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*Baghdad *Cairo *Cordoba Ottoman Safavid Fatimids Mamluks Moors Maghrib Golden Age of Islam 900-1200 CE.

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Presentation on theme: "*Baghdad *Cairo *Cordoba Ottoman Safavid Fatimids Mamluks Moors Maghrib Golden Age of Islam 900-1200 CE."— Presentation transcript:


2 *Baghdad *Cairo *Cordoba Ottoman Safavid Fatimids Mamluks Moors Maghrib Golden Age of Islam 900-1200 CE

3 Islam’s Golden Age in Middle East/North Africa 900-1200 Culturally United Economically prosperous Most advanced region in the world Politically Divided

4 Abbasid Dynasty was weakening Three areas of political control Influx of Non-Arab Muslims Three Caliphs emerge in 1000CE Islam’s Golden Age in Middle East/North Africa 900-1200

5 Eastern Region Capital City: Baghdad *

6 Seljuk Turks Absorbed into Abbasid Army… Created own political group Controlled Baghdad New political Arrangement Eastern Region Sultan-Political Leader Turk Caliph-Religious Leader Arab Converted to Islam

7 Central Region Capital City: Cairo

8 Ruled by Saladin- Cairo emerged as learning center of world Central Region military leader during Crusades Mamluk Dynasty held off Mongol advance into Africa

9 Western Region Capital City: Cordoba

10 Most politically divided—small kingdoms Includes Muslim Spain (Moors)- Constantly at war with Christians Western Region

11 Impact Islamic World had on Western Europe Catalyst for this Impact : The Crusades

12 Impact of Islamic World on Western Europe 1. Preserved learning of ancient empires 2. Economic Borrowing by the west See inventions chart

13 3. Language

14 5. Politically united the West 4. Other Islamic achievements benefit the west 6. Impact of Islamic Scholars on European thought

15 Synthesis of Faith and Reason FaithReason Can having faith and the ability to reason co-exist?

16 Muslim Heritage of Preserving Classical learning Theological Leader in support: al-Ghazali Reason is a gift from God to be used to better mankind through Science Synthesis of Faith and Reason Muslim Take Faith in one authority: Allah

17 Synthesis of Faith and Reason European Take Church Leaders in support: Augustine and Aquinas Muslim Heritage of Preserving Classical learning Faith in one authority: God Reason is a gift from God to understand what we believe and why we believe it

18 Homework; Find pictures of… Dome of the Rock Russian Orthodox Church Angkor Wat Mosque Jenne Western European Cathedral Hagia Sophia Cut and Paste into a word document. Print. Insert in notebook

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