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H ISTORY OF H UMAN R IGHTS Dr Maurice Mullard Lecture 2.

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Presentation on theme: "H ISTORY OF H UMAN R IGHTS Dr Maurice Mullard Lecture 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 H ISTORY OF H UMAN R IGHTS Dr Maurice Mullard Lecture 2

2 R ELIGION AND F REEDOM OF E XPRESSION War of Religions France prosecution of Huguenots Decree of Nantes freedom of Religion Europe Thirty years War 1618 Treaty of Westphalia State to decide religion See Locke on Tolerance and Milton on Freedom of Expression

3 R OLE OF R EVOLUTION American Revolution 1776 the Constitution and Bill of Rights French Revolution 1789 and the terror of the Thermidor Reinstate monarchy Revolution 1648 Paris Commune 1872

4 D ISCRIMINATION Expulsion of Jews in Europe 1270 to 1380 England Act of Tolerance 1689 and Habeas Corpus 1689 Russia pogroms Jewish Ghettoes as places of safety Balfour Act 1917 Jewish State in Palestine Expulsion of Jews and Muslims

5 E THNICITY AND BREAKDOWN Crusades Islam conquest of Jerusalem 1180 Muslims in Spain 733 1610 forced conversions the Moriscos rebellion of 1568 Expulsions of Jews and Muslims Battle of Lepanto 1571 Islam Arts and Science in Europe Problem of maledicta to bad mouth the other Historic legacy Passing down of stories and collective memories Bosnia Serbia examples Northern Ireland Nigeria

6 I NDUSTRIAL A GE Emergence of civil society new public spaces Social protest suffrage social issues and trade unions Factory Acts limits on working day child labour Labour movements New allegiances Concerns inequality

7 A MERICAN E XCEPTIONALISM H UMAN R IGHTS Freedom of Speech Freedom of Expression Freedom of Expression Article 10 European Convention of Human Rights 28th May 2003 Declaration on Freedom of Communication on the Internet Council of Europe Freedom of speech and freedom of the Press First Amendment Constitution of the United States Examples Hate Speech Defamation of character libel Ku Klux Klan Europe hate speech Holocaust Racism USA Experience Palme Raids McCarthy Culture of Distrust

8 C IVIL LIBERTIES AFTER 9/11 Patriot Act 2001 Guantanamo Bay Legal Black hole illegal Enemy Combatant Surveillance and secret wire taps FISA 1978 Vietnam War Martin Luther King Military Commissions Act 2007 habeas corpus Rendition

9 U K A NTI T ERROR LEGISLATION Definitions of terrorism glorification of terror Detentions and history of internment Stop and search Integrate Responses in Europe Immigration Burden Positive contribution

10 FRAGILE HUMANITY History of genocide some 36 genocides since 1890 In the name of progress Nazi Germany purify the race gypsies, disabled, Jews Soviet Russia name of socialism 60 million dead 1960 Rwanda Cambodia Bangladesh Bosnia Muslims

11 W HERE IS MORALITY Story of UZ collecting porcelain to be left in peace Story of the concentration camp rape the cap who lives who dies To do what is morally right? Christian values did not stop the Holocaust Islam and terrorism Fragile Humanism

12 A L Q AEDA T HINKING AND I DEOLOGY Backward jihadists against women's rights secular society gay rights wanting to destroy our values Modern using of the internet trying to be global movement against tribes Connections with other Utopian ideology Jacobins, Communists Nazi thinking all tried to reconstruct society

13 F RAGILITY OF L IFE Soviet Experiment estimate 20 million dead from Lenin to Stalin utopian dream need of terror failure of French Revolution and Paris Commune Nazi racial purity use of science estimate 20 million dead China Culture Revolution 38 million dead Pol Pot Cambodia Genocide Rwanda Bosnia

14 U TOPIAN D REAMS Science idea and dreams of progress end of conflict and disharmony Condorcet Comte humanity and science Core of the Enlightenment Market Liberalism a Utopian dream Made possible with break up of Soviet Union triumph of capitalism

15 N EO C ONSERVATIVE UTOPIAN DREAM End of History export democracy and freedom and markets as model of progress template for change Other models of development Beijing Consensus Putin in Russia

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