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Dr Esyin Chew Senior Lecturer in Technology Enhanced Learning, Teaching and Assessment The TEL Story at Glamorgan - Implementing Institutional Enhancement.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr Esyin Chew Senior Lecturer in Technology Enhanced Learning, Teaching and Assessment The TEL Story at Glamorgan - Implementing Institutional Enhancement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr Esyin Chew Senior Lecturer in Technology Enhanced Learning, Teaching and Assessment The TEL Story at Glamorgan - Implementing Institutional Enhancement Future Directions: Feeding Forward, Enhancing Learning and Teaching through Technology

2 Addressing the challenges: How to Engage staff and students for technology enhanced learning (TEL)? The experience… 2 Busy…Attitude / resistance / assumption

3 Content 1.Successful Establishment Before Gwella 2.TEL’s Development and Gwella Journey 2008-2010 3.Implementing Institutional Enhancement with 7 Evidenced-based Good practices 4.Challenges and Conclusion 3

4 Successful establishment before Gwella… 1.L&T Strategy 2.ELTA Awards Excellence and innovation in learning and teaching practice Innovation and excellence in student assessment Jones, N., Chew, E., Jones, C. and Lau, A. (2009) “Over the worst or at the eye of the storm?”, Emerald: Journal of Education and Training, 51(1), 6-22.

5 Developments for TEL (2008-2011 ) (1) Embedding assessment policy throughout the University by promoting and raising awareness of online submission and assessment, by providing training and support in its use for 30% of academic staff in 08/09, and a further 50% of academic staff in 09/10;assessment policy (2) Developing the use of social networking software to support and strengthen the online learning experience for Glamorgan students; (3) Enhancing the already established Good Practice Website, providing examples based on TEL developments to share good practice across the institution; (4) Continuing the TEL seminar series to share good practice in the University with colleagues from the Welsh HE and Further Education sector; (5) Providing technical support for Welsh Medium Teaching Development Centre (WMTDC) projects to facilitate the collaborative online delivery of Welsh-medium courses across HEIs.

6 Gwella Journey 2008

7 Gwella Journey 2009

8 Gwella Journey 2010

9 TEL without the “T”? It is not about promoting new technology to the Glamorgan academic staff but tools to enable them to revisit, redesign and possibly enhance learning, teaching and assessment-related activities

10 Implementing Institutional Enhancement 1.Strong support from the Senior Management 2. Influence the influencer - Engage or ‘target’ the senior member, head of division/department, HoLTs, deans and etc. Top-down approach

11 Implementing Institutional Enhancement 3.Short and simple user guide 4.Group training (more than 90 sessions; more than 600 participants) 5.121 support (about 20-40 staff a month through phone calls, emails and office visit) 6.Funded research project Use research to support the “ change“ – positive VS negative experiences Motivation for publication and “shout to the world” Evidence: HEA, Turnitin, RAE and ELESIG projectsHEATurnitinELESIG Horizontal approach

12 Implementing Institutional Enhancement 7. Student-driven change: Student as a Change Agent! Bottom-up approach “My students request to use online submission, please show me how to set it up!” ~Staff from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences “If all tutors marked through GradeMark, it would work a lot better…it provides meaningful feedback” ~ SVR “If all tutors marked through GradeMark, it would work a lot better…it provides meaningful feedback” ~ SVR “…I wished all tutors used it!” ~ Turn it in or Turn it off project “…I wished all tutors used it!” ~ Turn it in or Turn it off project

13 Summary of the 7 Practices Top-down approach Horizontal approach Bottom-up approach

14 Institutional Enhancement Quantitative evidence Figures on training and 121 support Actual usage (system stats) Student experience questionnaire Qualitative evidence 121 support Video interview with students and academics Findings from funded research Further details in the Gwella case studyGwella case study and Gwella publicationsGwella publications

15 Further Enhancement 1.Actively engaged with HEA SIGs (LERSIG & ELESIG) TurnitinUK, QMP, JISC, BB and ALT. 2.Glamorgan leads four Gwella funded CAMELS in Learning Environment Review; online assessment; PDP and e-portfolios; and Social Software. 3.Research informed practice (or vice-versa): received research funding for TEL projects and disseminate the funded project outcomes to more than 10 international / national conferences, and published 17 journal papers/book chapters/conference proceedings reflecting on the Glamorgan’s TEL for experience.project outcomes 4.Key developments for TEL have been achieved through the institutional Gwella enhancement evidenced by Glamorgan students, staff and external bodies (i.e. SLiDA project and JISC e-learning evaluation programme case studies). SLiDAJISC e-learning evaluation programme case studies

16 Challenges and Conclusion  There are also increasing discussion and debate across the faculties about the readiness of both staff and students for TEL.  However, Glamorgan academics are overcoming these challenges by realising for themselves the student-driven benefits of their increased use of TEL[1].[1]  Such commitment to enhance student learning and assessment experiences, added to individuals’ persistency and patience towards technological constraints has given rise to enhanced performance.

17 Challenges and Conclusion  Success in developing the use of TEL across the institution means that there is a perpetual challenge in providing support to meet increasing demands for both pedagogic and technical guidance and advice.  In terms of the enhancement of academic staff, we are now working with ‘TEL leaders’, and meeting the challenge of those who are perhaps most resistant to changing their practice through the JISC Capacity Building project.

18 Implementing Institutional Enhancement at Glamorgan Enhancement than embedding Challenge Pedagogy than technology Celebrate the Focus Student Experience driven change Change

19 Links Esyin Chew Senior Lecturer in Technology Enhanced Learning, Teaching & Assessment Thank you

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