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Published byOsborn Williams Modified over 9 years ago
The Human Experience: Who Am I? HMXP 102 Dr. Fike
Professor Information Dr. Fike Office: Bancroft 258 Office Hours: MTWR, 1:00-1:50; and by appointment Office Phone/Voicemail: 803-323-4575 Departmental Office: Bancroft 250, 803-323- 2171 (secretary = Carol) E-mail: Web site:
Web Site THERE IS NO “WWW” IN THIS WEB SITE! Get syllabus, calendar, and other documents from my Web site.
Course Description HMXP 102 is the second part of Winthrop University’s Touchstone sequence. Through your reading, writing, and speaking, the course develops the skills that WRIT 101 introduced and prepares you for the critical thinking that CRTW 201 requires. Therefore, HMXP 102 is a “hinge” course.
Exploration of the Self Along the way, we will examine the self in various contexts that structure the readings in our anthology: –Education –Autonomy –Community (Diversity and the Other, Alienation, The Social Self) –Nature (Evolution, Ecology) –The Sacred
Add Ons My section of this course also includes presentations of various sorts on meditation, sexuality, and death.
“I” It will be essential to use the pronoun “I” in your papers. You should write about yourself in particular, not about the Self in general. In other words, it is not okay to write about the all persons.
Discussion Since discussion will take up most of our time in class, you are expected to write your essays outside of class. Discussion is a major requirement in HMXP 102. You must speak up every day.
Expectations of Students After the first day, you must be registered for the course in order to attend. Be at least several minutes early for class. Coming in at the top of the hour means that you are late. This class starts and ends on time. Once the door is closed, you are late. Do the reading well: often you will need to read the selections twice. Bring your HMXP anthology every day. It is completely unacceptable for you to come to class without a book! Before class begins, get your book and notebook out, open them, and be ready to write. Do not wait until I say something important to get your materials out. Place your materials on the desk at which you are sitting, not on the desk behind you. Use the bathroom before class so that you do not have to get up after we have begun. Do not eat in this classroom. I do not mind if you drink water during class as long as your drinking is not distracting (bottom's up is distracting). Otherwise, please observe the university's rule against eating and drinking in the classrooms (faculty members have been specifically instructed to allow no eating or drinking whatsoever in Owens; there is a no eating/drinking sign by every classroom door in Kinard. This is not a movie theater. Show a modicum of respect. Do not sleep, surf the internet, or text message during class. Computers and all other electronic devices should be turned off during class.
More Set your watch so that it does not go off at the top of the hour or on the half hour. If you chew gum, do not snap it or blow bubbles. Keep it in your mouth. I do not want to see it. Do not crack your knuckles. Follow the directions for writing papers: they say that all of your papers must be argumentative (that is, classical arguments); they must also be in a specific format and font (see "Format for Papers" below). Do not assume that you are required to do only what I tell you to do: active engagement calls for your own initiative and ingenuity. Do not violate Winthrop University's absence policy, which states that missing 25% of the class meetings means that you will automatically receive an F for the course. HMXP requires class presence and participation. Missing (the equivalent of) a month of class, by any combination of tardies and absences, means that you will automatically receive an F, even if it is the last week of class. Finally, be advised that it is better to tell me in advance about late work than to let a due date pass and then make excuses. And remember: only officially documented absences (see below) justify extensions. An absence is always an absence, whatever the reason. Winthrop athletes should see the section for athletes below.
Preparation Spend two hours outside of class for every hour that you are in class. Do the math: –Regular semester: 3 hours in class times 2 equals 6 hours a week just on preparation. –C Term: 8 hours in class times 2 equals 16 hours a week just on preparation. The reading will not take you all 6 hours, so use the rest to work on your papers.
Requirements Winthrop requires at least 3 papers, 4,500 words, and discussion. Here is how I have broken this down: 60%: Three 5-6 page papers (each paper is worth 20%) 20%: Class participation (you are welcome to keep and submit a discussion log; see instructions in the syllabus) 10%: A final examination essay during the exam period 10%: Class presence (attendance)
Papers All papers must be based on the classical argument, which means that you must look at an issue from more than one side (you must include objections to arguments and replies to objections). In other words, HMXP 102 picks up where WRIT 101 leaves off. Note: This is an important part of why HMXP is a hinge course. Argumentation anticipates what you will do in CRTW.
More on Papers FOCUS: Your papers MUST have a focused topic, which means a narrow illustration from personal experience. Focus is THE most important element of college writing.
Four Fundamental Questions What do you believe, why do you believe it, what if you are wrong, and what have you learned about yourself as a result of exploring your belief in connection with a focused topic? These are the main questions that will guide our discussions and your writing. In other words, you are NOT here to stay in the same old intellectual groove. Challenge yourself to EXAMINE what you think and to consider alternatives. Alternatives are important preparation for CRTW 201 because they are one of the “elements” of critical thinking. Deep learning = learning that helps you forge connections between class and life, as well as learning that transforms you in fundamental ways.
My Role I will function as your facilitator, coach, and co-learner; therefore, the success or failure of our class sessions is largely up to you. Discussion is crucially important. It is inevitable that some of my own views and interests will filter into our discussions, however hard I try to remain neutral. But you do not have to agree with my position if you want to get a good grade. You are missing the point if you think this. However, you DO have to be able to make arguments for what you believe.
The Point Is… My J-O-B is to get you to push yourself. That is what your parents WANT me to do! Do not mistake constructive criticism—along with my attempts to get you to think more deeply, to read and write more effectively, and to participate actively in discussion—for ill will, hostility, or some kind of intellectual coercion. I am simply trying to help you become a better reader, thinker, and writer.
More Finally, do not assume that you are required to do only what I tell you to do: active engagement calls for your own initiative and ingenuity. I expect revision to be part of your writing process for all three papers. Therefore, put your paper through multiple drafts BEFORE you submit it. Go to the Writing Center for help. Come see me at my office to talk about your work in progress: my office hour is MTWR from 1:00-1:50.
The Rest of This Slide Show I will now survey the most important points from the syllabus.
Outcomes Engage in serious consideration of various ways of defining and understanding the “self.” (Note: You do not get to talk about the “self” in general and never learn anything about YOURself. This is a course about WHO YOU ARE as an individual human being.) Accomplish the above by reading thoroughly and critically and by making connections between the reading material and your understanding of yourself and others. Share your reactions and understanding with your classmates and learn to understand other perspectives. Learn to develop and communicate ideas by reading carefully, listening intensely, and writing and speaking clearly. You will understand that knowledge is a social construct and that thoughts are things. For additional outcomes, see the syllabus.
Required Texts The Human Experience: Who Am I? (7 th ed. or any edition with par. numbers) The Prentice Hall Reference Guide to Grammar and Usage (3 rd custom ed. for WU or any edition with the new MLA format in it) Note: MLA format changed a few years ago, so previous editions of the handbook may be out of date.
Required Supplies A good dictionary (look up words that you do not understand) A spiral notebook (please bring this to class every day) A back-up disk or flash drive (e-mailing your work to yourself and saving it on the network are also good safeguards; save early, save often; things like "the computer 'ate' my paper" and “my husband stepped on my computer” are not valid excuses) A stapler (all work submitted in this class must be stapled) A Winthrop University e-mail address (I may e-mail reminders through the system, and you are welcome to use the list server as well: hmxp102***; at the *** plug in your section number).hmxp102*** An account on NOTE: There is no listserv in the summer.
Course Listserv If you are not registered for the course by the day before the term begins, you must go to age=pages/classlist.asp age=pages/classlist.asp and add yourself to the listserv. Similarly, if you drop the course at some point, you must go to this Web site and remove your e-mail address.
Grading Scale A, 95-100; A-, 90-94; B+, 87-89; B, 83-86; B-, 80-82; C+, 77-79; C, 73-76; C-, 70-72; D+, 67-69; D, 63-66; D-, 60-62; F, 0-59.
Summer Only: Order of Paper Assignments Week one: Nothing due Week two: Paper One Week three: Paper Two Week four: Paper Three Week five: Final exam Note: All paper submissions must be accompanied by a copy of the Paper Comment Sheet. (Summer 2010: 4 papers, 1 revision, a cover letter, and a final examination)
On Your Own Read the following: –Notes on Grading –Rubrics –Departmental Policies –Course Policies
Papers: The Basic Requirements 5 full pages is the absolute minimum A focused topic in connection with a text A thesis (qualification, controversial idea about the focus, a reason why): “Although... I will argue that... because....” Classical argument, including multiple paragraphs for arguments, objections, and replies MLA format (parenthetical citation, works cited) Reflection on yourself in the conclusion.
Three Key Policies Attendance Tardiness Format for Papers
Attendance We will follow Winthrop's standard attendance policy: "If a student's absences in a course total 25 percent or more of the class meetings for the course, the student will receive a grade of N, F, or U, whichever is appropriate" (Undergraduate Catalog). Regular semester: There are 28 scheduled class meetings; 7 = 25%; therefore, a seventh absence means that you have failed the course. Summer: There are 20 scheduled class meetings; 5 = 25%; therefore, a 5 th absence means that you have failed the course.
Winthrop-Related Absences An important note for athletes: Your athletic-trip- related absences are still absences. You do not get three "free" absences on top of your trip-related absences. Like everyone else, you only get three "free" absences, so do not skip class just because you do not feel like coming. Furthermore, if you have work due on a trip day, you must submit it before you leave. By staying in this class, you agree to these terms. If you insist that being an athlete entitles you to extra absences, expect me to phone the athletic department. If you miss a presentation because of an athletic trip, you must still help the group prepare, and I will allow you to do a make-up assignment to cover the rest of your obligation.
Tardiness Please remember that coming in late disrupts everyone and may even stop the class for a few moments. Try to arrive at least a few minutes early and be ready to begin right at the start of the hour. Get out your book, notebook, and pen or pencil BEFORE the day’s activities begin. Arriving 5 or more minutes late (or leaving 5 or more minutes early) will be considered a full absence. I will count every three tardy arrivals (less than 5 minutes late) as a full absence. Tardy-generated absences will count against the university's 25% attendance policy. Finally, if you come in late, you must see me after class so that I change your absence mark to a tardy mark. If you do not see me after class, your tardiness on a given day will count as an absence.
Format for Papers Use Courier New, 12-point, which is what you are reading right now. I will not accept papers if they are not in the proper format. “Format for Papers” gives you a full description of the requirements. Comment sheet: GNED%20102/gned%20102%20comment %20Sheet%2008S.doc GNED%20102/gned%20102%20comment %20Sheet%2008S.doc
Assignments for Next Time Next class: –Reading: Plato, "The Allegory of the Cave," 3-6; also read “How To Write the College Essay.”
Introductions Dr. Matthew Fike –Degrees: A.B., Hope College, 1982 A.M., University of Michigan, 1985 Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1988 –I have been at WU since 2000. Before that I worked for the American University in Bulgaria for nine years. –My interests: Sailing Psychology Exercise –I have taught HMXP for many years. If you were taking the course from another instructor, chances are good that s/he would be using some of my slide shows.
Introductions Regular semester: Find a partner and exchange information (6 minutes—three minutes apiece). Introduce your partner to the rest of the class. OR June term: Let’s talk as a whole class, one person at a time. Introduce yourself and respond to classmates’ questions.
Question What did you do in WRIT 101? Again, get with your partner and do some brainstorming (4 minutes). In particular, what did you read, and what kinds of papers did you write? How is HMXP 102 different?
Distinction HMXP 102 is billed as “a course with a significant writing component.” You will get the most out of it, however, if you regard it as a freshman writing course or as a writing-intensive course.
Implications of HMXP 102 as a Writing Course Prewriting and revision are very important. Conferences are important. Process writing is key. Do not start your papers at the last minute. See me as your coach: the papers and the final exam are the bar; my job is to get you in shape to clear it by the end of the semester.
Note You do not know what you think about something until you write about it! Therefore, the notion that you can explore a text apart from writing about it is a half truth.
Writing in Class Free-writing: Write about your education— formal or informal. Set down anything that comes to mind. It does not have to be your WU education. It can be your high school education or any other experience that taught you things. After 5 minutes we will check in and get some feedback. What did you write? What questions do you have for each other?
Next Step: More Free-Writing What are your paradigms? In other words, what “models for thinking” do you embrace? What are your “filters,” “barriers,” “lenses,” or “impediments”? Write down as many as you can.
Final Step What if those paradigms are actually impediments to accurately perceiving and critically thinking about yourself and the world? This is what Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave,” your reading for next time, is about. Therefore, as you read this text, ask yourself if you might, in some way, be a cave dweller (a person who sees the world from a perspective that is limited, distorted, and fundamentally incorrect).
Paper One Topics Topics: %20102/GNED%20102%20Suggested%20Pape r%20Topics.htm %20102/GNED%20102%20Suggested%20Pape r%20Topics.htm Paper One Slide Show: %20102/GNED%20102%20Feedback%20on%2 0Paper%20One.pps %20102/GNED%20102%20Feedback%20on%2 0Paper%20One.pps
Our Four Questions in HMXP 102 What do I believe? Why do I believe it? What if I’m wrong? What have I learned about myself by thinking things through? For example, are you a cave dweller who needs to move up to the light? Are your beliefs holding you back? WHO ARE YOU in the context of formal and informal education? THINK ON THESE THINGS AS YOU READ PLATO FOR NEXT TIME. END
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