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The “Evil” of Communism in America McCarthyism and the Media During the 1940’s and 1950’s.

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Presentation on theme: "The “Evil” of Communism in America McCarthyism and the Media During the 1940’s and 1950’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 The “Evil” of Communism in America McCarthyism and the Media During the 1940’s and 1950’s

2 Defining our Terms Economic Monetary Systems ($MONEY$) ◦ Socialism ◦ Capitalism Governmental Systems (LAW) ◦ Dictatorship ◦ Monarchy ◦ Democracy ◦ Republic Combination of Monetary & Governmental ◦ Communism

3 $ocialism $$Socialism$$ is an economic system and theory that advocates public ownership of business $$Socialism$$ is the deliberate social control of money Seniority and experience based No Private ownership of business

4 $$Socialism$$ Examples: ME! (Did you pay me $2 to teach you today?) Firefighters (Do you have to pay them before they begin to put out your housefire?) Police, Public Sanitation workers, National Parks officers Military Roads, bridges, sidewalks, national parks…

5 $$ Capitalism $$ Capitalism is an economic theory and system that advocates private ownership of business Motivates hard work through competition Performance based analysis Business FOR PROFIT

6 Examples of $$ Capitalism $$ Microsoft Google Vons, StaterBros, Ralphs, Target Southern California Edison (Electric co.) Time Warner Cable USC, Biola, Harvard, Stanford, UCLA… …do you have to PAY to go there or get services or product there?

7 Governmental Systems Dictatorship ◦ A government that has the power to govern without the consent of the governed. (An Autocracy: one person with unlimited power) Monarchy ◦ Traditionally, an Autocracy whose leader is chosen by heredity (family succession). Spectrum of control.

8 Governmental Systems cont… Democracy ◦ Rule of the Majority ◦ Every member of the society votes on legislation ◦ Sociopolitical system—no implied economic system Republic ◦ Representative rule ◦ Members of society elect representatives to rule on legislation and “speak for them” in the govt. ◦ Sociopolitical system—no implied economic system

9 Combination System: Communism—One Party System ◦ Aims for a classless and stateless society with common ownership of property and business ◦ Is $$ Socialist $$ AND a modified Dictatorship ◦ Begins with a dictatorship of the proletariat (“common man”), with the assumption that they will step down—creating total social equality—once the system is in place

10 Why does Communism sound appealing to some? Consider what makes us “different.” What elements of our lives separate us from each other? If you were to compare yourself to me, to your classmates, to people you see on TV, how are you different? Is your life better than or worse than Bill Gates? Me? A homeless man in Alabama?

11 Why is it frightening? Historical Abuse ◦ 1945—Distrust of the Soviet Union after WWII (Stalin) ◦ 1945 China falls to Mao Tse-Tung Abuse of the system and the citizens of communist societies, coupled with corruption American Communist party was responsible for acts of espionage, and advocated an overthrow of the US govt.

12 McCarthy was a Junior (new) senator from Wisconsin who served on the House UnAmerican Committee, and ran hearings to determine the “loyalty” of accused US citizens Senator Joe McCarthy

13 McCarthyism McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of treason, disloyalty, or subversion without substantiation of evidence. (All PATHOS and no LOGOS) Exceptional negative connotation During the McCarthy era, thousands of Americans were accused of being Communists or Communist sympathizers.

14 The Hollywood Ten The Black List ◦ Actors, Directors, and Screenwriters were “black listed”—excluded from work based upon rumor of their association with the Communist Party ◦ SAG barred people from participating in films until they had “cleared themselves” in front of congress ◦ Many were barred and blacklisted for refusing to cooperate with the House UnAmerican Committees (HUAC) questions.

15 Fear Mongering—PATHOS!!

16 Good Night, and Good Luck 2005 film depicting the conflict between Edward R. Murrow and Senator Joseph McCarthy ◦ Murrow was a broadcast anchor with CBS news Set in 1953 Co written and directed by George Clooney

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