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Corn Video Different types of corn at called “Races.”

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1 Corn Video Different types of corn at called “Races.”

2 Biomass is biological material derived from living, or recently living organisms. It most often refers to plants or plant-based materials which are specifically called lignocellulosic biomass. 1.


4 2. Yield The amount of a crop produced per acre.

5 3. Carbon A chemical element that is part of all living organisms.

6 4. Dent Corn Dent corn is often used as livestock feed, in industrial products, or to make processed foods. Dent corn is also frequently referred to as "field" corn. Zea mays indenata

7 5. Endosperm Endosperm is the tissue produced inside the seeds of most flowering plants. Contains lots of carbohydrates.

8 6. Pericarp Outer layer of the corn seed. Alsop called Bran.

9 7. Germ The germ of a cereal is the reproductive part that germinates to grow into a plant; it is the embryo of the seed.

10 8. Starch Starch or amylum is a carbohydrate consisting of a large number of glucose units. Things like corn and potatoes have a lot of starch.

11 9. Glucose A simple sugar (carbohydrate) made by plant leaves.

12 10. Domestication The process of hereditary reorganization of wild animals and plants into domestic and cultivated forms according to the interests of people.

13 11. Hybrid A hybrid is an offspring of two animals or plants of different breeds, varieties, species, or genera.

14 12. BUSHEL 1 US bushel = 35.239072 liters Different weight for each crop

15 CommodityWeight per bushel CommodityWeight per bushel Apples48 lbs.Mustard Greens18 lbs. Lima Beans (unshelled) 30 lbs.Onions57 lbs. Pole Beans28 lbs.Peaches50 lbs. Snap Beans30 lbs.Field Peas25 lbs. Shelled Corn56 lbs. Sweet Potatoes (green) 55 lbs. Corn (in ear)70 lbs.Sweet Potatoes (dry)50 lbs. Cowpeas60 lbs.Spinach20 lbs. Cucumbers48 lbs.Tomatoes53 lbs. Eggplant33 lbs. Turnips (without tops) 54 lbs. English Peas (in hull)30 lbs.Turnip Greens (dry)16 lbs. Muscadines50 lbs.Turnip Greens (wet)18 lbs. Okra26 lbs.

16 Commodity Weight per bushel (lb) Alfalfa60 Barley48 Clover, Alsike60 Clover, Crimson60 Clover, Ladino60 Clover, White60 Clover, Red60 Clover Sweet60 Corn, shelled56 Corn, ear70 Cotton32 Cowpeas60 Flax60 Grass, Brome (smooth)14 Grass, Blue14 Grass, Fescue (tall)14 Grass, Orchard14 Grass, Redtop14 Grass, Timothy45 Lespedeza40-50 Millet50 Oats32 Rapeseed60 Rye56 Sorghum, forage50 Sorghum, grain56 Soybeans60 Sudan grass28 Sunflower (oil type)24-32 Trefoil, Birdsfoot60 Vetch60 Wheat60


18 13. Crossbreed The breeding of two purebred parents of the same breed.

19 14. Nitrogen Nitrogen is a chemical element with symbol N and atomic number 7. Nitrogen is used by organisms to make protein. Corn uses a lot of nitrogen to grow. Nitrogen Fertilizer

20 15. Amino Acid Amino acids are organic compounds that combine to form proteins.

21 16. Xanthomonas Bacteria Xanthomonas is a rod-shaped bacteria known for being a common plant pathogen.

22 17. Xanthan Gum Xanthan gum is a polysaccharide secreted by the bacterium Xanthomonas campestris,used as a food additive and commonly used as a food thickening agent (in salad dressings, for example) and a stabilizer (in cosmetic products, for example, to prevent ingredients from separating).

23 18. What does corn have to do with oil drilling? Xanthan gum from corn is used to make a lubricant for oil drilling equipment.

24 19. Carbohydrates A carbohydrate is a large biological molecule, or macromolecule, consisting of carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O) atoms.

25 20. Combine A combine, is a machine that harvests grain crops.

26 21. Hectare 1 Hectare = 2.47105 acres 1 Acre = 43,560 square feet

27 22. What products contain corn?

28 23. Bioplastics Bioplastics are plastics derived from renewable biomass sources, such as vegetable fats and oils, corn starch, pea starch.

29 24. Corn Polymer Biodegradable plastic made from corn starch.

30 25. Pathogen Any organism that can invade another and cause disease. Corn Smut, caused by a fungus.

31 26. Pest A pest is any organism that harms or destroys something of value. The corn earworm destroys corn for example.

32 27. Virulent Extremely dangerous and deadly and usually spreading very quickly. Like a disease for example.

33 28. Seed Bank A place that stores seeds.

34 29. Why should we store different varieties of corn seed? Different varieties have different traits we may need in the future.

35 30. No. 1 Yellow Corn Highest quality of corn by USDA standards.

36 31. Yeast Yeast, a microscopic, one-celled organism belonging to the group of organisms called fungi.

37 32. What makes popcorn pop? Has a harder pericarp than regular corn. When heated, the moisture inside the kernel causes it to explode.

38 33. Sweet Corn Corn eaten by humans. Sweeter and easier to digest that other types of corn.

39 34. DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid A molecule that encodes the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms.

40 35. List a career that deals with corn.

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