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Liberals vs. Conservatives. Liberal Conservative DemocratRepublican.

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Presentation on theme: "Liberals vs. Conservatives. Liberal Conservative DemocratRepublican."— Presentation transcript:

1 Liberals vs. Conservatives

2 Liberal Conservative DemocratRepublican

3 Liberals –Believe in big government Setting rules for business Setting rules for the economy

4 Ensure fair treatment for many groups Especially the poor Minorities: Native Americans, African Americans, Hispanics, and others

5 Money Wealthier should pay more taxes Worry about government spending Support government programs to help poor

6 Conservatives –Limit the government Conservatives stress ‘freedom’ More decisions without government interference

7 Reduce government spending Cut taxes Reduce government

8 State governments are better than federal governments

9 LiberalConservative DemocratRepublican Meeting in the middle Loving Liberals Compassionate Conservatives

10 “Loving Liberals” Loving liberals implies wanting to help everyone Clinton began movement away from liberalism – will the Democratic Party continue to be less liberal?

11 “Compassionate Conservatives” Term used by George W. Bush to imply conservatives who still believe in some social issues Some conservatives distrust the government in being the best way to solve social issues, but still want the government to control some behaviors or attitudes

12 Many Presidential candidates must stay true to the roots of their parties political affiliations – and appeal to some of the issues of the opposing political party (to attract swing voters)

13 LiberalConservative DemocratRepublican Meeting in the middle

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