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Erica Bornemann Planning Chief Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security.

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Presentation on theme: "Erica Bornemann Planning Chief Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security."— Presentation transcript:

1 Erica Bornemann Planning Chief Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security

2  History  Late 2012 American Red Cross presented to VSNAP on current abilities to shelter in response to an incident at Vermont Yankee  ARC current capability- 3,000 people (10% EPZ Population)  FEMA RERP Program Manual 2012- Set the requirement to shelter 20% of the EPZ population

3  Increase the capacity of the ARC to shelter 20% of the EPZ population (6,000 people)  Identify and enter into agreements with 22 facilities to receive survivors  Creates a scalable approach to congregate care  Builds capacity within Vermont to meet needs until regional and federal resources are brought in

4  VT legislature granted $250,000 of the RERP Fund for ARC  Implementation  Begin working with Host and Sending Towns - to develop sheltering plan – provide foundational overview and develop plans for moving forward with project.  Begin working with Host town shelter facilities - to develop shelter facility agreements and surveys to support the plan  Begin working with partner state agencies – to develop interim approach and foundation for a final solution to challenges presented by development of this sheltering plan.  Hire personnel – Hire the Deputy Chief Response Officer – RERP and the Volunteer Coordinator – RERP  Begin purchasing of equipment and supplies – Purchase 1000 cots and 2000 blankets in first year of project.  Start volunteer recruitment process – to support bringing shelters “on-line”  Multi-Year plan- over 2 years


6  June 5, 2013 Vermont participated in a FEMA graded exercise  6 EPZ towns, SEOC, JIC, 2 SWP, EOF, VY Sim Control Room, 211 Call Center Plume Tracking Teams evaluated  MA and NH also evaluated  4 lead-up exercises conducted to prepare  Seminar, Tabletop, 2 Functional Exercises

7  Deficiency : An observed or identified inadequacy of organizational performance in an exercise that could cause a finding that offsite emergency preparedness is not adequate to provide reasonable assurance that appropriate protective measures can be taken in the event of a radiological emergency to protect the health and safety of the public living in the vicinity of an NPP.  ARCA: An observed or identified inadequacy of organizational performance in an exercise that is not considered, by itself, to adversely impact public health and safety.  Plan Issue : An observed or identified inadequacy in the ORO’s emergency plan/procedures, rather than in the ORO’s performance.

8  Results- 1 ARCA, 6 Planning Issues  ARCA- Rockingham SWP technological issue  JIC- Plan and relocation procedures  Plume Tracking- Recommends covering instrument with plastic, Field air sample equipment use  211- Using “host school” and “reception center” interchangeably  Brattleboro EOC- Procedures on using CDV-700 and 715 instruments, Sounding the sirens


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