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THE THEATRE OF THE ABSURD. Alfred Jarry: UBU ROI (1896) Avant-garde: 1920s &1930s 'Myth of Sisyphus' Martin Esslin: works 1950s & 1960s Conventions.

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Presentation on theme: "THE THEATRE OF THE ABSURD. Alfred Jarry: UBU ROI (1896) Avant-garde: 1920s &1930s 'Myth of Sisyphus' Martin Esslin: works 1950s & 1960s Conventions."— Presentation transcript:


2 Alfred Jarry: UBU ROI (1896) Avant-garde: 1920s &1930s 'Myth of Sisyphus' Martin Esslin: works 1950s & 1960s Conventions

3 The Theatre of the Absurd was: A reaction to the disappearance of the religious dimension form our life An attempt to restore the importance of myth and ritual.

4 An attempt to make man aware of the ultimate realities of his condition, by instilling in him again the lost sense of cosmic wonder and anguish.

5 Aspects of the Theatre of the Absurd Distrust of language as a means of communication Absurd drama uses conventionalized speech, clichés, slogans and technical jargon

6 Antonin Artaud The Theater and Its Double (1938) Rejects realism Cherishes a vision of a stage of magical beauty and mythical power.

7 Calls for a return to myth and magic and to the exposure of the deepest conflicts within the human mind Demanded a theatre that would produce collective archetypes, thus creating a new mythology.

8 Theatre should pursue the aspects of the internal world. Man should be considered metaphorically in a wordless language of shapes, light, movement and gesture. Theatre should express what language is incapable of putting into words.

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