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Murder on metal row Case Number : 00.09.2208 Investigation Lead by Chief Donohue and HGHS Crime Scene Investigation Team.

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2 Murder on metal row Case Number : 00.09.2208 Investigation Lead by Chief Donohue and HGHS Crime Scene Investigation Team

3 Objective Use density to determine the identity of a mysterious metal found scattered at the crime scene of a vicious murder and identify the perpetrator.

4 Case File No. 00.09.2208 On the evening of September 1 st at approximately 0200 hours, dispatch received an anonymous phone call reporting suspicious activity off of 32 Ave and the Gratigny, an area full of metal factories and warehouse known as Metal Row. Upon investigation, Miami-Dade police officers discovered the body of Mr. Dennis Ettie, a 45-year male delivery man, in one of the dark alleys of Metal Row. Time of death was recorded at 0100 hours. Cause of death is documented as asphyxiation followed by post-mortem lacerations. The only evidence found at the scene were tire tread marks and a strange metal scattered around the body. The identity of the metal is unknown, but investigators have concluded that the metal came from the suspect’s vehicle. The identity of the metal will lead investigators to identify the metal factory the vehicle came from and thus lead to the capture of the perpetrator. The night shift logs were checked at all the warehouses and factories and the following suspects were taken in for questioning. All have denied know Mr. Dennis Ettie, however, none of the five suspects have an alibi for the night of September 1 st and all were clocked in at their factories and warehouses. It is now up to the Forensic Investigators of Hialeah Gardens High to determine the identity of the unknown metal which will lead detectives to the capture of the murderer of Metal Row.

5 Suspects

6 Suspects 1)Ms. Goldie Savors – Work: Late night administrator at gold jewelry factory 2)Ms. Silva Reynolds – Work: Night shift manager at aluminum foil distributing warehouse 3)Mr. Stan Chew Liberty – Work: Night shift manager at copper factory 4)Mr. Tom Atta Cambell – Work: Night guard at soup canning factory 5)Mr. Reddi Tuflie – Work: Night delivery man for Boeing Jet Manufacturers 6)Ms. Ima Richey – Night shift manager at Zale’s Jewelry warehouse Goldie SavorsSilvia Reynolds Ima RicHey Tom A. Cambell Stan C. Liberty Reddi Tuflie

7 Case Notes There has been a break-in at the Hialeah Gardens forensic laboratory. The control metals have been scattered throughout the lab and it will be necessary to determine the density of the control metals before evidence can be tested.

8 C.S.I./Investigative Team Roles Lead Crime Scene Investigator – Leader of the team – Report to Chief Donohue with any questions Evidence Collector/Head Lab Technician – Handles lab equipment – Ensures validity of procedures – Obtains/returns evidence from/to chief Crime Scene Photographer – Records images of evidence – Records images of procedures Crime Scene Investigator/recorder – Ensures accurate data collection from various lab test – Supervises lab staff and analyzes their calculations

9 To turn in now… A piece of paper with each team members name and role

10 Modifications Two graduated cylinders will be used (50 mL and 10mL) A 60 mL beaker is provided (not a 250 mL beaker) A Plastic pipette is at each station Makes sure to dry off all metals before recording the mass Remember, you may start with ANY initial volume, just make sure you record it and… Make sure the metal being tested is COMPLETELY submerged in the water when you take the final volume measurements

11 Background Info



14 Using an electronic scale

15 Read volume from the meniscus! Must be to at LEAST 2 decimal places! 0.01mL

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