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Mental Health America of WI The Promise and Challenge of The Affordable Care Act: What’s Up? *********************** Shel Gross, MPA Director of Public.

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Presentation on theme: "Mental Health America of WI The Promise and Challenge of The Affordable Care Act: What’s Up? *********************** Shel Gross, MPA Director of Public."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mental Health America of WI The Promise and Challenge of The Affordable Care Act: What’s Up? *********************** Shel Gross, MPA Director of Public Policy

2 The Promise of the ACA We’ve been asking to be treated as first class citizens; ACA does that. -National Council webinar

3 Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder (MH/SU)Treatments are part of Essential Health Benefits and Must be provided at parity. The Promise of Parity

4 Parity in EHBs Essential Health Benefits Ambulatory services Emergency services Hospitalization Maternity and newborn care Mental health and substance use disorder services Prescription drugs Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices Laboratory services Preventive and wellness services Chronic disease management Pediatric services, including oral and vision care

5 Inpatient/Outpatient Transitional Treatment Services: Parity in Wisconsin

6 Use of prior approval to limit access. Unfamiliarity with “transitional treatment services”. Limited medication formularies. Workforce issues, especially substance use providers. Parity: The Challenge

7 Final federal regulations just came out. Call that one plan is charging “specialty” copay amount. Very limited provider networks in Marketplace plans. Parity: What’s New

8 Support clients in appealing denials of authorization requests, including independent review process through OCI. Work with your professional organizations to elevate the issue. Feel free to contact me so we can work with OCI to explore whether parity regulations are being honored. Parity: What You Can Do

9 Medicaid Expansion (and contraction) Governor expanded Medicaid to “childless adults” under 100% FPL –Standard Plan Governor reduced eligibility for parents and caretakers to 100% FPL Pregnant women, children and people on SSI/SSDI remain covered at current levels.

10 Governor calling for delay in enrollment for those losing Medicaid and HIRSP. Will also affect those “childless adults” currently receiving or hoping to receive Medicaid. Medicaid: What’s New

11 Medicare If you are on Medicare you are not eligible to buy plans on the exchanges.

12 Integration: The Promise Growing recognition that we can’t bend the cost curve without addressing chronic health conditions And We can’t address chronic health conditions without addressing mental health

13 Integration: The Promise State option for “health homes” for people with serious mental illnesses; 90% federal funding for 2 years. Post-partum depression campaign. Prevention services at no cost include depression and substance use screening.

14 Integration: The Challenges Reorganizing primary care. Training/support for primary care docs. Workforce concerns; use of ancillary staff. Workforce issues; primary care mental health.

15 Integration: What’s New Integrated care pilot in NC Wisconsin. Proposal for child psychiatry access line passed State Assembly.

16 Insurance Reforms No pre-existing condition exclusions Guaranteed issue Essential Health Benefits Premiums can’t be based on health status (but can charge more for smokers!)

17 Insurance Reforms

18 Problems with Keeping insurance if you like it: –The ACA did not allow plans with poorer coverage to be sold, so some people were being cancelled. –President said states/insurers could renew plans for 2014. Insurance Reforms: What’s New

19 Speed bump or train wreck? Big problem if younger, healthier people fail to enroll. Insurance Reforms: What’s New

20 Enrollment: The Challenges According to Massachusetts Bureau of SA Services 20-25% of acute service presentations (primarily detox) are uninsured. These are disproportionately young men who are otherwise physically healthy.

21 Enrollment: The Challenges In Mass., half of patients with MH and SUD conditions in focus groups were avoidably disenrolled at least once from their health insurance in the past year. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Enrollment and Disenrollment in Subsidized Health Insurance: Lessons Learned in Massachusetts. November 2011

22 Unfamiliarity with health insurance and its value Individuals with SUD new to health care system Lack of awareness about eligibility Cost concerns: Smoker’s penalty: 50% higher premium Almost half of cigarettes are smoked by person’s with MH/SU disorders. Enrollment: The Challenges

23 Distrust of government programs Lack of decision-making skills Churn: changes from Medicaid to private plans Complicated enrollment process Enrollment: The Challenges

24 Make sure you and your staff are educated: SAMHSA toolkit Enrollment for Health Wisconsin Get the Word Out Enroll America Enrollment: What you can do

25 Engage with Regional Enrollment Networks Engage with consumer groups in your area Enrollment: What you can do

26 Enrollment for Health Wisconsin Enrollment Directory; information about Regional Enrollment Networks; links to information for consumers and providers. SAMHSA Toolkit 35 minute narrated powerpoint, walks you through key information about the ACA and also the various resources and materials available. Good for administrative staff. Resources

27 Mental Health America ACA Toolkit: Links to many mental health specific resources, such as those related to parity implementation in the ACA. Enroll America Links to brochures and fact sheets; materials for providers on best ways to communicate with your clients about the ACA. Resources

28 Contact Info Shel Gross Mental Health America of WI 608-250-4368

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