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J2EE PET STORE &.NET PET SHOP Yong-Han Lee & Charles Harsch.

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Presentation on theme: "J2EE PET STORE &.NET PET SHOP Yong-Han Lee & Charles Harsch."— Presentation transcript:

1 J2EE PET STORE &.NET PET SHOP Yong-Han Lee & Charles Harsch

2 Introduction Project Description

3 Recapitulation J2EE Pet Store &.NET Pet Shop Business Model

4 Purpose of Pet Store & Pet Shop Illustrate basic usage of J2EE technology and.NET technology Demonstrate current best practices in system design.

5 Comparison of J2EE PS and.NET PS J2EE: platform-independent, JAVA-centric.NET: Windows-centric and language-neutral Design goals of J2EE Pet Store and.NET Pet Shop were the same Almost the same performance

6 Business Model

7 Technological Architecture Model

8 Model of the Sample Applications Tier Overview Tiered Architecture and used Technology MVC Patterns Design Patterns Modular Design (for J2EE Pet Store)

9 Tiered Architecture and used Technology

10 Pet Shop multi-tier: Purpose of Tiers

11 Pet Shop: High-Level Logical Architecture

12 General structure of a J2EE multi-tiered application

13 Technologies used in different tiers and their functionality in J2EE Pet Store

14 Correspondance of Tiers

15 Presentation Tier

16 Components in the Presentation Tier Computational Viewpoint – Detail Level 0

17 Pet Shop Presentation Tier: Computational Viewpoint of Components – Level 1

18 Files of J2EE Pet Store Web Site Web tier

19 Middle Tier

20 Components in the Business Logic Tier Computational Viewpoint – Detail Level 0

21 Pet Shop Business Logic Tier: Computational Viewpoint of Components – IT Level

22 Different enterprise beans in J2EE PS Web Site EJB tier

23 Implementation of an EJB

24 EJB in.NET? Enterprise Services Business Entity

25 Data Access Layer

26 Components in the Data Access Layer Computational Viewpoint – Detail Level 0

27 Pet Shop Data Access Layer: Computational Viewpoint of Components – IT Level

28 MVC Pattern

29 Model-View-Controller Pattern

30 Model-View-Controller Pattern: « Code behind »

31 J2EE: Model-View-Controller and corresponding Tiers

32 Design Patterns Design Patterns used in J2EE Pet Store Design Patterns used in.NET Pet Shop

33 Design Patterns used in J2EE Pet Store

34 In which tiers the Design Patterns are best implemented

35 Design Patterns and MVC

36 .NET Design Patterns: Design Patterns used in.NET Pet Shop

37 .NET Design Patterns: Design Patterns in Tiers

38 Model-View-Controller Pattern : Model-Controller separation

39 Model-View-Controller Pattern : MVC in Controller Pattern

40 Modular Design of J2EE Pet Store Modular development decouples components from one another benefits: ease maintenance simplifies parallel development provides opportunities for incorporating third-party components

41 J2EE Pet Store Modular Design


43 Implementation of Control Module

44 Implementation of Catalog Module

45 Conclusion

46 No big differences Performance:.NET a bit better, because efficient caching..NET PS fewer lines of code, but not significant. J2EE PS not optimized for performance Architecture: Both are multi-tiered application with same functionality.NET uses additional tier, business entity to track and pass data J2EE uses enterprise beans in EJB tier

47 Our Website

48 Questions?

49 Thank you for your attention

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