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Where do we go from here? A few concluding remarks Kerstin Sahlin Swedish Reserach Council and Uppsala University.

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Presentation on theme: "Where do we go from here? A few concluding remarks Kerstin Sahlin Swedish Reserach Council and Uppsala University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where do we go from here? A few concluding remarks Kerstin Sahlin Swedish Reserach Council and Uppsala University

2 Key messages in the report (p 47 ff) A new kind of social sciences – Bolder, better, bigger, different Reframe environmental change as a social process Infuse social science insights into problem-solving processes Encourage more social scientists to address global environmental change directly Change the way the social sciences think about and do science to help meet the interdisciplinary and cross-sector changes society faces

3 A simple picture of integrating visions Social sciences and humanities Natural sciences, engineering, medicine society A common picture

4 The report gives solid arguments for the the need for elaborated and mutual integration Social sciences and humanities Natural sciences, engineering, medicine society

5 ………. and for further real integration Natural sciences, engineering, medicine Social sciences and humanities The need for more interdisciplanary and policy relevant research

6 society How can environmental research draw on and contribute to social science research at large? Natural sciences, engineering, medicine Social sciences and humanities

7 A paradox that is highlighted in the report Piecemeal solutions, problems and adaptations Constant quest for grand solutions Growing distrust in traditional authorities and institutions

8 society How can environmental research draw on and contribute to social science research at large? Natural sciences, engineering, medicine Social sciences and humanities Examples of important social science research research lesson regard -Behavioral change -Adaptation -Societal change -Regulation and compliance -Governance -Equity -Migration -Identification -Crisis, conflict and stability -Empowerment -Risk -Identity -Transnationalization and regionalization -Democracy -Agenda setting-

9 society How can environmental research draw on and contribute to social science research at large? Natural sciences, engineering, medicine Social sciences and humanities Examples of important social science research issues -Behavioral change -Adaptation -Societal change -Regulation and compliance -Governance -Equity -Migration -Identification -Crisis, conflict and stability -Empowerment -Risk -Identity -Transnationalization and regionalization -Democracy -Agenda setting- SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES IS NOT ALWAYS OR MAYBE NOT EVEN MAINLY SOLUTION ORIENTED. HOW CAN WE INTEGRATE THE MORE CRITICAL AND REFLECTIVE HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES?


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