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Culture Read chapter 2!. The concept of culture is studied by everyone!  sociology  anthropology,  history  Geography  Literature  Humanities 

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1 Culture Read chapter 2!

2 The concept of culture is studied by everyone!  sociology  anthropology,  history  Geography  Literature  Humanities  even psychology includes cultural concepts!

3 Definition of culture:  Our text says culture is…  “The knowledge, language, values, customs and material objects  Passed from person to person,  From generation to generation,  In human groups or society”

4 Humans learn culture…  HOW?  Through interaction,  Observation,  Imitation,  In short, from living in a group

5 In fact, if you have to learn culture from a book,  You’re in sad shape!

6 If you’re human,  You’ve experienced culture!  Individuals need culture to survive…  It’s the info we need to know how to  Take care of ourselves  Behave  Dress  What to eat  “Get along” in life

7 Culture is fundamental to society, too.  Culture ensures the smooth operation of society--  Every society must meet basic needs of providing food, shelter, safety…  How to settle disputes and deal with emotions and what to believe  The more consensus on these issues, the better the chance of survival

8 However…  It’s a balancing act.  The interest of individuals must be balanced with the needs of a society  Loss of freedom vs.  Not inventing the wheel?

9 Culture is a system of “rule making”  Rules make for an orderly society…  Everyone on the same page simplifies things  Example: stop n go;  Standing in line;  greetings

10 Let’s review…  Culture is learned by virtue of living in a group

11 Both individuals and society need culture…  For survival!

12 Two kinds of culture:  Material culture  The physical, tangible creations that members make use and share  Nonmaterial culture  The abstract, intangible human creations (attitudes, beliefs, values, for instance)

13 Four components of culture:  Symbols  Language  Values  Norms

14 Symbols  Anything that meaningfully represents something else

15 Language:  Taler de fransk?  Nej, men jeg taler derimod dansk, engelsk og tysk.

16 Huh?

17 VALUES:  Collective ideas about what’s  Right/wrong  Good/bad  Desirable/undesirable  Beautiful/ugly

18 Values  Some examples of American values  Individualism  Achievement and success  Activity and work  Science and technology  Progress and material comfort  Cleanliness

19 NORMS:  Established rules of behavior or standards of conduct  We don’t chew food with mouth open  We face forward in elevators  We hold door open for someone carrying packages  We drive on the right side of the road

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