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Wrigley Science Institute Preliminary Research Directions For Presentation December 8, 2005 New WSI Logo.

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1 Wrigley Science Institute Preliminary Research Directions For Presentation December 8, 2005 New WSI Logo

2 The following pages overview the initial science Wrigley plans to pursue to support the Benefits of Chewing (BoC) program. The Wrigley Science Institute (WSI) identified these research directions and needs for three key BoC areas (diet and weight management, cognition and stress) and will seek scientific substantiation for each: –Research formats to include clinical studies, consumer and professional surveys and other data-gathering and analyses; –Research to measure both short-term and long-term effects of chewing gum; and –Research will address the effect of chewing gum in BoC areas, as well as mechanisms and underlying causes. The WSI will seek input into the preliminary research direction from the Wrigley Science Institute Advisory Panel (WSAP) and other scientific leaders. WSIAP members will receive a final update on the plan from the WSI. Preliminary Research Directions

3 Diet and Weight Management A Test how dieters who chew gum perceive whether and how gum helps them control their appetite, hunger and food intake (obtained by well focused questions to consumer/ subject population) B Advance and obtain policies documenting role of gum in diet plans from weight loss organizations (e.g., Weight Watchers) as well as from health organizations (e.g., American Diabetes Association) Conduct survey of registered dietitians and other health professionals to determine their opinions on role of gum in diet and weight management (e.g., “at least XX% agree that…) Mine NHANES database to identify relationships between chewing gum, weight and other health factors C Study chewing gum’s effect on short-term appetite cravings to show that chewing gum helps subjects eat less high- calorie snacks Obtain experts’ consensus documentation on the role of gum as a tool in diet and weight management, based on the literature and studies WSI will conduct D Conduct studies to show chewing gum’s role in affecting eating behaviors in reducing and maintaining weight loss E Compile existing weight loss program documentation, professional organization policies and recommenda- tions on chewing gum to show existing support

4 Cognition A Show study and anecdotal data and information about improvements in test scores (Northumbria and Cardiff study data) Show the relationship between chewing gum and increased blood flow/ oxygen to brain B Present Cardiff study data showing how gum improves test scores Study how individuals perceive chewing gum affects their concentration and attention C Assess how chewing gum increases focus, concentration, alertness and other cognitive factors by: Studying the impact of chewing gum on brain activity Studying other physiological impacts of chewing gum (i.e., serotonin production) D Study gum chewing’s impact on memory, retention, learning, alertness, sharpness and reaction time Study the physiological effects of active ingredients (TBD) E Study longer– term effect of chewing gum on learning and memory loss (which may include prevention)

5 Stress A Study the physiological effect of chewing gum on stress markers, including heart rate, stress hormone production and other factors Study the impact of the rhythmic motion of chewing gum on stress Test how consumers who chew gum perceive how it helps them cope with stressful situations or with everyday stress B Study the impact of chewing gum on “real-world” situations, such as: feelings of well- being, relaxation, calm and peace work productivit y in stressful situations C Study the impact of chewing gum on more specific and serious attributes of stress, such as anger management and treating depression D Conduct long- term clinical studies measuring key biological markers for diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, etc. Study/ combine measurements of self- perception and physiological studies to develop a more complete understanding of the role of chewing gum

6 Moving Forward Next steps: –Literature review –Hypothesis formation –Expert consultations –Request for proposals –Methodological development –Evaluation

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