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Electro-Magneto-Statics M. Berrondo
Physics 441 Electro-Magneto-Statics M. Berrondo Physics BYU
1. Introduction Electricity and Magnetism as a single field
(even in static case, where they decouple) Maxwell: * vector fields * sources (and sinks) Linear coupled PDE’s * first order (grad, div, curl) * inhomogeneous (charge & current distrib.) Physics BYU
interpretation of equations and their solutions
Tools Physics Math trigonometry vectors (linear combination) dot, cross, Clifford vector derivative operators Dirac delta function DISCRETE TO CONTINUUM INTEGRAL THEOREMS: * Gauss, Stokes, FundThCalc cylindrical, spherical coord. LINEARITY trajectories: r(t) FIELDS: * scalar, vector * static, t-dependent SOURCES: charge, current superposition of sources => superposition of fields unit point sources Maxwell equation field lines potentials charge conservation interpretation of equations and their solutions Physics BYU
2. Math. Review sum of vectors: A , B => A + B
dilation: c , A => c A linear combinations: c1 A + c2 B scalar (dot) product: A , B => A B = A B cos ( ), a scalar where A2 = A A (magnitude square) cross product: A , B => A B = n A B |sin( ) |, a new vector, with n A and B, and nn = n2 = 1 orthonormal basis: {e1 , e2 , e3 } = {i , j , k} Physics BYU
Geometric Interpretation: Dot product
Physics BYU
Cross Product and triple dot product
Physics BYU
Rotation of a vector (plane)
Assume s in the x-y plane Vector s‘ = k x s Operation k x rotates s by 90 degrees k x followed by k x again equivalent to multiplying by -1 in this case!! y s’ s x Physics BYU
Rotation of a vector (3-d)
n unit vector: n2 = 1 defines rotation axis = rotation angle vector r r’ where Physics BYU
Triple dot product is a scalar and corresponds to the (oriented) volume of the parallelepiped {A, B, C} Physics BYU
Triple cross product The cross product is not associative!
Jacobi identity: BAC-CAB rule: is a vector linear combination of B and C Physics BYU
Inverse of a Vector 0 1 | | n-1 = n as a unit vector along any direction in R2 or R3 Physics BYU
Clifford Algebra Cl3 (product)
starting from R3 basis {e1 , e2 , e3 }, generate all possible l.i. products 8 = 23 basis elements of the algebra Cl3 Define the product as: with Physics BYU
1 ê1 ê2 ê3 iê1= ê2ê3 iê2= ê3ê1 iê3=ê1ê2 2 i = ê1ê2ê3 3 R i R R3 i R3
scalar ê1 ê2 ê3 vector iê1= ê2ê3 iê2= ê3ê1 iê3=ê1ê2 2 bivector i = ê1ê2ê3 3 pseudoscalar R i R R3 i R3 Physics BYU
Clifford Algebra Cl3 Non-commutative product w/ A A = A2
Associative: (A B) C = A (B C) Distributive w.r. to sum of vectors *symmetric part dot product *antisym. part proportional cross product Closure: extend the vector space until every product is a linear combination of elements of the algebra Physics BYU
Subalgebras R Real numbers C = R + iR Complex numbers
Q = R + iR3 Quaternions Product of two vectors is a quaternion: represents the oriented surface (plane) orthogonal to A x B. Physics BYU
Bivector: oriented surface
sweep a b sweep antisymmetric, associative absolute value area Physics BYU
Differential Calculus
Chain rule: In 2-d: Is an “exact differential”? given Physics BYU
Geometric interpretation:
In 3-d: Geometric interpretation: Physics BYU
del operator Examples: Physics BYU
Gradient of r Contour surfaces: spheres gradient is radial
Algebraically: and, in general, Physics BYU
Divergence of a Vector Field
E (r) scalar field (w/ dot product) It is a measure of how much the filed lines diverge (or converge) from a point (a line, a plane,…) Physics BYU
Divergence as FLUX: ( ) dx Examples: Physics BYU
Curl of a Vector Field The curl measures circulation about an axis.
Examples: Physics BYU
Clifford product del w/ a cliffor
For a scalar field T = T( r ), For a vector field E = E( r ), For a bivector field i B = i B( r ), Physics BYU
Second order derivatives
For a scalar: For a vector: Physics BYU
What do we mean by “integration”?
cdq c dr dw = c(cdq)/ dg = (2pr) dr | | dl rdq dr da= (rdq)dr Physics BYU
Cliffor differentials
dka is a cliffor representing the “volume” element in k dimensions k = dl is a vector e1 dx (path integral) k = 2 i nda bivector e1 dx e2 dy (surface integral) k = 3 i dt ps-scalar e1 dx e2 dy e3 dz (volume integral) Physics BYU
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Particular cases: Gauss’s theorem Stokes’ theorem Physics BYU
Delta “function” (distribution)
q step “function” 1 x Physics BYU
Divergence theorem and unit point source apply to
for a sphere of radius e Physics BYU
and Displacing the vector r by r‘:
Physics BYU
Inverse of Laplacian To solve so In short-hand notation: Physics BYU
Orthogonal systems of coordinates
coordinates: (u1, u2, u3 ) orthogonal basis: (e1, e2, e3 ) scale factors: (h1, h2, h3 ) volume: area displacement vector: Physics BYU
Scale Factors du1 du2 du3 h1 h2 h3 Cartesian dx dy dz 1 Cylindrical ds
df s Spherical dr dq r r sinq polar (s, f ): cylindrical (s, f, z ): spherical (r, q, f ): Physics BYU
Grad: Div: Curl: Laplacian: Physics BYU
Maxwell’s Equations Electro-statics: Magneto-statics: Maxwell:
Physics BYU
Formal solution separates into: and Physics BYU
Electro-statics Convolution: where for point charge. Physics BYU
Superposition of charges
For n charges {dq1, dq2, …, dqn } continuum limit: where Physics BYU
linear uniform charge density l (x’) from –L to L
field point @ x = 0, z variable z q | | x -L L dq’ Physics BYU
with so Limits: Physics BYU
Gauss’s law Flux of E through a surface S:
volume V enclosed by surface S. Flux through the closed surface: choose a “Gaussian surface” (symmetric case) Physics BYU
Charged sphere (uniform density) radius R Gaussian surface:
Examples: Charged sphere (uniform density) radius R Gaussian surface: a) r < R: b) r > R: as if all Q is origin Physics BYU
Thin wire: linear uniform density (C/m) Gaussian surface: cylinder
Plane: surface uniform density (C/m2) Gaussian surface: “pill box” straddling plane CONSTANT, pointing AWAY from surface (both sides) Physics BYU
Boundary conditions for E
Gaussian box w/ small area D A // surface w/ charge density s with n pointing away from 1 Equivalently: Component parallel to surface is continuous Discontinuity for perp. component = s/e0 Physics BYU
Electric Potential (V = J/C)
Voltage solves Poisson’s equation: point charge Q at the origin Physics BYU
Potential Difference (voltage)
in terms of E: and Spherical symmetry: V = V (r) Potential energy: U = q V (joules) Equi-potential surfaces: perpendicular to field lines Physics BYU
Example: spherical shell radius R, uniform surface charge density s
Gauss’s law E(r) = 0 inside (r < R) For r > R: and Physics BYU
Example: infinite straight wire, uniform line charge density l
Gauss’s law: and Physics BYU
Electric-Magnetic materials
conductors surface charge boundary conditions 2nd order PDE for V (Laplace) dielectrics auxiliary field D (electric displacement field) non-linear electric media magnets auxiliary field H ferromagnets non-linear magnetic media Physics BYU
Perfect conductors Charge free to move with no resistance
E = 0 INSIDE the conductor r = 0 inside the conductor NET charge resides entirely on the surface The conductor surface is an EQUIPOTENTIAL E perpendicular to surface just OUTSIDE E = s/e0 locally Irregularly shaped s is GREATEST where the curvature radius is SMALLEST Physics BYU
Induced charge Charge held close to a conductor will induce charge displacement due to the attraction (repulsion) of the inducing charge and the mobile charges in the conductor Example: find charge distribution 1. Inner: conducting sphere, radius a, net charge 2 Q 2. Outer: conducting thick shell b < r < c, net charge -Q Physics BYU
Work and Energy Work: for n interacting charges:
continuous distribution r Energy density: also electric PRESSURE Physics BYU
Capacitors (vacuum) Capacitor: charge +Q and –Q on each plate
define capacitance C : Q = C DV with units 1F = 1C /1V E d Physics BYU
charging a capacitor C: move dq at a given time from one plate to the other adding to the q already accumulated in terms of the field E energy density Physics BYU
Laplace’s equation V at a boundary (instead of s) one dimension:
capacitor V0 V (0 to d) V(x) is the AVERAGE VALUE of V(x-a) and V(x+a) Physics BYU
Average value (for a sphere):
Harmonic function has NO maxima or minima inside. All extrema at the BOUNDARY Average value (for a sphere): Proof: Physics BYU
Method of images Problem: find V for a point charge q facing an infinite conducting plane equivalent to potential: charge density: -q q r q Physics BYU
Laplace’s equation in 2-d
Complex variable z = x + iy w’(z) well defined both real and imaginary parts of w fulfill Laplace’s equation Physics BYU
Examples and equipotentials in 2-d
w(z) = z V(x, y) = y equipotential lines: y = a (const) w(z) = z V(x, y) = 2xy, or x2 - y 2 e. l.: xy = a (hyperbolae) w(z) = ln z V(s, f) = ln s, arctan(y/x) e. l.: s = exp(a) w(z) = 1/z = exp(-i f) /s V(s, f) = cosf /s e. l.: s = cosf /a (circles O) Physics BYU
w(z) = z + 1/z V(s, f) = (s – 1/s) sin f e. l.: s = 1 for a = 0
V(x, y) = finite dipole w(z) = z + 1/z V(s, f) = (s – 1/s) sin f e. l.: s = 1 for a = 0 w(x) = exp(z) V(x, y) = exp(x) cos y Vk(x, y) = exp(k x) cos (k y) & exp(k x) sin (k y) Physics BYU
Separation of variables (polar)
Powers of z: Solution of Physics BYU
Separation of variables (x, y)
k 2 = separation constant Eigenvalue equation for X and Y Construct linear combination, determine coefficients w/ B.C. using orthogonality Physics BYU
Example: solution: B.C.: ii) A = 0; iii) D = 0;
iv) quantization k = 1, 2, 3, … Physics BYU
orthonormality: i) solution: Physics BYU
Separation of variables - spherical
Assume axial symmetry, i.e. no f dependence separation constant l (l +1) Physics BYU
Legendre polynomials change of variable orthogonality
“normalization” Pl (1) = 1 Physics BYU
Radial function R(r) = r l or r – l – 1
Physics BYU
Given V0(q ) on the surface of a hollow sphere (radius R), find V(r)
Soln: Bl = 0 for r < R, and Al = 0 for r > R r = R: using orthogonality: Physics BYU
Uncharged conducting sphere in uniform electric field E = E0 k
V(r = R) = 0: V -E0 r cos q r >> R: Physics BYU
Physics BYU
Electric Dipole finite dipole as
p = qs is the dipole moment for a finite dipole +q -q r+ r r- q s Physics BYU
Multipole expansion Legendre polynomials: coefficients of expansion in powers of where and Physics BYU
Multipole expansion of V: using
with Physics BYU
Electric field of a dipole
Choosing p along the z axis and Clifford form: Physics BYU
Polarization P(r) polarization, vector field = = dipole moment/volume.
Compare: w/ potential due to dipole distribution: Physics BYU
Equivalent “bound charges”
Integration by parts: so that: Physics BYU
and only if is not uniform surface charge: -- +
where and only if is not uniform surface charge: In a dielectric charge does not migrate. It gets polarized. Physics BYU
Electric Displacement field D(r)
Total charge density: free plus bound Defining we get: and Gauss’s law for D: Physics BYU
Example: Find the electric field E produced by a uniformly polarized sphere of radius R
where and Physics BYU
Example of Gauss’s law for D:
Long straight wire, uniform line charge l, surrounded by insulation radius a. Find D. Outer region, we can calculate the electric field: Physics BYU
permittivity material
Linear Dielectrics D, E, and P are proportional to each other for linear materials e 0 - permittivity space e permittivity material k e / e 0 dielectric constant ce k - 1 susceptibility Physics BYU
Theorem: In a linear dielectric material with constant susceptibility the bound charge distribution is proportional to the free charge distribution. Physics BYU
Boundary conditions Boundary between two linear dielectrics e 1 n e 2
Physics BYU
in terms of the unknown P. Total field: and polarization:
Example: Homogeneous dielectric sphere, radius R in uniform external electric field E0 Solution: in terms of the unknown P. Total field: and polarization: eliminating P: Physics BYU
Energy in dielectrics vacuum energy density: dielectric:
Energy stored in dielectric system: energy stored in capacitor: Physics BYU
Fringing field in capacitors
l F for fixed charge Q: x where so Physics BYU
Magnetostatics duality in Clifford space
Electric Field lines: from + to - E(r): vector field pos. &neg. charge r (r): scalar source V (r): scalar potential units [E] = V/m Magnetic Field lines: closed i B: bivector field no magnetic monopoles J(r): vector source A (r): vector potential units [B] = Vs/m2 Physics BYU
Lorentz force Point charge q in an external magnetic field B
velocity dependent (but no-friction) perpendicular to motion: no work done Example: uniform magnetic field B define cyclotron (angular) frequency: Physics BYU
equation of motion: solution: with and radius:
Physics BYU
Add uniform electric field E perpendicular to B:
a particular solution is given by: and Applications: cyclotron motion velocity selector Physics BYU
Physics BYU
Charge current densities
current [ I ] = Amp = C/s flow of charge per unit time current density magnetic force Physics BYU
Relation between I and J
a) consider cylinder, radius R, with uniform steady current I b) for Physics BYU
Charge conservation current across any closed surface
local (differential) form: steady currents: Physics BYU
Solving Magnetostatic Equation
Two Maxwell equations rewritten as formally solved as: where Explicitly: Physics BYU
Using the magnetic field is given in terms of the vector source as: For current on a wire (Biot-Savart expression): Physics BYU
Calculate the magnetic field due to a uniform steady current I Trig: Biot-Savart: Integration:
dl’ f s I q in Physics BYU
Force between two // currents
I2 a I1 in f at wire 2: attractive force per unit length: Physics BYU
Ampere’s Law using Stokes’ theorem we get over “Amperian loop”.
Symmetric case: Physics BYU
Applications of Ampere’s law
B tangent to Amperian loop Current in x direction Physics BYU
Solenoid: n turns/length current I, magnetic field in z direction
Outer loop: Straddling loop: Torus: Amperian loop inside the torus N = TOTAL number of turns Physics BYU
Vector Potential A Poisson equation: Solution: Disadvantages:
integral diverges it is a vector field (not scalar) Advantage: in the same direction Physics BYU
Long thin wire with current I
Examples: Long thin wire with current I so Physics BYU
Using Stokes’ theorem: magnetic flux Amperian loop FOR A
Example: Find the vector field corresponding to a uniform magnetic field. Using Stokes’ theorem: magnetic flux Amperian loop FOR A For a solenoid inside, and Physics BYU
Boundary conditions for B
Integrating Maxwell’s equation for B or, equivalently is CONTINUOUS while 1 2 Physics BYU
Multipole expansion: magnetic moment
Applying the expansion to the vector potential for a CLOSED loop: Physics BYU
Using the fundamental theorem in 2-d
The dipole term is: Using the fundamental theorem in 2-d and Physics BYU
where the magnetic dipole moment is:
Finally: where the magnetic dipole moment is: Curl: m Area Physics BYU
Magnetic field for a dipole
compared to the electric dipole field: Physics BYU
Magnetism in Matter Paramagnets M // B Diamagnets M // -B
Ferromagnets nonlinear - permanent M Dipoles Physics BYU
Atomic diamagnetism -e B add B m Energy: -e Physics BYU
Magnetization Magnetization = (dipole moment)/volume Vector potential:
Physics BYU
Sphere - constant magnetization
sphere radius R - uniform M with magnetic moment Physics BYU
A useful integral over the sphere
corresponds to electric field w/ constant density: using Gauss’s law: Applications: constant charge density, polarization, and magnetization Physics BYU
Bound current densities:
Auxiliary field H Defining Physics BYU
Tangential velocity & surface current
An equivalent problem: sphere with uniform surface charge s spinning with constant angular velocity w. Tangential velocity & surface current equivalent to uniform M w/bound Kb inside spinning sphere R w Physics BYU
Ampere’s law for magnetic materials
Experimentally: I & V H & E Example: copper rod of radius R carrying a uniform free current I Amperian loop radius s: outside M = 0 and Physics BYU
Boundary conditions for B & H
Integrating Maxwell’s equations: or, equivalently Physics BYU
Linear Magnetic Materials
Susceptibility and permeability: diamagnetic ~ -10-5 paramagnetic ~ +10-5 Gadolinium ~ +0.5 Physics BYU
Bound surface current: example: solenoid
Theorem: In a linear homogeneous magnetic material (constant susceptibility) the volume bound current density is proportional to the free current density : Bound surface current: example: solenoid Physics BYU
Ferromagnetism Permanent magnetization (no external field necessary)
non-linear relation between M and I hysteresis loop dipole orientation in DOMAINS magnetic domain walls disappear with increasing magnetization phase transition (Curie point): iron T ~ 770 C Physics BYU
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