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English for APEC. My name is Mark Bainbridge English for the next 90 minutes.

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Presentation on theme: "English for APEC. My name is Mark Bainbridge English for the next 90 minutes."— Presentation transcript:

1 English for APEC

2 My name is Mark Bainbridge

3 English for the next 90 minutes

4 How we… Introduce ourselves Make small talk End conversations Commit to contact Communicate non-verbally

5 But first… Most people are nervous Pretend to be confident Nobody dies

6 Introducing ourselves Various situations –At a social function –The person sitting next to you –Sitting down to eat

7 Social function Walking into a room alone Look for groups with an opening Look for someone on their own For a group: –“Good evening, may I join you?” –Thank you. My name is …. from….”

8 Social function For someone on their own:- –“Good evening, may I join you?” –Extend hand for handshake –“Thank you. My name is …. from… When shaking hands:- –Make it firm –Make eye contact

9 Social function When somebody walks up to you –“May I join you?” –“Please do” –Thank you. My name is ….. from….” –Extend your hand –“I’m …. from…. How nice to meet you” –“And these are fellow travelers from….”

10 Person next to you In a meeting if someone sits next to you If convenient extend your hand –“Hullo. I’m ….. from …..” No need to introduce friends on the other side If time allows, start small talk –“Is this your first Apec meeting?”

11 Sitting down to eat For either a buffet or service meal –“Is this seat taken?” –“No, please sit down” –“Thank you. I’m …. from….” Shake hands if convenient If you are asked –“Is this seat taken?” –“No. Please join me”

12 Name cards Shake hands then present? Offer then shake hands? If no sign of the other person’s then:- –Shake hands –Offer name card –“May I give you my name card?” –“Can I please have yours?”

13 Small talk Difficult for English & non-English speakers Not a waste of time Gateway to deeper, profitable contact Prepare Research on who you will meet Ask yourself about your country

14 Small talk Avoid talking about:- –Money –Religion –Politics –Death –Anything too personal Don’t rush to sell Be an active listener

15 Small talk exercise

16 Ending conversations Part of a group –“Please excuse me, I have an appointment” One-on-one –“Sorry, I have enjoyed your company but I have to leave” –“Sorry, I have to leave, but can we meet …”

17 Commit to contact Secure an e-mail address Write as soon as you return Subject: Apec Follow Up Opening line:- –“Dear …. This is …… writing from Taipei. You might recall we met at Apec.”

18 Non verbal communication Make eye contact when talking & listening Lean forward to listen Non-intrusive contact

19 Questions?

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