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Organization of Workstations

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1 Organization of Workstations
Applications in traditional and lean systems Tradeoffs among guidelines depend on type of production, number and types of items being produced, etc. Nine guidelines: Use Specialization Even Though It Sacrifices Versatility Consider Group Technology Consider Both Non-progressive and Progressive Assembly Balance Flow Lines Minimize Material Handling Cost Decouple Tasks Make Several Identical Items at the Same Time Combine Operations and Functions Vary Environmental Stimulation Inversely with Task Stimulation ISE 311

2 G1: Use Specialization Even Though It Sacrifices Versatility
Special-purpose equipment Specialized materials Specialized labor Group technology ISE 311

3 G2: Consider Group Technology
Form families of items that are almost identical. May be based on part geometry or process similarities. Classification process depends on solving coding problem. May be the basis of factory specialization. Imitate a flow line and shift fixed costs of the flow line to the process. Find common solutions to common problems. Benefits of Product Families Product design An existing part can be used in place of a proposed new part. An existing part, modified, can replace a new part. The existing part can provide design data for a new part. Common manufacturing Lessons can be learned from similar parts. Existing tooling can be used. Setup and training costs can be reduced. ISE 311

4 Cell Layout Cell: machines and skills for producing related items placed close together. Advantages: Specialization Minimum material handling Simpler production control Shorter throughput times Lower work-in-process (WIP) inventory Disadvantages: Lower equipment utilization Loss of flexibility Cost of setting up and maintaining concept ISE 311

5 G3: Consider Both Non-progressive and Progressive Assembly
Consider an assembly of N elements that requires m people to work. Non-progressive assembly: Each worker does all N elements. Progressive assembly: The job is split so each worker does N/m elements. Which should we choose? ISE 311

6 Non-Progressive Assembly
Advantages Neutral Characteristics Disadvantages Balance delay time is eliminated. Scheduling flexibility is increased. Shocks do not have multiple effects. Musculoskeletal disorders are less of a problem. Satisfaction may increase. Quality may be higher or lower with each type of assembly. Material handling has advantages and disadvantages in both. Space requirements could favor either. Walking may be required in either. Direct labor cost/hour is higher. Skill requirements and training costs are higher. Equipment capital cost is higher. In-process inventory is higher. Supervision is more difficult. ISE 311

7 Reasons for Flow Lines Some of their advantages are emphasized by decision makers. Cost advantages that favor flow lines are visible, whereas the costs that do not favor them are lost in overhead figures. Many of their disadvantages can be overcome by good system design. Work cells in lean production can be combined into flow lines and balanced. ISE 311

8 G4: Balance Flow Lines Balance the tradeoffs between number of stations or cells and the amount produced by each station to meet production times as smoothly and efficiently as possible. Before balancing flow lines: Ask whether it is appropriate to balance the line. Gather the givens: Table of work elements and times Precedence diagram Required units/minute from line (Takt time) Determine: Number of stations/cells Number of workers at each station/cell Elements to be done at each station/cell takt time is set by the customer. ISE 311

9 Standard Balancing Technique
Example: Final assembly of an electronic organ (from Weiss and Gershon, Production and Operations Management (2nd ed.), 1993, Allyn & Bacon.) ISE 311

10 Line balancing Step 1: draw the precedence diagram ISE 311

11 Line balancing Step 2: Determine quantity to be made and takt time.
Example: Production goal = 200 organs/day (set by customer demand) Cycle time = (1 day/200 organs) * (8hrs/day) * (3600 sec/hr) = 144 sec/organ Estimate an approximate number of stations. Number of stations = total time required / takt time = 510 sec / 144 sec = 3.54 = _______ 4 stations ISE 311

12 Line balancing Step 3: Make a trial solution. Station Task Task time
Longest task time rule: from among the available tasks, choose the one that takes the longest. In case of a tie, choose the one with the most followers. Station Task Task time Total time Station Idle Time Total Idle time Alternative - Ranked positional weighting method: from among the available tasks, choose the one with the longest total following time. In case of a tie, choose the one with the longest operation time. Start this – finishing will be the homework … ISE 311

13 Station Task Task time Total time Station Idle Time Total Idle time
ISE 311

14 Line balancing Step 4: Determining the efficiency
idle time = (# of stations * cycle time) - (time to produce 1 unit) efficiency = (time to produce 1 unit) / (# of stations * longest station time) or efficiency = (theoretical minimum cycle time) / (achieved cycle time) ISE 311

15 Line Balancing Problems: Options
Mean times for stations are not equal, so there is balance-delay time. The speed at a station in a balanced line must be set at the speed of a slow operator on a slow station. Cycle times vary. Options Consider element sharing. Remember that cycle times are not fixed. Remember that elements often can be redefined. Interchange elements from the assembly task and the subassembly tasks. kanban - inventory control pull system parts placed in containers for next cell when parts are pulled, they must be replaced ISE 311

16 G5: Minimize Material Handling Cost
Elements of material handling cost: Material handling cost/year = Capital cost + Operating cost Operating cost = Number of trips/year × Cost/trip Cost/trip = Fixed cost/trip + (Variable cost/distance × distance/trip) Reduce material handling cost by … Consider how utilization affects capital costs vs. operating costs. Eliminate peak loads through scheduling. Replace transportation with communication. Reduce number of trips through scheduling and combining. Reduce fixed costs by using line production. Move more product/labor hour. Reduce distances by efficient layout and arrangement. Use a “bus” instead of a “taxi” system. Emphasize reducing total MH costs rather than individual elements. ISE 311

17 Strategies to Reduce Material Handling Cost
Consider how utilization affects capital costs vs. operating costs. Eliminate peak loads through scheduling. Replace transportation with communication. Reduce number of trips through scheduling and combining. Reduce fixed costs by using line production. Move more product/labor hour. Reduce distances by efficient layout and arrangement. Use a “bus” instead of a “taxi” system. Emphasize reducing total MH costs rather than individual elements. ISE 311

18 G6: Decouple Tasks Types of flow lines: Decisions to consider:
Operation-only line Order-picking line Assembly line Decisions to consider: Single product or multiple products? Assemble in sub-assemblies or on the line? How to divide tasks among stations? Balanced or unbalanced? Characteristics of well-designed lines: Minimum idle time at the stations High quality (enough time at each station) Minimum capital cost ISE 311

19 Lean Manufacturing (Just-in-Time)
Reduction of work-in-process inventories to minimal amounts, to force management to solve problems by revealing them. Little product variety Producing only what the customer wants, when it is wanted High quality High equipment availability Short setup times Cross-trained skilled workers ISE 311

20 Shocks and Disturbances
Cause cycle times to vary. May result from operator variability, station starvation, or station blockage. Buffers provide flexibility/tolerance. In lean systems, the presence of inventory buffers indicate waste opportunities to improve process goal is to eliminate the need for buffers ISE 311

21 Buffering Techniques Decouple by changing product flow
Buffers at or between stations Buffers due to carrier design Buffers off-line Decouple by moving operators Utility operator Help your neighbor n operators, n workstations n operators, >n workstations ISE 311

22 G7: Make Several Identical Items at the Same Time
Task stages: Get ready Do Put away Reduce cost/unit by prorating get-ready and put-away over more units. ISE 311

23 G8: Combine Operations and Functions
Use multi-function materials. Use multi-function tools. ISE 311

24 G9: Vary Environmental Stimulation Inversely with Task Stimulation
Low-stimulation tasks: Add physical movement to the task Add stimulation to the environment High-stimulation tasks: Make privacy possible Discourage excess conversation ISE 311

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