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IAFS 1000 19 th Century India: Debating Muslim Education.

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Presentation on theme: "IAFS 1000 19 th Century India: Debating Muslim Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 IAFS 1000 19 th Century India: Debating Muslim Education

2 Outline 1857 Uprising Indian Muslim debates re. education –Aligarh –Deoband

3 Muslim Debates over Education two schools: Aligarh and Deoband significance: diversity of Indian Muslims

4 1857 “Mutiny”/War of Independence/Uprising Significance: Br distrust of Muslims Landlords, peasants, disinherited princes Threat to Indian Army 1858: British Crown takeover


6 Aligarh: Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College (est 1875) Founded by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan Modeled on British schools Both Muslim and Hindu students Training for Muslim leaders Combined Islamic and Western education

7 Syed Ahmed Khan Islam need not be hostile to Christianity Hindus and Muslims not inherently incompatible: “India is like a bride which has got two beautiful and lustrous eyes—Hindus and Mussalmans” Harmony depended on British rule: “for the peace of India... the English Government should remain for many years—in fact for ever!”

8 Deoband (est. 1867) Purifying Islam Traditional Muslim education (based in Wahhabi traditions) Middle- and lower-class Muslims No British support Largely apolitical Seen as a guardian of Islam

9 Themes 1857 uprising led to British distrust of Muslims Indian Muslims never a monolithic group (e.g. Aligarh vs. Deoband)

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