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Culture.  The great Sphinx is just outside of Cairo, you can see it as you fly over. At night they do an impressive laser light show as a Tourist attraction.

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Presentation on theme: "Culture.  The great Sphinx is just outside of Cairo, you can see it as you fly over. At night they do an impressive laser light show as a Tourist attraction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Culture

2  The great Sphinx is just outside of Cairo, you can see it as you fly over. At night they do an impressive laser light show as a Tourist attraction. No one knows for sure why the Sphinx was built, one theory is it was just left over rock.


4  http://www.nationalgeo khufu.html http://www.nationalgeo khufu.html  Khufu built the largest for himself, second for his son and third has his grandson.  There are no other ones like this. They made the graves too easy for tomb robbers to discover.




8 Nile

9  Egypt had a leader, a dictator, Mubarak. He was popular for many years but as people grew poorer. More rumours of his wife’s huge spending sprees in USA and his $10,000 suits angered the people. They revolted in 2011, the Arab Spring, calling for “bread, freedom, and social life/happiness. The Muslim Brotherhood along with the Army are now in charge.

10  Food is fabulous ! Rice and bbq style meats would be common. Falafel is a grain type food. In this restaurant I ate stuffed pigeon. It is delicious. Pasta soup is common. Breakfast is feta cheese, hard boiled egg and cucumber.

11  Muslim is the majority. There are Jews, Christians and Nubians ( natives)  It was Ramadon when I was there so often things were closed, no one eats from sunrise to sunset.  Sport  Children play soccer but there is not a great dela of sport that is known. I did see many swimming in the Nile.




15  My little Friend



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