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Published byEmory Gregory Modified over 9 years ago
School of Computer Science and Software Engineering Large Object Segmentation and Region Priority Rendering Monash University Yang-Wai Chow Dr Ronald Pose Dr Matthew Regan
Overview Background Address Recalculation Pipeline Priority Rendering Description of the challenges/problems Computation of object validity periods Large object segmentation Tearing Solution to the problems Region Priority Rendering Region Warping Experimental Screenshots Future Work
Background Address Recalculation Pipeline Priority Rendering
Latency is a major factor that plagues the designing of immersive Head Mounted Display (HMD) virtual reality systems End-to-end latency is defined as the time between a user’s actions and when those actions are reflected by the display The Address Recalculation Pipeline (ARP) was designed to reduce the end-to-end latency due to user head rotations for immersive Head Mounted Display (HMD) virtual reality systems User ActionsDelay End-to-end latency Actions reflected by Display The latency problem
Lengthy delays in immersive Head Mounted Display (HMD) virtual reality systems can have adverse effects on the user Latency can completely destroy the illusion of reality that the virtual reality system attempts to present to the user Head Mounted Display (HMD)
Conventional virtual reality display systems attempt to shorten the end- to-end latency by reducing scene complexity and/or by using faster rendering engines Even with the fast graphics accelerators available today that can render over 100 frames per second (fps) the end-to-end latency remains a factor to be contended with The update cycle is still bound by the need to obtain up-to-date head orientation information (where the user is looking) before any form of rendering can commence Head Tracking Image Creation Buffer Swap Image Valid Normal sequence of events Conventional systems attempt to shorten this section
On conventional graphics systems, the rendering process is bound by the need to obtain up-to-date head orientation information prior to rendering Geometric transform Database traversal Face classific. Lighting Clipping Viewport mapping Scan conv. Pixel addressing Image comp. Display image Display buffer Head Orientation Conventional virtual reality system
The ARP is fundamentally different from conventional systems in that it implements delayed viewport mapping, a concept whereby viewport mapping is performed post rendering Geometric transform Database traversal Face classific. LightingClipping Viewport mapping Scan conv. Image comp. Display image Display buffer Anti- aliasing Pixel addressing Wide angle correction Locate pixel Head Orientation The Address Recalculation Pipeline (ARP) virtual reality system
The ARP effectively decouples viewport orientation mapping from the rendering process, and in this manner removes the usually lengthy rendering time and buffer swapping delays from the latency In separating the viewport orientation mapping from the rendering process, latency is now bound to the HMD unit’s update rate and the time required to fetch pixels from display memory The systems is very much less dependent on the rendering frame rate and is therefore fairly independent of scene complexity Average latency to head rotations WITHOUT pipeline Average latency to head rotations WITH pipeline Head Tracking Image Creation Buffer Swap Image Valid Head Tracking Image Valid
In order to implement delayed viewport mapping, the ARP requires the scene that encapsulates the user’s head to be pre-rendered onto display memory The surface of a cube was chosen to be the rendering surface surrounding the user’s head, mainly because of its rendering simplicity The rendering surface of a cube contains six standard viewport mappings each orthogonal from the other There are standard algorithms for cube surface rendering The use of such rendering can be found in a computer graphics technique known as cube environment mapping Top Front Bottom RightLeftBack
A rendering method known as Priority Rendering was developed to be used in conjunction with the ARP system, for the purpose of reducing the overall rendering load Priority rendering is based on the concept of Image Composition Different section of the scene can be rendered onto separate display memories before being combined to form an image of the whole scene Image Composition
Priority Rendering allows different section of the scene that surrounds the user’s head to be rendered onto separate display memories and therefore can updated at different update rates In the ARP system, most objects in the scene will remain valid upon user head rotations Perspective ‘foreshortening’ – objects closer to the display will appear larger than distant objects Also, upon user translations objects closer to the display will appear to move by larger amounts compared to distant objects Priority Rendering
Description of the challenges/problems Computation of object validity periods Large object segmentation Tearing
Initial implementation of Priority Rendering required the computation of validity periods for each individual object Object validity periods were estimates as to how long an object would remain valid in display memory with respect to the user’s translational speed These estimates consisted to three components Translational validity period ( trans ) Size validity period ( size ) Animation validity period ( anim ) Object validity periods Overall validity period = Min ( trans, size, anim )
Objects were sorted according to the computed overall validity periods and then individually assigned to be rendered onto display memories with particular update rates Size validity period User’s eye Distance θtθt Object’s bounding sphere Maximum translational distance Object’s radius User’s eye Distance θtθt Object’s bounding sphere Maximum translational distance Translational validity period distance×sqrt(2×(1-cos(θ t )) trans = relative speed distance–radius/sin(θ t +asin(radius/distance)) size = relative speed
It is conceivable that the use of large object segmentation in conjunction with Priority Rendering could potentially further reduce the overall rendering load Fractal terrain example – A fractal terrain typically consists of thousands of polygons. If the terrain were to be segmented for priority rendering, different sections of the fractal terrain could be updated at different update rates Large object segmentation
The implementation of object segmentation with Priority Rendering gives rise to a potential scene tearing problem Tearing can potentially occur when different sections of the same object are rendered at different update rates, whilst the user is translating through the scene The tearing problem
Scene tearing artefacts will completely destroy the illusion of reality, and therefore has to be addressed before object segmentation can be used effectively Fractal terrain tearing example
Solution to the problems Region Priority Rendering Region Warping
Region Priority Rendering devised to implicitly sort objects and also to provide a criterion for object segmentation Region Priority Rendering Upon observations of previous priority rendering results, it was concluded that object validity periods followed the spatial and temporal locality principles This methodology involved dividing the virtual world objects into equal sized clusters or regions
By dividing the virtual world into square regions, objects could be assigned to the different display memories with the different update rates without having to calculate individual object validity periods Objects in the regions were assigned to the display memories with the different update rates based on spatial locality Computation of object validity periods were no longer necessary This also provided a criterion for large object segmentation in that large objects could be segmented along region boundaries In this way tearing would be predictable and the size of the tearing could also be computed Region Priority Rendering
Region Warping was designed to hide the scene tearing artefacts resulting from object segmentation with Priority Rendering Region Warping Region Warping essentially involves the perturbation of object vertices in order to hide the tearing artefacts
Screenshots from the experiments
Scene used for the experiments Gallery scene
In this screenshot, individual objects can clearly be seen as they were rendered in a single distinct color Virtual world objects
The virtual world was divided into regions Virtual world regions
The scene rendered in wireframe, showing the segmentation of the objects along the region boundaries Object segmentation
Sections of the scene rendered onto separate display memories at different update rates Different display memories Display Memory 0 (60fps) Display Memory 1 (39.25fps) Display Memory 2 (28.21fps) Display Memory 3 (16.15fps) With object segmentation Without object segmentation 87 object segments44 object segments20 object segments62 object segments 160 object segments8 object segments3 object segments42 object segments
Overall rendering load estimates The implementation of object segmentation reduces the overall rendering load Display Memory0123 FPS (frames per sec)6039.2528.2116.15 Number of Object Segments With Segmentation87442062 Without Segmentation1608342 With object segmentation = 87 × 60 + 44 × 39.25 + 20 × 28.21 + 62 × 16.15 = 8512.5 Average rendering load per second = ∑ (num of object segments × fps) Without object segmentation = 160 × 60 + 8 × 39.25 + 3 × 28.21 + 42 × 16.15 = 10676.93 Average rendering load per second = ∑ (num of object segments × fps)
An example of a single frame showing the scene tearing effect Scene tearing
The exact same frame, this time with Region Warping Region Warping results
An error image showing the difference between the frame with the tearing and the frame with region warping Difference image
Where to from here… Human visual perception experiments Relationships between level of distortion, region sizes, speed of user translations, and etc. Computational and rendering load Dynamic shadow generation and shaders Future work
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