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Medical and Health Considerations in Mass Care  What do I need to know?

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Presentation on theme: "Medical and Health Considerations in Mass Care  What do I need to know?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Medical and Health Considerations in Mass Care  What do I need to know?

2 The general population has health needs everyday.  “Where there are people, there are health issues.”

3 Displaced populations will still have the health needs they always had.

4 Many can be maintained on the conditions for which they were already being treated. (As long as they have their medications or can get them replaced.)

5 Some will have new injuries, stemming from the disaster itself, or exacerbated by the stress of the disaster.

6 Important: Knowing just the total numbers of people in a shelter may not tell you much. ---Type and severity of chronic conditions ---Exposures in the field (fumes/dust) ---Other risk factors such as age

7 Ask yourself, What is the situation for my city and my communities?

8 24 hours 48 hours 72 hours (Or Longer) “With minimal operational area services”

9 It’s not that there will be no operational area resources. But they will be prioritized for the whole operational area.  And Operational Area resources will be greatly reduced for 24-72 hours  (or longer)

10 Cities and communities will need to be self-sufficient.  So what can you as planners do for your community?

11 Have you done an “HVA” on your community? Will you be able to do one on your sheltered populations? Could this benefit you?

12 Could an HVA benefit you? ---fewer (preventable) illnesses in shelters ---fewer demands on shelter staff ---fewer demands on the acute care system ---smoother transition to recovery

13 1. Identify your shelter population. (look) 2. Identify who is not self-sufficient. 3. Enable people to be self-sufficient.

14 4. Engage your medical community in preparedness and planning. 5. Find out what resources are deficient. 6. Enable your city to be self-sufficient.

15 Summary (Take home points)  The general population will still have basic health needs, and most will be maintainable inside shelters.  Some will have new conditions from the disaster.  Operational Area resources will be minimal in the first 24-72 hrs. This includes Red Cross shelters.  Basic triage and routine assessment can identify these needs before they get worse. Know your shelter population. (look)

16 Summary, cont. (Take home points)  Involve your medical community actively in mass care planning.  Identify deficiencies in medical resources.  Develop new sources of local supply.  Develop strategies to address medical needs with your community partners.  Promote medical preparedness in the responder community and the general community.

17 How important is medical?  “Continuity of Care” is an often used medical phrase to indicate a continuous provision of care through changing environments.  Mass Care is like that.  Medical and Health considerations should also be a part of your Mass Care Plan.

18 Questions?

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