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1. Ability express physical condition clearly when visiting clinics; Ability 2. to read medicine bag correctly; Ability 3. to take medications correctly;

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Presentation on theme: "1. Ability express physical condition clearly when visiting clinics; Ability 2. to read medicine bag correctly; Ability 3. to take medications correctly;"— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 Ability express physical condition clearly when visiting clinics; Ability 2. to read medicine bag correctly; Ability 3. to take medications correctly; Ability 4. to be the master of oneself in drug usage; Ability make friends with pharmacists and physicians. 2 National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch

3 3

4 Ability 1: Express Physical Condition Clearly When Visiting Clinics Patients need to understand their own conditions and express the statements below clearly:  Clearly describe the symptoms The status of symptoms, uncomfortable area and time, etc.  Clearly describe personal special status Drug allergy, food allergy, special food need (vegetarian, low salt, low sugar, etc.) 4 National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch

5 Ability 1: Express Physical Condition Clearly When Visiting Clinics (cont.)  Clearly describe past history Surgical and admission history, special disease history (hypertension, diabetes, live diseases, heart diseases, renal diseases, etc.), family history, special examination results, etc.  Clearly describe current medication use Herbs, vitamins, oral contraceptives, supplementary diet, alcoholic drinks, some special food, etc. 5 National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch

6 Ability 1: Express Physical Condition Clearly When Visiting Clinics (cont.)  Clearly describe the behavior of driving cars, examination or handling equipment Some medications will make patient fall asleep or decrease the ability of concentration and defense.  Females should clearly describe the status of pregnancy and breast-feeding. 6 National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch

7 7 Ability 2: To Read Medicine Bag Correctly

8 Wan-Hsuan Lin 8 Your name & age How to take the medicine? How long you should take? Verify the quantity Drug name and appearance Is the indication corresponding to your illness? Potential side effect(s) Read the special notes If there is any drug-related problem, call this number for consultation.

9 Patient’s name. Method of use. Drugs’ indications. Drugs’ names. External appearance. Treatment course. Side effects. Warnings of drugs. Expiration date. 9 National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch

10 10 Ability 3: To Take Medicine Correctly National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch

11 Oral? External? Know the Route of Administration 11 National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch

12 12 Know How to Use the Medicine Formulation of TabletHow to Take It Controlled-release tabletDo not chew it Enteric-coated tabletDo not chew it or take it with antacids Effervescent tabletDrink it after solving it in water Antacid tabletChew it well National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch

13 13 Know How to Use the Medicine (Cont.) Take medicine with enough water Do NOT take it with any beverage Juice - especially grapefruit juice Milk Tea Coffee National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch

14 14 What’s the Time to Take Medicine? National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch

15 15 “ Before Meals” or “After Meals” Before Meals 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after meals After Meals 30 to 60 minutes after meals Follow the directions provided by your doctor or pharmacist if you are in special condition. Diabetes National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch

16 16 Daily Time Intervals Between Each Dosage Frequency BreakfastLunchDinnerBefore bedtime Four times a day Three times a day Twice a day Once a day A fixed time daily Three times a day = Every 8 hours National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch

17 17 The “Once A Day ” A fixed time daily Morning Diuretics Before bedtime Sedatives National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch

18 Wan-Hsuan Lin 18 Guess What Does It Mean? Morning Noon Night Before bedtime Before meals After meals Two pills One pill Half a pill For nasal use Apply to eye(s) Apply to ear(s)

19 19 Oops! I Forgot to Take the Medicine… National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch

20 20 8:0012:0010:00 Take the missed doseDo not take the missed dose Time for Medication Do NOT double the dosage for the next dose! X Midpoint of Dosing Interval National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch

21 21 How to Store Your Medicine? National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch

22 How to Store Your Medicine? Avoid light, wet and heat Keep it in the original packing Some drugs should be stored between 2-8 ℃ 22 National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch

23 23  Drugs for oral administration and external use should be stored separately.  The expiration date would be shorter once you opened it.  Don’t keep the desiccant or cotton in the container. How to Store Your Medicine? (cont.)

24 24 Ability 4: Be the Master of Yourself in Drug Usage National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch

25 25 The Principle of Medication Safety: Five NOes  Do not LISTEN to opinions from non-health professionals Do not BELIEVE in drugs with exaggerated effects $ Do not BUY drugs at inappropriate place  Do not TAKE drugs provided by others Do not RECOMMEND drugs to others National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch

26 Four Steps to Identify Legal Drugs! Four Steps to Identify Legal Drugs! Obtain it at appropriate place Permit number 衛署藥製字第○○○○○○號 衛署藥輸字第○○○○○○號 衛署成製字第○○○○○○號 衛署成輸字第○○○○○○號 Essential information in detail Brand name, name and address of manufacturing company, date of manufacture or batch number, content of the main ingredient(s), usage and dosage, indication, side effect(s), contraindication(s) or precaution(s) and expiration date Drug classification 26 National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch

27 Brand name Name, address & contact number of manufacturing company Batch number & expiration date Content of the main ingredient Indication Permit Number Drug classification Route of administration

28 National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch How to Identify Legal Drugs? 28

29 National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch Wan-Hsuan Lin 29 How to Identify Legal Drugs? (Cont.)

30 National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch Wan-Hsuan Lin 30 How to Identify Legal Drugs? (Cont.)

31 National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch 31 How to Identify Legal Drugs? (Cont.)

32 National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch 32 How to Identify Legal Drugs? (Cont.)

33 National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch 33 How to Identify Legal Drugs? (Cont.)

34 National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch Wan-Hsuan Lin Permit number of drug advertisement 衛署藥廣字第○○○○○○○號 北市衛藥廣字第○○○○○○號 高市衛藥廣字第○○○○○○號 How to Identify Legal Advertisement? Permit number of drug Permit number of drug advertisement 34

35 35 National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch

36 Book the telephone numbers of your pharmacists or physicians that you are familiar with in your directory if they agree. You may ask your pharmacists or physicians when: Buying OTC (over the counter) drugs Taking medications Taking chronic illness refill prescription Someone is selling unknown drugs Discomfort after taking medicines. It will have special line for medication consultation on your medicine bags. 36 National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch

37 Let Your Pharmacist Check Your Medication! Do you take your medicine correctly? Does the medicine work? Any medicine with similar effect? Any adverse reaction? Any drug-drug interaction? Stay on medication or any adjustment is required? 37

38 Thank You for Your Attention 38 National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch

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