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 Corruption, conflict and power struggle - destabilizing the Colombian state for decades.  Inefficient & corrupt judiciary undermines democratic institutions.

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2  Corruption, conflict and power struggle - destabilizing the Colombian state for decades.  Inefficient & corrupt judiciary undermines democratic institutions.  Erosion of Colombian political culture as a result of corruption.  Lack of transparency and accountability.  Corruption hampers political & economic development.  Corruption undermines the electoral process.  Personal rather than institutionalized relationships.  No democratic consolidation due to corrupt symbiosis between the legal system and the Colombian government.

3  Joseph S. Nye on corruption: perversion or misuse of power for personal benefit.  Political vs. societal corruption.  Grand corruption vs. petty corruption.  Embezzlement.  Bribery, extortion, kickbacks.  Nepotism, clientalism, favouritism, cronyism, money laundering.  Susan Rose-Ackerman: “state capture”.

4  Guillermo O’Donnell: the legal system should be the superior institution before which all citizens are treated as equals and it should be a legal guarantor of people’s rights and freedoms.  The rule of law and judiciary are the pillars of the democratic state.  O’Donnell stresses on the “democratic rule of law”.  Juan Linz and Alfred Stepan: when the legal system is working free of corruption, it is just and impartial, it contributes to the effectiveness of the state’s functions.

5  Terry Lynn Karl: pacted transitions bring stability at the expense of political development.  Patronage politics dictated by powerful elites and oligarchs.  FARC – armed struggle against corrupt officials.  Ordinary people excluded from the political life.  Erosion of political culture.  Elections marred by corruption.  Lack of trust in Colombian institutions.  Impunity.  Relations become personal rather than institutionalized.  Personalism eradicates continuity of government policies.  Larry Diamond: democratic “deconsolidation”.

6  Narcotics business has devastating effects on the economy, society and politics.  The narcotics industry penetrates society and government.  Corruption and illegal practices at all levels.  Killings of inconvenient people unpunished due to compliance of corrupt security forces.  Drug cartels wage war against the Colombian state in opposition to the practice of extradition.

7  The judiciary prone to corrupt activities.  Weak & dependent judiciary.  Pressure from the executive and legislative.  Briberies, kickbacks, embezzlement.  Arbitrariness of the rule of law.  The judicial system lacks accountability and transparency.  Societal distrust in the legal system.  Impunity.  Inefficient judiciary impedes political & economic development.  Failure to legally guarantee civil rights and freedoms.

8 Colombian democracy and stability are undermined by:  omnipresent corruption  weak judicial system  systematic abrogation of the rule of law  drug industry  internal conflict

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