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Follow, Get Out of the Way, or…Step Up Your Leadership Skills!

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Presentation on theme: "Follow, Get Out of the Way, or…Step Up Your Leadership Skills!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Follow, Get Out of the Way, or…Step Up Your Leadership Skills!
John A. Rubino, President Rubino Consulting Services

2 We are measured not by what we are, but by the perception of what we seem to be; not by what we say, but how we are heard; not by what we do, but how we appear to do it. --- Anonymous The shortest and best way to make your fortune is to let people see clearly that it is in their best interest to promote yours. --- Jean Del Bruyere

Trust means confidence; the opposite of trust, distrust, is suspicion. In a high-trust relationship, you can say the wrong thing, and people will still get your meaning. In a low-trust relationship, you can be very measured, even precise, and they’ll still misinterpret you. According to a recent study, only 36% of employees believe their leaders act with honesty and trust.

4 Building Trust Is A Process…
Vulnerability – people need to know you. Predictability – consistency is the key. Enable-ability - empower those around you. Relational-ability - we follow the person first, then the plan. Credibility – align your values and behavior with your vision.

5 An Actual Formula For Success…
Low trust equals low speed and high cost. High trust equals high speed and low cost. (SxE)T=R [strategy times execution times trust equals results] The age-old question: Is it better to be loved or feared?

6 Max Dupree – Leadership Is An Art
Leadership is much more an art, a belief, a condition of the heart, than a set of things to do. The visible signs of artful leadership are expressed, ultimately, in its practice. Liberating people to do what is required of them in the most effective and humane way possible.

7 Max Dupree – Leadership Is An Art
The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between the two, the leader must become a servant and a debtor. That sums up the progress of an artful leader. Leaders don’t inflict pain; they bear pain. Leaders are obligated to provide and maintain momentum. Momentum comes from a clear vision. Relationships count more than structure – horizontal versus vertical: ‘roving leaders’.

8 What Are The Global Trends?
The ability to establish, grow, extend and restore trust with all stakeholders – customers, business partners, investors, co-workers is… THE KEY LEADERSHIP COMPETENCY OF THE NEW GLOBAL ECONOMY. Today, we have many partnering relationships – it’s the new global work model of the 21st century!

Trust requires character (leader of the people) and competence (leader of the business) WAVES OF TRUST Self-Trust --- Am I credible? Am I someone people can trust? Relationship Trust --- Interacting with others in ways that build trust – consistent behavior. Organizational Trust --- Organizations are no longer built on force, but on trust . Market Trust --- In the end, all you have is your reputation. Societal Trust --- Contributing and giving back. EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP IS GETTING RESULTS IN A WAY THAT INSPIRES TRUST

10 FOUR ZONES OF TRUST ZONE ONE: High Propensity to Trust; Low Analysis
This is the “Blind Trust” zone of gullibility. It’s the Pollanna approach where people blissfully trust everyone. This is where we find those ‘suckers born every minute” – those people who are a sure bet to fall for internet, marketing, investment, and other scams .

11 FOUR ZONES OF TRUST ZONE TWO: High Propensity to Trust; High Analysis
This is the “Smart Trust” zone of judgment. This is where you combine the propensity to trust with the analysis to manage risk wisely. This is where you get good people judgment –including enhanced instinct and intuition. If you have a propensity to not trust, instinct and intuition will disproportionately tell you to not extend trust to others. On the other hand, without analysis, you might well mistake a propensity to trust alone for instinct and intuition. Smart Trust doesn’t mean you extend trust to everyone. Based on the circumstances, your judgment may be to not extend trust or to extend only a limited measure of trust. The key phrase: TRUST, BUT VERIFY !

12 FOUR ZONES OF TRUST ZONE THREE: Low Propensity to Trust; Low Analysis
This is the “No Trust” zone of indecision. People here tend to not trust anyone. Because their own analysis is low, they tend to not even trust themselves. This zone is characterized by indecision, insecurity, protectiveness, apprehension, tentativeness, and immobilization.

13 FOUR ZONES OF TRUST ZONE FOUR: Low Propensity to Trust; High Analysis
This is the “Distrust” zone of suspicion, where you find people who extend trust very cautiously or not at all. In fact, some are so suspicious that they do not trust anyone but themselves. People in this zone tend to rely almost exclusively on analysis (usually their own) for all evaluation, decision making, and execution. Here we find micro-managers who drive away their best and most talented employees.

14 FOUR ZONES OF TRUST Obviously, ZONE TWO – “Smart Trust” – is where we find the most effective leaders. The risk of being in ZONE FOUR – particularly as a leader – is extremely high. It’s the risk of having limited perspective, lack of collaboration, alienation of talent, and lost opportunity. This is one reason why, in the global economy, not trusting people is often the greatest risk of all!

15 Thirteen Behaviors of Effective Leaders
Talk Straight Demonstrate Respect Create Transparency Right Wrongs Show Loyalty Deliver Results Get Better Confront Reality Clarify Expectations Practice Accountability Listen First Keep Commitments Extend Trust

16 Successful Leaders Must Be Accomplished…
PSYCHOLOGISTS AND DETECTIVES Must know what makes people ‘tick’. Must successfully ‘mine’ data and use this information, as well as business and people knowledge, to help achieve objectives.

You walk the fine line of consistently supporting your association and your volunteers: Achieving business objectives while meeting the needs of those you work with. THE CHALLENGE IS TO MAINTAIN YOUR BALANCE!

18 ‘Mind-Set’ Of The Effective Leader
As in any discipline, leadership success requires a process of continuous learning. Successful leaders: - grasp what they are good at; - know what role they play in their organizations; - understand what they need to learn to take on new challenges. It is your responsibility --- not any organization’s --- to manage your intellectual capital, build on it, and adapt to new experiences. You need to develop a healthy and enduring capacity for self- assessment; a predisposition for learning new ideas and skills.

19 Make them your best friends!
Are You An Opinion Leader? If not, do you know who they are in your association? Make them your best friends! They are scattered throughout your association They are the names you hear over and over again They are the ones everybody listens to and respects

Make An Honest Assessment Of Your Knowledge, Skills, Competencies, Behaviors, And ‘Reputation’ Know Thyself Know Thy Stuff “Walk the Talk” Honesty and Integrity Excellent Interpersonal Skills Superior Communication Ability ***MERGING QUALITATIVE ABILITIES WITH QUANTITATIVE SKILLS***

21 Three Primary Objectives Of Effective Leadership Communication:
Ensure Understanding Get Buy-in/Change Perceptions Motivate the Right Behaviors

22 Global Research Consistently Shows That Most Organizations Do A Poor Job Of Communicating With Their Employees. WHY???

23 Communication Effectiveness Model

24 Tools And Techniques For Effective Leadership Communication
We can become more effective communicators by observing and learning from the world around us. Who are the best communicators in our society…and what can we learn from them?

25 There Are Seven Sins In The World:
Wealth without work Pleasure without conscience Knowledge without character Commerce without morality Science without humanity Worship without sacrifice Politics without principle

26 Most people don’t do what they believe in; they do what’s most convenient, then they repent ….Bob Dylan While we tend to judge ourselves by our intent, we tend to judge others by their behavior ….Stephen Covey The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot ready and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn ….Alvin Toffler

27 MAX DUPREE For many of us who work, there exists an exasperating discontinuity between how we see ourselves as persons and how we see ourselves as workers. We need to eliminate that sense of discontinuity and restore a sense of coherence in our lives. Work should be and can be productive and rewarding, meaningful and maturing, enriching and fulfilling, healing and joyful. Work is one of our greatest privileges. WORK CAN EVEN BE POETIC!

28 Questions?

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