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Dr. Iman Osama Abdel Gawad

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1 Dr. Iman Osama Abdel Gawad
HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE EDUCATION: POTENTIALS AND LIMITATIONS FOR A BETTER DESIGN PROBLEM SOLVING Dr. Iman Osama Abdel Gawad Helwan University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Architecture, Cairo, Egypt

2 Research scope Rathod (2009) describe the need for studying history and its link to architecture design as: "Imagine a tree branch projecting outwards. The length of projection depends up on the depth of its anchor beam. More the depth and strength of anchorage, more is the scope of its projection" proposing new teaching strategies for architectural design faculties (especially architectural institutions with limited resources) in order to overcome problems and limitations of sustainable design education in Egypt. The methodology is based on analysing existing problems and limitations in sustainable design education in Egypt as well as determining basic sustainability principles to be embedded within the architectural design curriculum. Parallel, an exploration of some new and old (yet effective) architectural teaching methodologies and learning experiences is done. Some international teaching examples are presented as well as the author’s personal teaching experiences in sustainable design the profession of sustainable architecture design in Egypt has evolved, but its educational process, especially in national (state) architectural institutions, has been slow to respond to this alteration.

3 Challenges to History Instructors
? To link History courses to design problem solving, and outline the value of history courses in students’ lives To open the way for architecture students to understand the ways in which our built environment has been historically shaped The development of assignments that spark excitement in students and create an interrelationship between the history courses and the architectural design courses


5 The Concept of history in Architectural Education
International UIA/UNESCO charter of architectural education USA The National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) The Global Architectural History Teaching Collaborative 'GAHTC' Europe The Foundation for Architecture and Education (AE) in Scotland The Royale institute for British Architects (RIBA) HISTORY IN ARCHITECTURAL INSTITUTIONS WITH LIMITED RESOURCES ?????

6 Reinstating the content and the teaching methods
. METHODS OF TEACHING1 The method set up in ‘History of Architecture’ by Sir Banister Fletcher, is the most interminable because of the presented charts and graphics that makes the subject easy to teach. Fletcher has used the ‘Comparative Method’ The Continental Comparative Method Concerned with the history of each continent or civilization, directly from its beginning to the end Students are well informed that the knowledge of their national history helps to anticipate some of the previously adopted design principles of their historic buildings Universal Comparative Method Focuses on a broader outlook towards the development and growth of art and architecture around the globe Help to generate students' interest and respect for the studied subject

7 Reinstating the content and the teaching methods
LEARNING THEORIES 2. 2 1 Best method for assuring deep knowledge base. However, it is usually the most time-consuming Deductive-expository Inductive- expository Deductive-inquisitory Inductive-inquisitory Case study Lecture; then case study Case study; then lecture Lecture; and then have students create a case study Do case study; and then have students create models, design concepts, etc. on what they have learned Programmed Learning Design concepts, models, etc.; followed by examples Examples; followed by design concepts, models, etc. Design concepts, models, etc.; and then have students create an example Examples; and then have students create design concepts, models, etc. Metaphors Teacher gives concepts of subject and then a metaphor. Teacher gives a metaphor and then the concepts Teacher gives concepts and then the students create metaphors Teacher gives metaphor and then the students create concepts, models, etc. Also successful but requires more effort as the history teacher has to ensure that students have both the basic knowledge and general information to support the deductive aspect of it Examples of combined learning approaches and instructional strategies

8 Reinstating the content and the teaching methods
Concrete Experience Learning by experience Reflective cooperation Learning by reflecting Abstract Conceptualisation Learning by thinking Active Experimentation Learning by doing Accomodating Diverging To "chase" the learner round the cycle, asking questions which encourage reflection, conceptualisation, and ways of testing the ideas Processing info Converging Assimilating (KOLB, 1984) THE FOUR LEARNING STYLES OF THE ADULT LEARNING PROCESS

9 Using creative teaching approaches
Misr International University (MIU), Cairo (2014). Engineering History and Technology Course taught to year one. Basics of load distribution and the appropriate building form which can support variant loads Interacting with a building model makes history ‘present’ to the student and lends a tangible essence to a past that is now felt and reconstructed

10 Using creative teaching approaches
Modeling makes history ‘present’ to the student Modeling sharpen students’ critical and analytical engagement with the subject Helwan University, Fine Arts Faculty (2013) To model various Churches/Cathedrales in Cairo

11 Using creative teaching approaches
Helwan University, Fine Arts Faculty, Cairo (2013) The redesign of Renaissance and Baroque facades in Cairo’s Assignment An example of a teaching exercise run by a number of history of architecture teachers in 2013 as a submission for the students of Year3.

12 Using creative teaching approaches
The choice of the studied building and the capability to explain the main idea that guided the building's design process The ability of dealing with the materials and modeling techniques used to produce an analytical study of the building

13 Using creative teaching approaches
University of Western Australia (2007) - 'Venturi house' Assignement An example of a teaching exercise run by a number of history of architecture teachers as a submission for the students of Year 2. Students were given a seminal ancient building and a task of turning it into a 'flat pack' scale model on a piece of A1 card.

14 Using creative teaching approaches
MIU History of Architecture3 (2012) To analyse a chosen contemporary building with respect to the main principles of Islamic architecture

15 Using creative teaching approaches
Shrouk Academy, Cairo (2012) Environmental studies in old Islamic monuments-Sultan Hassan Mosque Trip

16 Conclusions and Recommendations
By vision and consciousness, it is possible to bring the spirit of the history of architecture into the design process. Introducing history of architecture in design courses should be based on diverse interpretations as well as focusing on the architectural background. It is very important to pay attention to the architectural backgrounds and the influencing factors affecting the process of studying and learning the history of architecture. Thank You for your attention

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