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1 1 Mierta Capaul, World Bank Group December 8, 2007 Semiramis Intercontinental Hotel, Cairo.

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1 1 1 Mierta Capaul, World Bank Group December 8, 2007 Semiramis Intercontinental Hotel, Cairo

2 2 What are the Doing Business indicators? 20072008 Starting a business Dealing with licenses Employing workers Registering property Getting credit Protecting investors Paying taxes Trading across borders Enforcing contracts Closing a business Update of 2007 Add 3 countries Reformer’s Club: 11 case studies Add Not paying bribes Add Using infrastructure Research program on regulation and business opportunities for women 2009

3 3 Top 30 countries on the ease of doing business 16.Switzerland 17.Estonia 18.Georgia 19.Belgium 20.Germany 21.Netherlands 22.Latvia 23.Saudi Arabia 24.Malaysia 25.Austria 26.Lithuania 27.Mauritius 28.Puerto Rico 29.Israel 30.Korea 1.Singapore 2.New Zealand 3.United States 4.Hong Kong, China 5.Denmark 6.United Kingdom 7.Canada 8.Ireland 9.Australia 10.Iceland 11.Norway 12.Japan 13.Finland 14.Sweden 15.Thailand 126. Egypt Source: Doing Business database

4 4 Egypt is the world’s top reformer EconomyStarting a business Dealing with licenses Employi ng workers Registering property Getting credit Protecti ng investo rs Paying taxes Trading across borders Enforci ng contrac ts Closing a busines s Egypt Croatia Ghana Macedonia FYR Georgia Colombia Saudi Arabia Kenya China Bulgaria

5 5 Egypt’s rank remains below average in the region Countries that improved their ranking in DB08 23 29 40 49 68 80 85 88 113 117 125 126 129 135 137 141 146 Saudi Arabia Israel Kuwait Oman United Arab Emirates Jordan Lebanon Tunisia Yemen West Bank and Gaza Algeria Egypt Morocco Iran Syria Iraq Djibouti*.. although Egypt made the single fastest climb in the overall ranking – jumping 26 places in one year. Rank on the ease of doing business Source: Doing Business database

6 6 Alexandria, Assiut, Cairo  Starting a business  Dealing with licenses  Registering property Reforms in getting credit, protecting investors, trading across borders, paying taxes Doing Business in Egypt 2008 measuring 3 indicators across 3 governorates

7 7 Is it easy to start a business – or not in Alexandria, Assiut, and Cairo Registering business at one-stop shop in Assiut or Alexandria has become as easy and almost as fast as in Cairo The boldest reform in 2006/7 was to cut the minimum capital requirement – to 12.9% of income per capita Procedures (number) Time (days) Cost (% of income per capita) Alexandria81528.6 Assiut81428.6 Cairo7928.6

8 8 Outcome of reform: More new businesses 53 67 74 49 878089 93 152 103 148 123 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJune 2006 Before reform 2007 After reform Source: Doing Business database

9 9 Where is it easy to deal with licenses in Alexandria, Assiut, and Cairo It takes 26 procedures on average to get a construction license across Egypt, time varies but cost is the same Getting a construction permit is easiest in Assiut Procedures (number) 30 19 28 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 AlexandriaAssiutCairo Time (days) 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 AlexandriaAssiutCairo 249 109 207 Source: Doing Business database

10 10 Fewer construction procedures in Assiut Procedures before construction Procedures during construction Procedures after construction Procedures associated with utilities Source: Doing Business database 99 11 1 10 5 5 5 4 4 4 AssiutCairoAlexandria

11 11 Registering property in Alexandria and Assiut There are 7 procedures, cost varies from 0.7-1 % of property value, but there are big differences in time 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Procedures Time (days) Assiut (33 days) Alexandria (159 days) Time needed to register property in Alexandria and Assiut Source: Doing Business database

12 12 Improving Egypt’s rankings by adopting good practices within the country IndicatorGlobal ranking Egypt (Cairo) Best classified city in Egypt Global ranking best classified city Days to open a business 16Cairo16 Cost to register property 23Assiut20 Days to deal with licenses 130Assiut25 Procedures to open a business 43Cairo43 Days to register property 154Assiut58 Cost to open a business 102Alexandria, Assiut, Cairo 102 Procedures to deal with licenses 160Assiut104 Procedures to register property 105Alexandria, Assiut, Cairo 105 Cost to deal with licenses 119Alexandria, Cairo119

13 13 √ Puebla √Mexico City √Coahuila √ Chihuahua √√San Luis Potosí √√Nuevo León √√Guanajuato √√√Yucatán √√√Querétaro √√√Aguascalientes Enforcing contracts Registering property Starting a business What gets measured - gets done 9 of 12 Mexican cities benchmarked in 2006 and 2007 reformed

14 14 Investors look for upside potential Source: Doing Business database, Morgan Stanley Capital International data

15 15 OECS Brazil Colombia Mexico Phillipines India Morroco New York Russia SEE Italy China Bangladesh Turkey South Africa Pakistán Abu Dhabi Central Asia Global roll out Subnational and Regional Doing Business projects Egypt OECS Brazil Colombia Mexico Philippines India Morocco New York Russia SEE - Balkans Italy China Bangladesh Turkey South Africa Pakistan Abu Dhabi Central Asia Egypt Ongoing Planned

16 16 Many thanks!

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