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American Romanticism:

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Presentation on theme: "American Romanticism:"— Presentation transcript:

1 American Romanticism:
“Imagination and the Individual”

2 When you think of American romanticism, think of this:
“Where the Wild Things Are”

3 from the corruption of civilization and the limits of rational thought
Romanticism is… A journey away from the corruption of civilization and the limits of rational thought and toward the integrity of nature and the freedom of the imagination.

4 Origins of Romanticism
Reaction against the Enlightenment and Rationalism (Age of Reason) View of the city & progress as corrupt. Too systematic and fake. Renouncement of materialism

5 Characteristics of the romantic journey:
to the countryside or to adventure associated with… independence moral clarity healthful living flight away from something or to something or emphasis on something better

6 Romantic hero is Youthful Innocent and pure of purpose
Idealistic with a sense of honor based on some higher principle – not on society’s rules Possesses singular (unique, remarkable) skills Quests for some higher truth in the natural world Has a knowledge of people and of life based on deep, intuitive understanding – not on formal learning Rejects conformity Loves nature and avoids the masses

7 Celebrating the imagination
Romanticism… values feeling and intuition over reason apprehends powerful truths that the rational mind cannot reach associates strong emotions with natural, unspoiled beauty

8 Elements of Romanticism
NEED SIN Nature inspiring wisdom Exotic setting Emotion and feeling over reason Distrust of civilization and progress Supernatural Intuition, individualism, imagination, innocence, independence Nostalgia for the past

9 Nature (Elements of romanticism)
Path to moral and spiritual development Preferable to civilization and progress Doorway to ideal world Romantics would say, “GO OUT AND EXPERIENCE NATURE!” Learn from nature, not society (Planet Earth) On website, Click on trailer #2 to avoid BBC Advertisement

10 Exotic settings (Elements of romanticism)
Sources of truth and beauty Examination of personality, moods, and mental potentialities Focus on passion and inner struggles

11 Emotion (Elements of romanticism)
Trust of feelings is important Literary themes emphasize emotion, not morality Feelings over reason Senses over intellect

12 Distrust (Elements of romanticism)
Avoids society/city life Shuns artificiality of civilization Questions progress

13 Supernatural (Elements of romanticism)
Supernatural realm Exotic locales Gothic Wild, haunted landscapes Strange events Mysterious settings Psychological exploration of the human mind*

14 The five “I’s” (Elements of romanticism)
Intuition Individual Imagination Innocence Independence

15 Nostalgia (Elements of romanticism)
Concern for and focus on the past Myths Legends Folk culture

16 Additional romantic characteristics:
American settings An attempt to establish authenticity Sense of optimism

17 America’s Romantic writers… (preview – no need to write these down today)
James Fenimore Cooper (Last of the Mohicans) Washington Irving (Rip Van Winkle) William Cullen Bryant (Thanatopsis) Nathaniel Hawthorne (The Scarlet Letter) Edgar Allan Poe (The Telltale Heart, etc) Herman Melville (Moby Dick)

18 *The Dark Romantics focused on the grotesque, the gloomy, the morbid, the fantastic valued intuition & emotion over logic and reason saw symbols, spiritual truths, signs in nature and everyday events acknowledged the evil of man & the horror of evil.

19 Dark romantics include… (“mph”)
Herman Melville ~ author of Moby Dick, the classic tale of good v. evil & man v. nature. Edgar Allan Poe ~ master of the psychological thriller & founder of modern detective story. Nathaniel Hawthorne ~ examiner of the human mind & the effects of sin & evil. Melville, Hawthorne, Poe = mph (miles per hour)

20 Remember… Elements of Romanticism = “NEED SIN”:
Nature inspiring wisdom Exotic setting Emotion and feeling over reason Distrust of civilization and progress Supernatural Intuition, individualism, imagination, innocence, independence Nostalgia for the past

21 Remember, when thinking of romanticism…
"Where the Wild Things Are" or Planet Earth Trailer Earth Trailer

22 DREAMS (N.E.E.D. S.I.N.) by Mary Oliver
All night the dark buds of dreams open richly. In the center of every petal is a letter, and you imagine if you could only remember and string them all together they would spell the answer. It is a long night, and not an easy one— you have so many branches, and there are diversions— birds that come and go, the black fox that lies down to sleep beneath you, the moon staring with her bone-white eye. Finally you have spent all the energy you can and you drag from the ground the muddy skirt of your roots . and leap awake with two or three syllables like water in your mouth and a sense of loss—a memory not yet of a word, certainly not yet the answer— only how it feels when deep in the tree all the locks click open, and the fire surges through the wood, and the blossoms blossom.

23 Elements of Romanticism… Nature
The Romantics valued the beauty and existence of nature. The Romantics wanted to go against society’s norms of work and routine. What are we doing to show this? An Inconvenient Truth Trailer (video trailer) (video trailer – an inconvenient truth) – trailer should play when site is open

24 billboard examples

25 Nature/environment billboard
Gore made a film to encourage Americans to care about what happens to our world. What could we do? (

26 Nature/environment billboard
Compose a short slogan that reminds Americans of one of the following: The value of nature (or) The importance of taking care of Earth Draw the slogan billboard Answer these questions on the back of the slogan billboard Where should your billboard be placed? Who needs to see your slogan? What affect would you hope it would have?

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