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ENGG2013 Unit 25 Second-order Linear DE

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1 ENGG2013 Unit 25 Second-order Linear DE
Apr, 2011.

2 Yesterday First-order DE System of first-order DE Objectives:
Method of separating variable Method of integrating factor System of first-order DE Eigenvalues determine the convergence behaviour near a critical point. Objectives: Solve the initial value problem Given the initial value, find the trajectory Transient-state analysis of electronic circuits Understand the system behaviour Does the system converge? Stable equilibrium point, unstable equilibrium point. kshum

3 Linear Second-order DE
Homogeneous Non-homogeneous kshum

4 Linear Second-order constant-coeff. DE
Homogeneous Non-homogeneous kshum

5 Vibrating spring without damping
x(t): vertical displacement Hooke’s law: Force = k x k is the spring constant, k > 0 (the constant k is sometime called the spring modulus.) Newton’s law: F = m x’’ m is the mass, m > 0 k x m x’’ x Second-order, autonomous linear, constant-coefficient and homogeneous m x’’ + k x = 0 Assumptions: Spring has negligible weight No friction kshum

6 Solutions to undamped spring-mass model
Normalize by m Direct substitution verifies that and are solutions, e.g. {\color{blue} \begin{align*} &\sin''\left( \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}} t \right) + \frac{k}{m}\sin\left( \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}} t \right) \\ &= \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}}\cos'\left( \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}} t \right) + \frac{k}{m}\sin\left( \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}} t \right) \\ &= -\frac{k}{m} \sin\left( \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}} t \right) + \frac{k}{m}\sin\left( \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}} t \right) \\ &= 0 \end{align*} kshum

7 Natural frequency Let We know that cos( t) and sin( t) are both solutions.  is called the natural frequency. Dimension check: The unit of  is Hz = s-1. The spring constant k has unit kg s-2. k/m has unit s-2. Square root of k/m has unit s-1. kshum

8 Principle of superposition (aka linearity principle)
For linear and homogenous differential equation, the linear combination of two solutions is also a solution.  For any real numbers a and b, a cos( t) + b cos( t) is a solution to x’’+ 2 x=0. \begin{align*} &[a\ {\color{red} \cos(\omega t)} + b\ {\color{blue} \sin(\omega t)}]'' + \omega^2 [a\ {\color{red} \cos(\omega t)} + b\ {\color{blue}\sin(\omega t)}] \\ &= a\ {\color{red} \cos''(\omega t)} + b\ {\color{blue}\sin''(\omega t)}+ \omega^2 a\ {\color{red} \cos(\omega t)} + \omega^2 b\ {\color{blue}\sin(\omega t)} \\ &= a [{\color{red} \cos''(\omega t)}+ \omega^2\ {\color{red} \cos(\omega t)} ] +b [{\color{blue}\sin''(\omega t)}+ \omega^2\ {\color{blue}\sin(\omega t)}]\\ &= = 0 \end{align*} kshum


10 Graphical illustration of spring-mass model
Define the displacement-velocity vector Reduction to system of two first-order differential equations. {\color{blue}\begin{bmatrix} x \\ v \end{bmatrix}' = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ -\omega^2 & 0 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x \\ v \end{bmatrix} } kshum

11 Phase plane for the vibrating spring
Sample solution The trajectory is a ellipse kshum

12 Order reduction technique
equivalent \begin{bmatrix} x \\ x' \end{bmatrix}' = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ -b & a \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x \\ x' \end{bmatrix} Second-order DE with constant coefficients is basically the same as a system of two first-order DE. kshum

13 Vibrating spring with damping
Vibrating spring in honey m x’’ = – k x – d x’ honey Force exerted by the spring Assumption: Magnitude of damping force is directly proportional to x’. d> 0 Damping due to viscosity Equivalent form kshum

14 Phase plane for damped spring
Sample solutions Convergence to the origin kshum


16 Recall: Diagonalization
Definition: an n  n matrix M is called diagonalizable if we can find an invertible matrix S, such that is a diagonal matrix, or equivalently, Example: Diagonalization is useful in decoupling a linear system for instance.

17 Solution to vibrating spring with damping
Characteristic equation Eigenvalues \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ -3 & -1 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x \\ v \end{bmatrix}

18 Solution to vibrating spring with damping
Eigenvectors have complex components Concatenate Two eigenvectors are not scalar multiple of each other, because the two eigenvalues are distinct . Hence inverse exists. Diagonalize

19 Solution to vibrating spring with damping
Substitute by the diagonalized matrix Change of variables \begin{bmatrix} x \\ y\end{bmatrix} \leftarrow \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 2 \\ 1& -5 \end{bmatrix}^{-1} \begin{bmatrix} C_A \\ C_B \end{bmatrix} An uncoupled system

20 Solution to vibrating spring with damping
Solve the uncoupled system K1 and K2 are constants Substitute back (C1, C1, a and b are constants)

21 Solution to vibrating spring with damping

22 A general strategy for linear system
Decouple (Diagonalization) Solve each subsystem separately Piece them together Solved


24 2nd-order constant-coeff. DE
Homogeneous b and c are constants. Non-homogeneous f(t) is a function of independent variable t. kshum

25 The homogeneous case Idea: try a function in the form ekt as a solution. k is some constant. Substitute ekt into x’’+bx’+cx=0 and try to solve for the constant k. Apply the superposition principle: any linear combination of solutions is also a solution. kshum

26 Examples Solve x’’+3x’+2x=0. Solve x’’–4x’+4x=0. Solve x’’+9x= 0.
General solution: x(t) = c1 e–2t+ c2e–t General solution: x(t) = c1 e2t+ c2 t e2t General solution: x(t) = c1 e3i t+ c2 e-3i t = d1 sin(t)+ d2 cos(t) kshum

27 Summary of the three cases
Differential equation Characteristic equation Case Roots Basis of solutions General Solution 1 Distinct real  and  et, et c1et+c2et 2 Repeated root  et, tet c1et+c2tet 3 Complex roots  =r+i, =r–i e(r+i)t, e(r–i)t er(c1cos t+c2sin t) kshum

28 The non-homogeneous case
Property: If x1(t) and x2(t) are two solutions to then their difference x1(t) – x2(t) is a solution to the homogeneous counterpart kshum

29 Consequence Suppose that xp(t) is some solution to x’’+bx’+cx=f(t) (given to you by a genie for example)  Any solution of x’’+bx’+cx=f(t) can be written as xh(t) +xp(t) A solution to the homogeneous DE x’’+bx’+c=0 A particular solution kshum

30 Method of trial and error (aka as the method of undetermined coefficient)
To solve the non-homogeneous DE x’’+bx’+cx=f(t) Find a particular solution by trial and error (and experience) Let the particular solution be xp(t). Solve the homogeneous version x’’+bx’+cx=0. Let the homogeneous solution be xh(t). The general solution is xh(t)+ xp(t). kshum

31 How to guess a particular solution
f(t) Choice for xp(t) K xn cnxn+cn-1xn-1+…+c1x1+c0 K eat Ceat K sin(t) c1 sin(t)+c2 cos(t) K cos(t) K eat sin(t) eat (c1 sin(t)+c2 cos(t)) K eat cos(t) K, C, a, , c0, c1, c2,… are constants kshum

32 Example Solve x’’+3x’+2x= e5t. Try c e5t as a particular solution.
(c e5t )’’+3(c e5t )’+(c e5t )= e5t 25c e5t+15c e5t+5c e5t= e5t 25 c + 15c + 5c=1  c = 1/45 Let xp(t) = e5t/45 as a particular solution. General solution is c1e–2t+ c2e–t + e5t/45 Homogeneous solution Particular solution kshum

33 Summary Graphical method using phase plane. Method of diagonalization
Reduction to two 1st-order linear DE. Method of diagonalization Need to reduce the second-order DE to a system of first-order DE. Time-consuming but theoretically sound. Method of undetermined coefficients Find a solution quickly, but not systematic. Good for calculation in examination. kshum

34 Final Exam Date: 6th May (Friday) Venue: NA Gym Time: 9:30~11:30
Coverage: Everything in Lecture Notes and Homeworks Close-book exam You may bring a calculator, and a handwritten A4-size and double-sided crib sheet. kshum

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