments

54 PMDC Containerized High security, high density, truly mobile data centre. Plug & Play Containerized DC Includes: Precision cooling Fire Detection & Suppression Racks N+1 redundancy

55 PMDC Data Center Park - Entire Data Center Park, built with multi-PMDCs - Up to 66 Racks @ 15kW/rack, full Tier 3. - No building needs, just concrete slab.

56 PMDC Data Center Park

57 Algerian gas field exploration New ultrasonic exploration probes require large amounts of computing power to analyse data. Geologists were sending data via satellite link to central processing site and results transmitted back to site. Oil Company was paying over €150,000 per month in satellite air time to transfer survey data for central processing. Oil Company wanted a high security and fully re-locatable data cente to allow onsite processing of survey data. AST worked with Oil Company to design their ideal solution. Working with Thales, AST built and deployed an ISO containerised data centre. ROI is less than 4 months !

58 Algerian gas field exploration From concept to reality

59 Sala de Seguridad IT en el exterior

60 Part 6: The Future?

61 Main trends 2007 - 2017: –Power and cooling density will continue growing –More efficiency in cooling in DC required. –Very secure DC –More modular DC built adapted for rapid change –DCs become mobile –DCs placed in outdoors locations and other low cost real-estate locations (close to power sources)

62 Conclusions Essential to Plan for the next 10 years, considering the Companies´ needs and its criticity, legal environment, resiliency needs... Security Vs. catastrophic events is a must: fire and water are main risks. DC thermal stability must be ensured! Modularity: essential to adapt to the future. Modular “Smart Shelter” building technique is ideal. Scalability: importance of planning ahead for added power and cooling equipment. Mobility and Outdoors DC: the future. Containerized or Smart Shelter modular. Power Efficiencient: thermal insulation provides great side benefit; DC consolidation and virtualization.

63 THANK YOU! Pablo Fernandez AST Central & East Europe Sales Director

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