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Hendrik Drachsler, Sander Latour, Alan Berg

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Presentation on theme: "Hendrik Drachsler, Sander Latour, Alan Berg"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hendrik Drachsler, Sander Latour, Alan Berg
The Caliper and XApi frameworks what are they and why they are important Hendrik Drachsler, Sander Latour, Alan Berg

2 Tracking of data in the LMS
Dyckhoff, A. L., Zielke, D., Buelltmann, M., Chatti, M. A., & Schroeder, U. (2012). Design and Implementation of a Learning Analytics Toolkit for Teachers. Educational Technology & Society, 15 (3), 58–76.

3 Tracking of Social Metadata in community environments

4 Do we track the Learning Process with these data?
Real learning takes places everywhere but for sure not ONLY in the LMS Quantified Self of Learning (Games, Books, Talks, TV, Wearable's, mobiles) Learning Analytics Summer Institute NL, #LASI_NL,

5 Learning Analytics Summer Institute NL, #LASI_NL, 30.06-01.07.2014
Very little learning takes place in the LMS, we need to be able to track ANY learning activity EVERYWHERE. Learning Analytics Summer Institute NL, #LASI_NL,

6 Learning Analytics Summer Institute NL, #LASI_NL, 30.06-01.07.2014
Xapi aka. Tin Can API Learning Analytics Summer Institute NL, #LASI_NL,

7 Learning Analytics Summer Institute NL, #LASI_NL, 30.06-01.07.2014
How Tin Can API works Tin Can enabled activities send simple statements to a Learning Record Store. LRS Elearning Game Simulator Blog YouTube CC: Learning Analytics Summer Institute NL, #LASI_NL,

8 Learning Analytics Summer Institute NL, #LASI_NL, 30.06-01.07.2014
Xapi Statements John added a photo to Open U Community Environment Jim commented on John’s photo on Community Environment John watched How to save energy video on ARLearn at pm John subscribed to Sustainable Energy on Open U at pm John posted My first blog post in Open U Community Environment Learning Analytics Summer Institute NL, #LASI_NL,

9 Learning Analytics Summer Institute NL, #LASI_NL, 30.06-01.07.2014
Xapi aka. Tin Can API Learning Analytics Summer Institute NL, #LASI_NL,

10 Learning Locker (OS Learning Record Store)
Learning Analytics Summer Institute NL, #LASI_NL,

11 Learning Record Store Dash boards MLN / MOOC Sensors LX Sensors Mobile Sensors LMS






17 What’s Tin Can API then? Tin Can API is the code name that Experience API was developed under. Still commonly used but the proper name is Experience API or xAPI (according to the spec and ADL ). (Rustici disagrees though)

18 a.k.a. TinCan API or Nextgen SCORM
Experience API a.k.a. TinCan API or Nextgen SCORM

19 What is a Learning Record Store?
Rest Services for adding or querying Learning Record Store System X, Mobile, etc. LMS Webpages LTI tools

20 Experience API (xAPI) protocol
JSON: actor verb object context extensions etc. { "actor": { "name": "Sally Glider", "mbox": }, "verb": { "id": " "display": {"en-US": "experienced"} }, "object": { "id": " "definition": { "name": { "en-US": "Solo Hang Gliding" } } } }

21 xAPI Benefits Decouples activity streams from specific software (centralizes data) Standards approach Scalable - But {the LRS market needs to mature} Structured data - But {depends on what you send} Can work well with LTI dashboards Supports community Clean data for research Growing market enthusiasm

22 ACTIVITY SOURCES UvA have already invested in Sakai CLE and Apereo OAE TinCAN API support, uPortal being built: MOOC like Example: Adding Youtube activity to a Learning Record Store Embed a Youtube player in a webpage Add some enriching Javascript Record to an LRS Adopters:

23 xAPI Risks Security (is the data secure?)
Privacy and ethics issues vary widely from country to institution Still early on in its maturity model Requires an initial investment Data in the cloud (is your data safe?) The reference implementation (ADL_LRS) is not production ready.

24 ADL LRS Open Source Python installed reference
There is a simple LRS (created by ADL) available in github but it is not scaleable and also not very easy to use Reference implementation Free open source (Apache license) Python based Minimal functionality OK for testing compatibility with xAPI spec

25 Learning Analytics Summer Institute NL, #LASI_NL, 30.06-01.07.2014
Experimenting Sakai as LRS ADLNET as reference implementation Learning Analytics Summer Institute NL, #LASI_NL,

26 Learning Analytics Summer Institute NL, #LASI_NL, 30.06-01.07.2014
LTI  Chaining dashboard parts Learning Analytics Summer Institute NL, #LASI_NL,

27 What does a POTENTIAL CAMPUS WIDE deployment look like?
UvAInform Dashboard A UvAInform Dashboard z COACH Warehouse Prediction framework + Fact generations OAAI Blackboard Analytics Course Signals Caliper FACTS Learning Record Store SIS Service A Activity Service X Video LMS next gen BasicLTI tools Research Services STAGE 1

28 https://confluence. sakaiproject. org/pages/viewpage. action

29 LRS options (partial list)
Rustici ScormCloud Commercial cloud or installed WaxLRS Commercial cloud Learning Locker Open Source PHP installed UvA LRS Open Source Java installed

30 Something to take away Without an LRS we are stuck with data silo’s, dirty data no clear strategy to work together Standards decouples components in the infrastructure Standards supports validation across services Standards and guidelines are mutually supportive Researcher friendly Lets look towards a uniform set of guidelines for products services Lets work with an International community Let’s look towards data democracy between facilities Text here is only an example. Please delete what you don’t need.

31 Caliper Learning Analytics Workgroup Charter and Workstreams focused on Caliper design and build, integration with other IMS services such as LTI Workgroup has two distinct workstreams working in parallel focused on the Sensor API and the Metric Profile definition Engaging other IMS service areas such as LTI to integrate Caliper services so as to drive intrinsic learning measurement Leveraging the IMS member community and its diverse domain expertise with specialized learning activity area such as Assessment, Media, Collaboration etc to real-world influence Caliper Metric Profiles and adoption of Caliper Sensor API Working on defining a Caliper development community to drive real-world adoption EDUPUB Integrating latest Caliper framework (along with other IMS services such as LTI, QTI etc) into a successive set of milestone EDUPUB PoC/demos

32 xAPI + Open Badges http://learninglocker
Learning Locker Learning Record Store (LRS) “An xAPI statement essentially records an event related to learning. The big idea (I think) is to facilitate the effortless capture of learning events, regardless of learning system or environment. But lonely xAPI statements by themselves are potentially just a sea of meaningless event records An open badge aims to recognise something, whether it be achievement, attendance or behaviour. But badges gained without authenticated evidence inside are potentially valueless. Together, they provide a meaningful record of achievement, with an authenticated audit trail of activity. The granular statements that xAPI provides support the assessment process of deciding whether someone has achieved a particular badge – or not yet achieved it. Essentially this results in a mapping between the criteria stored in a badge and the activity stored in xAPI statements. This mapping can also be stored inside the badge itself when issued ADL Design Group We’ve put together a working group for the second round of the ADL’s Experience API design group to do exactly this. Our team, The Experience Badgers, will be working to deliver two key outcomes: 1. To create a prototype for issuing Open Badges based on a pre-specified set of criteria that are evidenced in xAPI statements (i.e. Data comes in, when the criteria is met, the badge is issued to the individual) 2. And to suggest a standard method by which Open Badges are identified in xAPI statements (i.e. what is the appropriate context description and method to describe an Open Badge being issued to a learner, such that 3rd party systems can always ‘detect’ when a statement refers to a badge and potentially always reach the badge assertion).”

33 Plug for the next presentation Look to collaborate with other Universities.
We are not Unique, being pulled into the drift of the LA trend Apereo has a proven track record Share risks and requirements Avoid duplication Build industrial software Share costs More eyeballs more security Consistent guidelines for Ethics and Security practices Scale up validation (it ain’t all about visualizations) More (NO DOUBT)

34 Questions?

35 Learning Analytics Summer Institute NL, #LASI_NL, 30.06-01.07.2014
REFERENCE MATERIAL Learning Analytics Summer Institute NL, #LASI_NL,

36 Experience API a.k.a Tin Can API, xAPI
The Tin Can API is a set of RESTful web services. The services carry a JSON payload that allows a “Learning Activity Provider” to make a series of “Statements” to a Learning Record Store (LRS). Each “Statement” describes a learning experience and consists of three parts, an “Actor,” a “Verb” and an “Object”. A “Statement” conveys something like “Mike passed Introduction to REST”.

37 What is the Experience API (xAPI)
Standard communication protocol Define statements about learning activity: Actor Verb Object - “I did this” REST service for writing and querying Developed by ADL (with Rustici) Version 1.0 (Apr 2013), (Oct 2013) Good introduction at:

38 actor + verb + object RDF Triple RDF triple statement
RDF (W3C spec) = general method for describing or modeling information made available as web resources. RDF triple = subject + predicate + object Jack attended Apereo14

39 Learning Record Stores
A non-comprehensive list

40 Instrumentation code (a. k. a
Instrumentation code (a.k.a. Sensors) to drop into learning platforms, apps and content to capture learning events encapsulating standardized granular metrics and context Multiple code bindings (i.e. JS, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby etc) to accommodate wide spectrum of systems and applications) Common foundational metrics that apply to all learning activities Specific learning activity type metrics and context to drive consistent measures Leverage existing and drive new learning metrics to increasingly standardize measurement across wide spectrum of learning activity and systems Apply context via complementary IMS standards based services and information models, outcomes taxonomies etc into metrics Exploring / pursue alternate “transport” layer use of xAPI (TinCan), ActivityStreams etc. Caliper provides comprehensive, learning optimized, measurement framework



43 Enable collection of rich, contextual data about learning interactions.
Enrich the “triple” statement: inject context into the statements Controlled vocabularies with permitted extensions IMS Learning Metric Profiles are intended to define a standardized, structured collection of Learning Activity Metrics that represent granular measurements specific to actions within each genre of activity including all relevant context for any given action on an activity. In addition, there are pan-genre Foundational Metrics such as engagement, performance, etc., that support common measurement of more generally applicable metrics across all activities. Any given Learning Activity can have (one or more) Metric Profiles associated with it to collect and exchange whatever measurements which need to captured and managed.

44 LTI Sensor payloads metric profile(s) sensor endpoint


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