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January 1-8, 2005 AICCSA Workshop 2005 Old Dominion University Digital Library Group The Old Dominion University Digital Library Research Group has engaged.

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Presentation on theme: "January 1-8, 2005 AICCSA Workshop 2005 Old Dominion University Digital Library Group The Old Dominion University Digital Library Research Group has engaged."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 1-8, 2005 AICCSA Workshop 2005 Old Dominion University Digital Library Group The Old Dominion University Digital Library Research Group has engaged in various aspects of these new developments in DL research. We are building and demonstrating novel digital library services. Different federal and state organizations fund our projects: NSF, NASA, ONR, US Navy, CIT, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Air Force Research laboratory, and Sandia National Laboratory. The following is the list of projects carried out by Digital Library Research Group at Old Dominion University.

2 January 1-8, 2005AICCSA Workshop 2005 ON-GOING PROJECTS ARC An OAI based NCSTRL ARCHON NASA Raytheon Integrated Digital Library EnvironmentNASA Raytheon Integrated Digital Library Environment FreeLib-Peer To Peer INTEROP KEPLER DP9 DEAN Secure Distributed Digital LibrariesSecure Distributed Digital Libraries Digital Library GRID / MOD_OAIDigital Library GRID / MOD_OAI Extracting Metadata and StructureExtracting Metadata and Structure Kepler Technical Report LibraryKepler Technical Report Library Ongoing PhD ON-GOING PROJECTS ARC An OAI based NCSTRL ARCHON NASA Raytheon Integrated Digital Library Environment FreeLib-Peer To Peer INTEROP KEPLER DP9 DEAN Secure Distributed Digital Libraries Digital Library GRID / MOD_OAI Extracting Metadata and Structure Kepler Technical Report Library Ongoing PhD

3 January 1-8, 2005AICCSA Workshop 2005 COMPLETED PROJECTS Technical Report Interchange - TRI RAPID VISUAL OAI TOOL COMOPT BUCKETS UPS JTASC DOG(Dienst/Open Archive Gateway) NASA-CASI Digital Library Extension NCSTRL+ UDLF SODA Dspace Completed PhD

4 January 1-8, 2005AICCSA Workshop 2005 ARC Arc, is one of the first federated searching services based on the OAI protocol. Arc harvests metadata from several OAI compliant archives, normalizes them, and stores them in a search service based on a relational database (MYSQL or Oracle). At present, we have over one million metadata records from over 80 data providers from various domains.Arc is now available for download at It is released under the NCSA Open Source License. ARC Developers' Site Provided as a Public Service : ODU Digital Library Research Group

5 January 1-8, 2005AICCSA Workshop 2005 KEPLER In the Kepler project, we propose a framework that gives publication control to individual publishers, support speedy dissemination, and addresses interoperability. We extend the OAI framework to support what we call "personal data providers" or "archivelets". We have created a self- contained, self-installing software that allows the user to create and maintain a small, OAI-compliant archive - archivelet - easily. Funded by National Science Foundation Provided as a Public Service : ODU Digital Library Research Group

6 January 1-8, 2005AICCSA Workshop 2005 NASA Raytheon The Raytheon Consolidated Information Technology Services (ConITS) contract has a requirement to create an integrated digital library environment that will support the automated harvesting of internal and external publicly available aerospace information. The digital library infrastructure shall be built using several modules that are interoperable with each other. The interoperability shall be achieved through the use of XML and the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). Funded by Consolidated IT Services Provided as a Public Service : ODU Digital Library Research Group

7 January 1-8, 2005AICCSA Workshop 2005 An OAI-Compliant Federated Physics Digital Library - ARCHON This project is building an Open Archives Initiative compliant federated digital library with an emphasis on physics for the National Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology Education Digital Library (NSDL; ). Funded by National Science Foundation Provided as a Public Service : ODU Digital Library Research Group

8 January 1-8, 2005AICCSA Workshop 2005 Secure Distributed Digital Libraries The object of this proposal is to deploy and evaluate the economic sustainability model for federated digital libraries like Archon using Shibboleth as the underlying access control management framework. A federated digital library such as Archon contains holdings from different contributors and supports higher level services such as discovery, cross referencing, and classification. Because of its varied contributors, Archon requires differential granularity of access both in terms of objects and the services. Funded by IBM Autonomic Computing Provided as a Public Service : ODU Digital Library Research Group

9 January 1-8, 2005AICCSA Workshop 2005 An OAI based NCSTRL Jointly with Virginia Tech and the University of Virginia, we are re- implementing the Networked Computer Science Technical Reference Library (NCSTRL) to an OAI-based framework. This moves NCSTRL from its previous Dienst-based distributed searching paradigm to one of the metadata harvesting. Provided as a Public Service : ODU Digital Library Research Group

10 January 1-8, 2005AICCSA Workshop 2005 DP9 DP9 is an open source gateway service that allows general search engines, (e.g. Google, Inktomi) to index OAI-compliant archives. DP9 does this by providing consistent URLs for repository records, and converting them to OAI queries against the appropriate repository when the URL is requested. This allows search engines to index the "deep Web" contained within OAI compliant repositories. Provided as a Public Service : ODU Digital Library Research Group

11 January 1-8, 2005AICCSA Workshop 2005 INTEROP There are many approaches to achieve Digital Library (DL) interoperability. This project focuses on scaleable interoperation among non-cooperating digital libraries. In our paradigm, we define a Lightweight Federated Digital Library (LFDL) system, where a participating DL defines its external behavior through an XML specification and then registers itself with the LFDL. DL registration, removal, and modification are dynamic, and transparent to end-users. Provided as a Public Service : ODU Digital Library Research Grou

12 January 1-8, 2005AICCSA Workshop 2005 DEAN The Dean project develops methods to derive document networks from temporal patterns in the retrieval behavior of large groups of users. The generated networks can be applied to document linking and information recommendation service, as well as the scientometric study of document impact and document relations. Provided as a Public Service : ODU Digital Library Research Group

13 January 1-8, 2005AICCSA Workshop 2005 FreeLib - Peer To Peer Digital Library In the Peer-to-Peer Digital library project, we apply pure peer-to-peer techniques in the context of digital library to achieve self-sustainability, scalability, and to evolve communities of common interest. The evolution of communities is a key feature in the system and is based on analyzing the access patterns among nodes. The system has rich metadata-based search and publishing servic es. Every node in the system indexes a small collection, however, with the large scale of a peer-to-peer system, tremendous collection sizes are possible. Funded by National Science Foundation Provided as a Public Service : ODU Digital Library Research Group

14 January 1-8, 2005AICCSA Workshop 2005 Extracting Metadata and Structure The long term vision of the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) is to fully automate the process of acquiring documents that have been published by other government agencies as PDF files and creating a fully searchable XML marked-up document. This project will build a system that can extract from a set of pdf files the basic structure of the documents and the textual metadata, and investigate the problems of extracting the the microstructure (such as figures, tables, references and equations )of the document. Funded by Defense Technical Information Center Provided as a Public Service : ODU Digital Library Research Group

15 January 1-8, 2005AICCSA Workshop 2005 Kepler Technical Report Library The Kepler Technical Report Library (KTRL) is a digital library (called a Kepler Group Server) of research papers published by CS ODU faculty members. These papers are published by CS faculty members by using the tool named Kepler archivelet. They are harvested by the KTRL that provides search and retrieval services.

16 January 1-8, 2005AICCSA Workshop 2005 Enhancing Infrastructure of OAI : Digital Library GRID / MOD_OAI In this work, we are enhancing the two key infrastructure components of the OAI framework by building: a Digital Library Grid to support a high performance OAI federated search service, and an Apache module, mod_oai, to enable OAI for the general Web community. mod_oai Funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Provided as a Public Service : ODU Digital Library Research Group

17 January 1-8, 2005AICCSA Workshop 2005 ONGOING PHD WORK  Amrou, Ashraf, Peer-to-Peer and Distributed Digital Library Systems. In this dissertation, we study the utilization of peer-to-peer (no centralized indexes and databases) and distributed search techniques, topolgies, and architectures to enhance scalability, availability,fault-tolerance, and performance of digital library systems and services.  Jiafeng Tang, Building an Interoperable Digital Library out of a Physical Collection. In this dissertation, we study the issues involved in building an OAI-compliant repository from a existing corpus. It mainly focuses on automatic metadata extraction from scanned documents, document structure extraction, reference extraction and cross-linking, complex objects such as equations extraction and representation.

18 January 1-8, 2005AICCSA Workshop 2005 ONGOING PHD WORK (con’t)  Kailash Bhoopalam completed his Bachelor's of Engineering from Madras University in Computer Science and Engineering in 1998 and Master's in Computer Science from Old Dominion University in 2001. He is Currently pursuing his PhD at Old Dominion University in Access Control Specificatons and Security Protocols for Digital Library Grids under the advisement of Prof. Maly, Prof. Mukkamala and Prof. Zubair.  Pratik Kothari, Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science from Sardar Patel University, holds the Dominion Scholar Award for the year 2004. His specific areas of interest are Wireless Communications and Security. He is looking into the prospects of merging these promising domains with the exciting field of Digital Libraries.  Xuemei Li  Joan A Smith

19 January 1-8, 2005AICCSA Workshop 2005 COMPLETED PhD WORK  Anan, Hesham, Digital Library Services for 3D Models. This dissertation focuses on incorporating 3D models into digital libraries. The objectives of this research is to develop a prototype of a digital library that provides develop a digital library storage and discovery services for 3D models. We introduce a novel compression technique that allows the progressive retrieval of 3D models. We use the compressed representation to develop a similarity measure used in the recognition and shape-based retrieval of the 3D measure for the recognition models. We provide browsing and navigation services based on these same similarity measures to enhance the response time when dealing with large collections.  Shi, Rong, Lightweight Federation of Interoperable Digital Libraries. This dissertation focuses on scaleable interoperation among non-cooperating digital libraries. We study the challenges and issues faced in federating heterogeneous digital libraries. The objective of this research is to demonstrate the feasibility of interoperability among non-cooperating DLs by presenting a lightweight, data driven approach, or Data Centered Interoperability (DCI). We build a Lightweight Federated Digital Library (LFDL) system to provide federated search service for existing digital libraries with no prior coordination.

20 January 1-8, 2005AICCSA Workshop 2005 COMPLETED PhD WORK (con’t)  Kholief, Mohamed, Event-based retrieval from digital libraries containing data streams, 2003. Using events to retrieve and playback streams containing these events, along with selected related streams, starting from the time of an event instance. Issues include publishing data streams, event generation and presentation, relationship determination among streams, heterogeneity, and extensibility.  Liu, Xiaoming, Federating Heterogenous Digital Libraries by Metadata Harvesting, Dec 2002. This dissertation studies the challenges and issues faced in federating heterogeneous digital libraries by metadata harvesting, especially the service building, repository synchronization, and scalable architecture. The demonstration system includes Arc and DP9.

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