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Welfare Reform Implementation & Support Programme ADSW Welfare Reform Seminar Edinburgh 11 th April 2013 Mark McAteer & Andrew Noble The Improvement Service.

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Presentation on theme: "Welfare Reform Implementation & Support Programme ADSW Welfare Reform Seminar Edinburgh 11 th April 2013 Mark McAteer & Andrew Noble The Improvement Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welfare Reform Implementation & Support Programme ADSW Welfare Reform Seminar Edinburgh 11 th April 2013 Mark McAteer & Andrew Noble The Improvement Service

2 Overview Welfare Reform - key impacts & issues Welfare Reform Implementation Support Programme (WRISP) Challenges & Issues for Social Work Services Questions & Discussion

3 Welfare Reform – a summary The biggest shake up of the welfare and benefits system for 60 years set against the deepest recession in 70 years Reduction in the welfare budget of between £2.5 billion & £4.5 billion in Scotland up to 2015 Main focus April 2013 onwards : - simplify the system & ‘make work pay’- Universal Credit - active labour market measures Incapacity Benefit to ESA; the Work Programme etc. - reduce benefit levels & entitlements - stigmatise the poor ?

4 Key Impacts: For Councils Revenue & Service Pressures - Housing Benefit : ‘bedroom tax’ under occupy by 1 room 14% reduction, 2 rooms or more 25% reduction - Council Tax 10% cut to funding, SG is making up in 2013-14 - Welfare Fund with Councils rather than DWP; for Crisis & Community Care Grants: demand led - Timescales to introduce new services/ systems/ processes New Demands - Advice & support - Education/ Housing/ Employment & Econ Development/ Social Work..... - Providing access: digital by default (80:20 split)

5 Key Impacts: For Households Reduced income levels - Benefit cap at £500 per family household, £350 per single person - Reduction in the rate of benefit up-rating (1%) - Under occupancy impact UK Gov: 80K; SG 105K (81% 1 room) - increased indebtedness DLA - PIP reassessment; budget reduction of 20%; 70,000 people will move off DLA/ PIP to other benefits or Work Programme Digital exclusion – approx. 50% households with income under £15K p.a. have no home internet access or 41% households in 15% most deprived communities by SIMD Increased stress - jobless households to show active work search or will be sanctioned by DWP; working households receiving WTC to show active effort to increase work hours to reduce need for WTC

6 Key Impacts: For Communities Clustering affects - reduction in resilience; reinforcement of already –ve outcomes; further marginalisation & exclusion 3 rd sector being squeezed – so who is the backstop Economic impact – 90% of benefits spent in local economy Most vulnerable are most at risk - disabled; alcohol & drug addicted; former looked after children; carers (adults & children); lone parent families; families that have broken down; homeless; those fleeing domestic abuse; chronically ill; non home owners.......

7 Key Challenges For Social Work Services Your main client groups will be disproportionately impacted upon - “cost shunting” from DWP ? Increased demand on your services - disaggregate & profile the demand & target your responses; ‘prevention’ focus....... Integrated working other council services - Housing; Education; Revenue & Benefits (referral process from WF to SWS; criteria for passported benefits); Customer Services (debt management & advice); ICT (system updates/ developments) etc Engaging partners - NHS; Police; Enterprise; RSL’s; 3 rd Sector; community groups etc Getting staff/ elected members aware & engaged

8 Welfare Reform Implementation Support Programme (WRISP) Jointly funded programme between SG & IS Programme Objectives Deliver practical support to Councils & CPPs concerning both general & specific needs around the implementation of WR Collate & co-ordinate wider work to implement WR & provide a platform to exchange information & good practice Try to ensure that the implementation of WR is undertaken in a way which minimise the negative impact on outcomes for communities & families & helps support better long term outcomes for individuals, families & communities

9 WRISP Initial Focus Establish a Knowledge Hub for Welfare Reform - expand & extend its usage/ value to users “Preparedness” checklist for Local Authorities covering key areas of WR - Informing the development of the Programme Workplan Support established national groups in carrying out their work around WR Elected Members master class/ workshops & briefing materials

10 WRISP Objectives Going Forward Knowledge sharing through expansion, development & promotion of the WR Scotland K-HUB Promote understanding of the impacts of WR & mitigation approaches Support the implementation & dissemination of knowledge from the Scottish Government Welfare Reform- Universal Credit pilots Provide specific support to local Councils/ CPPs based on initial feedback from the preparedness checklist Link with related IS programmes to develop coherent approaches to mitigation around prevention, money advice services, economic development, CPP reform

11 Q & A

12 Question: What does the new welfare landscape mean for design and delivery of services and how might we begin to address the challenges this presents for the individuals and families who rely on social work services for support? Question: What impact will Welfare Reform have on strategic Social Work developments- Health and Social Care integration, GIRFEC, adult and children’s services?

13 Further Information Andrew Noble, Programme Manager k

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