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Presented by: LaNile Dalcour.  Emergency planning ◦ Tenant Plans  Emergency Responders  Training  How can Property Management Assist?  Continuity.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: LaNile Dalcour.  Emergency planning ◦ Tenant Plans  Emergency Responders  Training  How can Property Management Assist?  Continuity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: LaNile Dalcour

2  Emergency planning ◦ Tenant Plans  Emergency Responders  Training  How can Property Management Assist?  Continuity Planning  Non Fire Related Emergencies ◦ Deciding whether to Shelter or Evacuate ◦ Who makes the decision?

3 Emergency Planning for tenants and staff is as important as any part of your day to day business functions. Emergency Plans Emergency Responders Continuity Plans Training

4 Tenants should assign multiple floor wardens to execute your plans during these emergency situations. Emergency Responders must: Be empowered to lead staff Knowledgeable of suite evacuation routes Familiar with life safety techniques CPR First Aid AED usage Attend building safety seminars Possess a Calm and Cool Demeanor in emergency situations

5 Once you have plans and procedures in place you must practice those plans. If you don’t drill and practice your emergency procedures they become non useful. Staff should use plans as guides but during an emergency should not be the first time plans are practiced or discussed.

6 Part of your emergency plans should include a Recovery or Business Continuity Plan. Brookfield Properties has a BCP in place for staff to get the property back up and running to business as usual as quickly as we can. Question? Are you as a company prepared to operate on a short term basis if the property is compromised ?

7 Property Management can assist in several ways with your Emergency Planning Assist Train Emergency Responders Conduct Evacuation Drills annually Conduct Shelter in Place Drill annually Discuss Life Safety at quarterly meetings Mass communication systems Life safety presentations to your tenants and staff Referrals for BCP and emergency webinars

8 Shelter-in-place is an emergency response designed to use the building for protection from various hazards.

9 There are two types of Shelter In Place Sealed: ◦ Designed to protect building from exterior airborne toxic materials ◦ Exterior of the building and individual locations must be sealed  Duct tape or plastic ◦ Examples that could lead to sealed shelter;  Exterior chemical attack  Radiological attack (dirty bomb)  Exterior Hazmat spill

10  Unsealed : ◦ Designed to protect building occupants from severe weather, civil disturbances outside the building ◦ Threatening individuals outside the building, etc. ◦ No reason to seal the building from toxic materials Remember an unsealed shelter can quickly become a sealed shelter.

11 Packet should include:  Food supply  Water Supply  Radio/TV /Internet access  Landline Telephone or Cell Phone  First Aid Kit  Extra Batteries  Information on Shelter In Place  Copies of emergency floor plans  Employee roster  Fire Warden roster  Disable employee roster  Employee / Visitor sign in sheet

12  On August 23, 2011The Greater DC Region recently experienced a 5.8 magnitude earthquake.  Several tenants evacuated ◦ Self imposed ◦ Property Management did not advise tenants to evacuate  Confusion ◦ Do we evacuate? ◦ Do we shelter?

13 There are incidents that will occur that will force you as a company to make a decision on whether you should evacuate your staff or Shelter In place without guidance from Property Management. Management will offer guidance for fire related emergencies by means of alarms, strobe lights and PA messaging.

14 Some incidents that will occur will not activate building systems and alarms. Your company will have to make internal decisions on what is the best course of action for your staff. Emergency responders are trained on your emergency procedures but may not be the group within your organization to make that decision.

15 Emergency Planning is a 24 hour practice. It’s imperative to plan and practice for non fire related emergencies. Weather, medical, civil disturbances and acts of terrorism have changed how we prepare staff. We have no means to stop or control when events like these will happen. Our best defense is against the acts is “ PREPARING”

16 LaNile Dalcour Life Safety/Security Director Brookfield Properties Greater DC Region 1-202-467-7737

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