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FIXED PENALTIES – Making enforcement a key part of your local campaign John Rea Waste Policy and Regulation Defra.

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Presentation on theme: "FIXED PENALTIES – Making enforcement a key part of your local campaign John Rea Waste Policy and Regulation Defra."— Presentation transcript:

1 FIXED PENALTIES – Making enforcement a key part of your local campaign John Rea Waste Policy and Regulation Defra

2 Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act Councils can authorise people who are not its officers to issue fixed penalty notices Power to Request Names and Address FPN form will be available to use / amend Clarification of gum as litter Levels can be locally set - £50 - £80. Default £75 Discount can be offered for early payment. FPNs are just one element of local environmental enforcement. Don’t forget others, e.g. education, campaigns and improvements to streetscene services

3 Enforcement – Good Practice  Enforcement should always be informed by a policy that is fully endorsed and supported by Legal services.  FPNs should only be issued where there is adequate evidence to support prosecution  Non payment should be pursued in the courts  Promote enforcement through links with local media  Ensure public are aware of new powers and fine levels  Regular Liaison with Youth Offending Teams

4 Enforcement Strategy Review current Enforcement Strategy Ensure public are aware of the laws and fine levels Get public support prior to enforcement crackdown You may want to employ additional enforcement staff for the campaign Guidance and training Fixed Penalty Notice Guidance Separate Guidance for issuing FPNs to juveniles Training Courses are available from Keep Britain Tidy

5 Enforcement Strategy - II Difficult to issue FPNs for gum so make sure any cases are publicised through media Ensure support of Legal Services in prosecuting against non-payment Link enforcement to the campaign and present a disposal alternative to littering

6 Evaluation Ensure all FPNs and prosecutions are recorded Report back to CGAG the following information - - Number of FPNs issued - Number of prosecutions - Payment rates for FPNs - Enforcement coverage in the media

7 Further information 16.htm E-mail

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