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Variational Inference for Dirichlet Process Mixture Daniel Klein and Soravit Beer Changpinyo October 11, 2011 Applied Bayesian Nonparametrics Special Topics.

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Presentation on theme: "Variational Inference for Dirichlet Process Mixture Daniel Klein and Soravit Beer Changpinyo October 11, 2011 Applied Bayesian Nonparametrics Special Topics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Variational Inference for Dirichlet Process Mixture Daniel Klein and Soravit Beer Changpinyo October 11, 2011 Applied Bayesian Nonparametrics Special Topics in Machine Learning Brown University CSCI 2950-P, Fall 2011

2 Motivation WANTED! A systematic approach to sample from likelihoods and posterior distributions of the DP mixture models Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Problems with MCMC o Can be slow to converge o Convergence can be difficult to diagnose One alternative: Variational methods

3 Variational Methods: Big Picture An adjustable lower bound on the log likelihood, indexed by “Variational parameters” Optimization problem: to get the tightest lower bound

4 Outline Brief Review: Dirichlet Process Mixture Models Variational Inference in Exponential Families Variational Inference for DP mixtures Gibbs sampling (MCMC) Experiments

5 DP Mixture Models From E.B. Sudderth’s slides

6 DP Mixture Models Stick lengths = weights assigned to mixture components Atoms representing mixture components (cluster parameters)

7 DP Mixture Models: Notations Latent variables Hyperparameters Observations

8 DP Mixture Models: Notations Latent variables Hyperparameters Observations W = {V, η*, Z} θ = {α, λ} X

9 Variational Inference Usually intractable So, we are going to approximate it by finding a lower bound of P(X|θ)

10 Variational Inference Jensen’s inequality Variational distribution

11 Variational Inference Add constraint to q by introducing := “the free variational parameters ” ν

12 Variational Inference

13 How to choose the variational distribution q ν (w) such that the optimization of the bound is computationally tractable? Typically, we break some dependencies between latent variables Mean field variational approximations Assume “fully factorized” variational distributions

14 Mean Field Variational Inference

15 Mean Field Variational Inference in Exponential Families Further assume that p(w i | w -i, x, θ) is a member in exponential family

16 Mean Field Variational Inference in Exponential Families Further assume that p(w i | w -i, x, θ) is a member in exponential family

17 Mean Field Variational Inference in Exponential Families: Coordinate Ascent This algorithm will find a local maximum of the above expression

18 Recap: Mean Field Variational Inference in Exponential Families p(w i | w -i, x, θ) is a member in exponential family Some calculus A local maximum of

19 19 Update Equation and Other Inference Methods Like Gibbs sampling: iteratively pick a component to update using the exclude-one conditional distribution o Gibbs walks on state that approaches sample from true posterior o VDP walks on distributions that approach a locally best approximation to the true posterior Like EM: fit a lower bound to the true posterior o EM maximizes, VDP marginalizes o May find local maxima Figure from Bishop (2006)

20 20 Aside: Derivation of Update Equation Nothing deep involved... o Expansion of variational lower bound using chain rule for expectations o Set derivative equal to zero and solve o Take advantage of exponential form of exclude-one conditional distribution o Everything cancels...except the update equation

21 Aside: Which Kullback-Leibler Divergence? KL(q||p)KL(p||q) To minimize the reverse KL divergence (when q factorizes), just match the marginals. Minimizing the reverse KL is the approach taken in expectation propagation. Figures from Bishop (2006)

22 22 Aside: Which Kullback-Leibler Divergence? Minimizing KL divergence is “zero-forcing” Minimizing reverse KL divergence is “zero-avoiding” KL(q||p)KL(p||q) Figures from Bishop (2006)

23 23 Applying Mean-Field Variational Inference to DP Mixtures “Mean field variational inference in exponential families” o But we’re in a mixture model, which can’t be an exponential family! Enough that the exclude-one conditional distributions are in the exponential family. Examples: o Hidden Markov models o Mixture models o State space models o Hierarchical Bayesian models with (mixture of) conjugate priors

24 24 Variational Lower Bound for DP Mixtures Plug the DP Mixture posterior distribution o Taking log so expectations factor... o Shouldn’t the emission term depend on η*? Last term has implications for choice of variational distribution

25 25 Picking the Variational Distribution Obviously, we want to break dependencies Must the factors be exponential families? o In some cases, the optimum must be! Proof using calculus of variations o Easier to compute integrals for lower bound o Guarantee of optimal parameters Mapping between canonical and moment parameters Beta, exponential family, and multinomial distributions, respectively

26 26 Coordinate Ascent Analogy to EM: we might get stuck in local maxima

27 27 Coordinate Ascent: Derivation Relies on clever use of indicator functions and their properties All the terms in the truncation have closed-form expressions

28 28 Predictive Distribution Under variational approximation, distribution of atoms and the (truncated) distribution of stick lengths decouple Weighted sum of predictive distributions Suggestive of a MC approximation

29 29Extensions Prior as mixture of conjugate distributions Placing a prior on the scaling parameter α o Continue complete factorization... o Natural to place Gamma prior on α o Update equation no more difficult than the others o No modification needed to predictive distribution!

30 30 Empirical Comparison: The Competition Collapsed Gibbs sampler (MacEachern 1994) o “CDP” o Predictive distribution as average of predictive distributions from MC samples o Best suited for conjugate priors Blocked Gibbs sampler (Ishwaran and James 2001) o “TDP” o Recall: posterior distribution gets truncated o Surface similarities to VDP in updates for Z, V, η* o Predictive distribution integrates out everything but Z Surprise: TDPCDP Autocorrelation on size of largest component

31 Empirical Comparison



34 Empirical Comparison: Summary Deterministic Fast Easy to assess convergence Sensitive to initializations = Local Maximum Approximate

35 Image Analysis

36 MNIST: Hand-written digits Kurihara, Welling, and Vlassis 2006

37 MNIST: Hand-written digits Kurihara, Welling, and Teh 2007 “Variational approximations are much more efficient computationally than Gibbs sampling, with almost no loss in accuracy”

38 Questions?

39 Acknowledgement 1022a.pdf 1022a.pdf 1022b.pdf 1022b.pdf

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