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Chapter 2 U.S. History. Spain Conquistadors “Soldier-adventurer” Hoped for riches and glory Conquistadors Cortes and Pizarro Ponce de Leon Cabeza de Vaca.

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1 Chapter 2 U.S. History

2 Spain Conquistadors “Soldier-adventurer” Hoped for riches and glory Conquistadors Cortes and Pizarro Ponce de Leon Cabeza de Vaca Coronado Desoto Spanish mainland established government “encomiendas”

3 Europeans Compete Conflicts in Europe Religious Henry VIII Much distrust among kingdoms and countries Mercantilism-colonies existed to make the home country wealthy and powerful. 1588 Spanish Armada remove Elizabeth from the throne. Changed the balance of power.

4 Europeans Compete John Cabot More northern route to Asia. 2 nd voyage disappeared Northwest Passage sea route from Atlantic to Pacific. Verrazano for France Cartier French Hudson English

5 Differences in Philosophy CountryTerritoryAcquisitionsTreatment of Natives People New Spain Mexico, Latin America, Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Louisiana,Kansas Gold, Silver, other precious metals Killed and enslaved many Natives Cortes and Pizarro Ponce de Leon Cabeza de Vaca Coronado Desoto New FranceNorthern U.S and Canada Fur and fishTraded with them Champlain Marquette Joliet New Netherlands New YorktradeTraded with them Minuit

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