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Conscious Choices: A Guide to Self-Directed Learning Chapter Six Integrity: Motivation and Accountability.

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Presentation on theme: "Conscious Choices: A Guide to Self-Directed Learning Chapter Six Integrity: Motivation and Accountability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conscious Choices: A Guide to Self-Directed Learning Chapter Six Integrity: Motivation and Accountability

2 Defining Integrity  Acts of integrity are purposeful and are intentional actions based solidly in ethics, principles, or values.  People who act with integrity are motivated to take initiative.  When you have integrity, you are trustworthy and accountable for what you say and do.

3 Self-Motivation Intrinsic Motivation  Inner Goals  Love of Learning  Doing Your Best Extrinsic Motivation  Grades  Money  Diplomas

4 Taking Initiative  When you take initiative, you take a risk.  Initiative is a leadership quality.  When you initiate, you need to be willing to take responsibility for outcomes and follow through.

5 What are Intentions?  Intentions are motivation thoughts that direct your words and actions.  You can set your intentions to purposefully guide you toward your goals.  Intentions used with self-awareness enable you to make conscious choices.

6 Values and Intentions  You act with integrity when you bring values and goals into your moment-to-moment decision-making process CHOICE Goals Values Intentions

7 Accountability  Before making commitments and obligations, you should be able to honestly assess your ability to keep your word and offer it only if there is a sincere willingness to follow through.  This means you do not say things you do not mean, or allow yourself to do things that will interfere with the promises you have made.

8 Trustworthiness  You do your very best to tell the truth and you do not mislead.  Trustworthiness is an attribute that is earned over time.  Others will know you are trustworthy by your consistent actions and words.

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