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Published byGregory Tyler Modified over 9 years ago
Yoruba Alphabet List PhonemeOrthography IPA Orthography English aaàga ̄ agachair ãã, ai ̄ kã ̄ ikã, ikatermite bbbàbábabafather ddd ìdito plait d ʲ dyd ʲ i ̄ dyisteal d ͡ʒ jd ͡ʒɛ ̀jẹeat eesèsecook ɛ ẹ, e ̠ɛ̄ d ʲɛ̄ ẹdyẹblood fff ɔ ̀fọwash g gg ɛ̄ gẹto cut g ͡ bgbg ͡ bál ɛ ̀gbalẹto sweep iii ̄ léilehouse ĩĩ, i ɛ̄ j̃ ĩ ̄ ẹyĩ, ẹyiegg kkkàkato read k ͡ ppk ͡ pák ͡ pápapafield lllálamake
Yoruba Alphabet List PhonemeOrthography IPA Orthography English mmmũ ̄ muto drink n, n ̩ n ɔ ̀n ɔ ̀ọnọroad ooòd ͡ʒ òojorain ɔ ọ, o ̠ ɔ ̀m ɔ ̀ọmọchild ɔ ̃ọ̃, õ ̠, ọ, o ̠ɛ̄ f ɔ ̃ ̄ ẹfọ̃, ẹfọmosquito rrr ɔ ̀rọto fall sssálòsalorun ʃ ṣ, sh ʃ ìréṣire, shireto play tttàtato sell uufu ̄ fugive ũũ, umũ ̄ muto drink ww ɔ̄ w ɔ ọwọhand jyi ̄ jòiyosalt Since nasal and oral vowels are all phonemes, they can be marked differently such as a, ã, i, ĩ, o, õ, u, ũ. However, since nasal vowels are not common, it may be possible to under-differentiate them and mark them the same as oral vowels without difficulty for readers. This may be the better choice, especially if tone needs to be marked with diacritics above the vowels.
Alphabet Symbol Choices Review What is the most important factor when choosing alphabet symbols?
Alphabet Symbol Choices Review What is the most important factor when choosing alphabet symbols? Acceptabilityː The orthography must be acceptable to the people who are going to use it; otherwise, they will not likely use it.
How does phonology help literacy development? 1.Phonology shows us which sounds in a language need alphabet symbols, and which do not. (Steps 1-14) 2.Sometimes sounds change when words or parts of words are joined in various ways. Phonology helps us find the best spelling rules for these difficult situations. (Steps 18-19)
Steps for finding spelling rules when words or morphemes come together (2 of 2) 18.Identify Morphophonological Changes 19.Identify Word Boundary Changes
Exercise 1 ː Divide these words up into parts with meaning (even if you can’t label the meanin ɡ very well) cats playin ɡ kicked walker
Exercise 1 ː Divide these words up into parts with meaning (even if you can’t label the meanin ɡ very well) cat-s play-in ɡ kick-ed walk-er
MORPHEME ː The smallest part of a word with meaning; can be the entire word. cat ‘type of animal’ -s ‘plural’
MUNDARI Sudan RootRoot + ɟ a ‘Don’t’ 1.p ɪ ‘asked’p ɪɟ a‘Don’t ask ǃ ’ 2.g ɔɲ ‘gave’g ɔɲɟ a‘Don’t give ǃ ’ 3. ɟɔ ŋ‘took’ ɟɔ ŋga‘Don’t take ǃ ’ 4.k ɔ n‘did’k ɔ nd ̪ a‘Don’t do ǃ ’ 5.ruk‘replied’ruggə‘Don’t reply ǃ ’ 6.d ̪ uc‘tangled’du ɟɟ ə‘Don’t tangle ǃ ’ 7.m ɛ t ̪ ‘looked’m ɛ d ̪ d ̪ a‘Don’t look ǃ ’ 8.r ɔ p‘paid’r ɔ bba‘Don’t pay ǃ ’
PHONEME: the smallest contrastive sound in a language LUMUN [kaβɪk] ‘rain’ MORPHEME: the smallest part of a word with meaning MUNDARI / p ɪɟ a/ ‘Don’t ask ǃ ’ ALLOPHONE: a variant (alternate) sound of a phoneme in a different environment. LUMUN [maɣal] ‘sesame’ ALLOMORPH: a variant (alternate) sound of a morpheme in a different environment. MUNDARI / ɟɔ ŋga/‘Don’t take ǃ ’
MORPHO-PHONOLOGICAL CHANGE (MORPHO-PHONEMIC CHANGE) ː Sound changes when morphemes come together.
SUFFIX ː a morpheme attached to the ends of words. ENGLISH -ed in walked MUNDARI - ɟ a in p ɪɟ a ‘Don’t ask ǃ ’ PREFIX ː a morpheme attached to the beginnings of words. ENGLISH im- in improper CAIRO ARABIC il- in ilkursi ‘the chair’
Exercise 2 ː Find the morpheme and its allomorphs that makes the change in meaning from column 1 to column 2. Write the morpheme or allomorph separately to the left. CAIRO ARABICMorpheme/ Column 1Column 2Allomorph 1.kursi ‘chair’ ilkursi ‘the chair’ 2. ba ː b ‘door’ ilba ː b ‘the door’ 3. ɡ e ː b ‘pocket’ il ɡ e ː b ‘the pocket’ 4.dars ‘lesson’ iddars ‘the lesson’ 5. nimra ‘ ɡ rade’ innimra ‘the ɡ rade’ 6. satr ‘line’ issatr ‘the line’
Exercise 2 ː Find the morpheme and its allomorphs that makes the change in meaning from column 1 to column 2. Write the morpheme or allomorph separately to the left. Before which phonemes does the sound change and why? CAIRO ARABICMorpheme/ Column 1Column 2Allomorph 1.kursi ‘chair’ ilkursi ‘the chair’ il- 2. ba ː b ‘door’ ilba ː b ‘the door’ il- 3. ɡ e ː b ‘pocket’ il ɡ e ː b ‘the pocket’ il- 4.dars ‘lesson’ iddars ‘the lesson’ id- 5. nimra ‘ ɡ rade’ innimra ‘the ɡ rade’ in- 6. satr ‘line’ issatr ‘the line’ is-
Complete Assimilation (+ = morpheme break) CAIRO ARABICOriginal Sounds like /l/ /d/ before + d /il-dars/ /iddars/ ‘the lesson’ /n/ before + n/il-nimra/ /innimra/ ‘the grade’ /s/ before + s /il-satr/ /issatr/ ‘the line’ /il-kursi/ /ilkursi/ ‘the book’ The final /l/ assimilates completely to the followin ɡ consonant when that consonant is alveolar (as is the /l/)
PHONOLOGICAL PROCESS: common sound change in a particular environment in roots MORPHOLOGICAL PROCESS: common sound change in a particular environment where words or morphemes come together. Voicing and weakening assimilation LUMUN Sudan /k/ [ɣ] in-between vowels [k] elsewhere /kak ɛ k/ [ka ɣɛ k] ‘tree type’ Complete assimilation CAIRO ARABIC /l/ /d/ before + d /n/ before + n /s/ before + s /il-dars/ /iddars/ ‘the lesson’ /il-nimra/ /innimra/ ‘the grade’ /il-satr/ /issatr/ ‘the line’
Morphological Processes Labialisation Palatalisation Voicing Assimilation to the place of articulation Complete assimilation Deletion (Elision) Insertion (Epenthesis) [+ATR] spreading Raising Many of these processes also occur in roots
Voicing and weakening assimilation LUMUN Sudan /k/ [ ɣ ] in-between vowels [k] elsewhere Original Sound In roots/kak ɛ k/ [ka ɣɛ k] ‘tree type’ Across morpheme / ɔ -k ɪ n/ [ ɔɣɪ n] ‘REF-they’ boundary
Exercise 3 ː Find the morpheme that makes the change in meaning from column 1 to column 2. What changes in the verb when the morpheme is added? EJAGHAM Column 1Column 2 1. a ɡɔ m 'he fines' a ɡɔ ma 'he always fines' 2. at ɛ ŋ 'he braids’ at ɛ ŋa 'he always braids’ 3. apini 'he tumbles' apina 'he always tumbles ' 4. ak ɔɛ 'he cou ɡ hs’ ak ɔ a 'he always cou ɡ hs '
Exercise 3 ː Find the morpheme that makes the change in meaning from column 1 to column 2. What changes in the verb when the morpheme is added? EJAGHAM Column 1Column 2 1. a ɡɔ m 'he fines' a ɡɔ ma 'he always fines' 2. at ɛ ŋ 'he braids’ at ɛ ŋa 'he always braids’ 3. apini 'he tumbles' apina 'he always tumbles ' 4. ak ɔɛ 'he cou ɡ hs’ ak ɔ a 'he always cou ɡ hs ' When the verb ends in a V (vowel), that V is deleted (disappears).
Vowel Deletion (Elision) ( = nothin ɡ ; / = in the environment of) EJAGHAM V before + V or V / ___ + V /apini-a/ /apina/ ‘he always tumbles ’ This means ː A final root vowel is deleted before the first vowel of a suffix.
Exercise 4 ː Find the morpheme and allomorph that show each noun class. Write the morpheme and allomorph below each column. What environment causes the change to the allomorph? LARU Sudan Noun Class 1Noun Class 3 d ̪ɔ ̀t ɔ ̀‘CM-lizard’g ɛ ̀n‘CM-mountain’ d ̪ d ̪ʊ ̀ ɽɪ ̀‘CM-stool’gr ɪ ́nà‘CM-rope d ̪ m ɔ ̀ ɽ à‘CM-snail’g ɲɛ ̀n‘CM-dog’ d ̪ mùd‘CM-lynx’gbə̀ ɽ ù‘CM-cloud’
Exercise 4 ː Find the morpheme and allomorph that show each noun class. Write the morpheme and allomorph below each column. What environment causes the change to the allomorph? LARU Sudan Noun Class 1Noun Class 3 (CM = concord marker) d ̪ɔ ̀t ɔ ̀‘CM-lizard’g ɛ ̀n‘CM-mountain’ d ̪ d ̪ʊ ̀ ɽɪ ̀‘CM-stool’gr ɪ ́nà‘CM-rope d ̪ m ɔ ̀ ɽ à‘CM-snail’g ɲɛ ̀n‘CM-dog’ d ̪ mùd‘CM-lynx’gbə̀ ɽ ù‘CM-cloud’ d ̪ - Noun Class 1 morphemeg- Noun Class 3 morpheme d ̪ - Noun Class 1 allomorphg- Noun Class 3 allomorph d ̪ -, g- are used before vowels; d ̪ -, g- are used before consonants.
Vowel Insertion (Epenthesis) LARU [] after C and before + C or [] / C ___ + C / d ̪ -d ̪ʊ ̀ ɽɪ ̀ / / d ̪ d ̪ʊ ̀ ɽɪ ̀ / ‘CM-stool’ This means ː The vowel // is inserted when consonants are joined together through morphology.
Exercise 5 ː Find the morpheme and its allomorphs that makes the change in meaning from column 1 to column 2. Underline the morpheme and its allomorph. What environment causes the change to the allomorph? LARU Sudan Column 1Column 2 / ɪ /d ̪ l ɪ ̀ŋ ɪ ̀d ̪ ‘insect’d ̪ l ɪ ̀ŋ ɪ ̀d ̪ ál ʊ ̀‘on insect’ / ɛ /d ̪ɽɛ ̀b ɛ ̀n‘stone’d ̪ɽɛ ̀b ɛ ̀nál ʊ ̀‘on stone’ /a/d ̪ áⁿd ̪ áŋ‘lizard’d ̪ áⁿd ̪ áŋál ʊ ̀‘on lizard’ / ɔ /d ̪ɔ ́g ɔ ́r‘tree t.’d ̪ɔ ́g ɔ ́rál ʊ ̀‘on tree t.’ / ʊ /d ̪ʊ ́rt ʊ ́n‘tablet’d ̪ʊ ́rt ʊ ́nál ʊ ̀‘on tablet’ /i/gìd ̪ ìn‘chicken house’gìd ̪ ìnə́lù‘on chicken house’ /ə/d ̪ ə́ⁿd ̪ ə́ŋ‘knife’d ̪ ə́ⁿd ̪ ə́ŋə́lù‘on knife’ /u/gùgùn‘hare house’gùgùnə́lù‘on hare house’
Exercise 5 ː Find the morpheme and its allomorphs that makes the change in meaning from column 1 to column 2. Underline the morpheme and its allomorph. What environment causes the change to the allomorph? LARU Sudan Column 1Column 2 / ɪ /d ̪ l ɪ ̀ŋ ɪ ̀d ̪ ‘insect’d ̪ l ɪ ̀ŋ ɪ ̀d ̪ ál ʊ ̀‘on insect’ / ɛ /d ̪ɽɛ ̀b ɛ ̀n‘stone’d ̪ɽɛ ̀b ɛ ̀nál ʊ ̀‘on stone’ /a/d ̪ áⁿd ̪ áŋ‘lizard’d ̪ áⁿd ̪ áŋál ʊ ̀‘on lizard’ / ɔ /d ̪ɔ ́g ɔ ́r‘tree t.’d ̪ɔ ́g ɔ ́rál ʊ ̀‘on tree t.’ / ʊ /d ̪ʊ ́rt ʊ ́n‘tablet’d ̪ʊ ́rt ʊ ́nál ʊ ̀‘on tablet’ /i/gìd ̪ ìn‘chicken house’gìd ̪ ìnə́lù‘on chicken house’ /ə/d ̪ ə́ⁿd ̪ ə́ŋ‘knife’d ̪ ə́ⁿd ̪ ə́ŋə́lù‘on knife’ /u/gùgùn‘hare house’gùgùnə́lù‘on hare house’
[+ATR] Rightward Spreading LARU V [+ATR] after V[+ATR] + or V [+ATR] / V[+ATR] + ____ / gìd ̪ ìn-ál ʊ ̀ / / gìd ̪ ìnə́lù / ‘on chicken house’ This means ː [+ATR] quality spreads from the vowels of roots to the vowels of suffixes
Exercise 6 ː Find the morpheme that makes the change in meaning from column 1 to column 2. What changes in the verb when the morpheme is added? Write the changes on the right. LARU Sudan Vowel Column 1Column 2 Change / ɪ /d ̪ àg ɽɪ ‘to chew’d ̪ ə̀g ɽ ìd ̪ í‘Chew ǃ ’ / ɛ /d ̪ɛ ̀d ɛ ‘to cut’d ̪ ìd ̪ ì‘Cut ǃ ’ /a/ŋáŋá‘to rub’ŋə̀ŋə̀d ̪ í‘Rub ǃ ’ / ɔ /r ɔ ‘to grind’rùd ̪ í‘Grind ǃ ’ / ʊ /r ʊ ‘to be changed’rùd ̪ í‘Be changed ǃ ’ /i/pí‘to beat’pìd ̪ í‘Beat ǃ ’ /ə/pə́‘to nail’pə̀d ̪ í‘Nail ǃ ’ /u/d ̪ rú‘to sip’d ̪ rùd ̪ í‘Sip ǃ ’
Exercise 6 ː Find the morpheme that makes the change in meaning from column 1 to column 2. What changes in the verb when the morpheme is added? Write the changes on the right. LARU Sudan Vowel Column 1Column 2 Change / ɪ /d ̪ àg ɽɪ ‘to chew’d ̪ ə̀g ɽ ìd ̪ í ‘Chew ǃ ’ ɪ i / ɛ /d ̪ɛ ̀d ɛ ‘to cut’d ̪ ìd ̪ í ‘Cut ǃ ’ ɛ i /a/ŋáŋá‘to rub’ŋə̀ŋə̀d ̪ í ‘Rub ǃ ’ a ə / ɔ /r ɔ ‘to grind’rùd ̪ í ‘Grind ǃ ’ ɔ u / ʊ /r ʊ ‘to be changed’rùd ̪ í ‘Be changed ǃ ’ ʊ u /i/pí‘to beat’pìd ̪ í ‘Beat ǃ ’ /ə/pə́‘to nail’pə̀d ̪ í ‘Nail ǃ ’ /u/d ̪ rú‘to sip’d ̪ rùd ̪ í‘Sip ǃ ’
[+ATR] Leftward Spreading LARU V [+ATR] before + V[+ATR] or V [+ATR] / ___ + V[+ATR] / ŋàŋà-d ̪ í / / ŋə̀ŋə̀d ̪ í / ‘Rub ǃ ’ This means ː [+ATR] quality spreads from the vowels of suffixes to the vowels of roots
Vowel Raising (with [+ATR] spreading) LARU / ɛ /, / ɔ / /i/, /u/ before + V[+ATR] / d ̪ɛ ̀-d ̪ í / / d ̪ ìd ̪ í / ‘Cut ǃ ’ / r ɔ -d ̪ í / / rùd ̪ í / ‘Grind ǃ ’ When [+ATR] quality spreads to the vowels / ɛ /, / ɔ /, these vowels are raised to the [+ATR] vowels /i/, /u/. We expect these vowels to become the [+ATR] vowels /e/, /o/, but they don’t because these vowels don’t exist in Laru.
Class Assignmentː 1.Find all Yoruba verbs with continuous aspect (those with ing in the English translation). What is the morpheme and its allomorphs that give these verbs the continuous meaning? 2.What environment causes the change to the allomorph? Make a rule in words or symbols for this change. Give one example word for each allomorph change. Reading Assignment A Guide to Phonological Analysis pg 86-88; 146-147
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