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HOW TO PRESENT A SCIENTIFIC LECTURE P Devroey. Science Innovation Communication Written Abstract Peer reviewed manuscript Oral communication Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "HOW TO PRESENT A SCIENTIFIC LECTURE P Devroey. Science Innovation Communication Written Abstract Peer reviewed manuscript Oral communication Presentation."— Presentation transcript:


2 Science Innovation Communication Written Abstract Peer reviewed manuscript Oral communication Presentation of abstract Invited lecture Press conference

3 Adapted from Fatemi 2009

4 Science Creative Mechanism of action Pilot studies Observational studies Randomized controlled trials Evidence Based Medicine

5 Considerations Hard science (world first and proven) ? Which is the focus of the talk ? Ethical reflections ? What do I want you as audience to remember ? Take home message

6 Hostmanship Guest and host Feeling welcome Experience of added value Jan Gunnarsson 2004

7 Basic principle of hostmanship Knowledge Take care Dialogue Helicopter view House style

8 Personal considerations Inspiration Educational Esthetic Challenge Surprise

9 Format of the lecture Transparent Forward – looking Modest Clear Conscious Constructive Supported Trustworthy Appreciative Wise Decisive Passionate

10 Preparation of the presentation Presentation Planning Practice

11 The triangle concept Slides Audience Presenter Laserpointer

12 The mouse concept Slides Mouse Audience

13 The podium concept Projection Speaker (moving) Chairs (sitting) Audience Laser

14 Seven basic rules of a presentation 1.Never more than 7 lines on each slide 2.One minute per slide 3.Colour 4.Focussed presentation with references 5.Tonality 6.Body language 7.Travelling from one slide to another How not to do it

15 HOW NOT TO DO IT The accurate detection of underlying reproduct i ve abnormalities helps to guide individual management decis i ons and maximize ART treatment outcomes. Clinical evaluation of the infertile couple may be grouped into five categories : semen analysis, the post-coital test (PCT), assessment of o v ulation, uterine and tubal evaluation, and laparoscopy (Balasch, 2000). Of these, semen analysis, mid-luteal phase serum proge s terone level and tubal patency evaluation comprise the init i al basic patient work-up (Crosignani and Rubin, 2000). However, t h e use of several fundamental elements of infertility testing is s t ill contentious, and evidence suggests that the current World He a lth Organization (WHO) recommendations for the standard inv e stigation of the infertile couple are poorly followed in Eur o pe (Rowe et al., 1993; Balasch, 2000). Semen analysis Humans have a low proportion of ‘nor m al’ sperm compared with many other species. Although relati v ely few studies of semen analysis have been performed in men wit h proven fertility, there is a high degree of overlap in semen char a cteristics between fertile and infertile men (Guzick et al., 2 001). High-quality semen analysis has diagnostic value for gro s s male infertility conditions (such as azoospermia or globoz o ospermia), but the predictive value of an individual semen anal y sis is less robust when moderate numbers of motile sperm are present (Comhaire, 2000). Semen analysis comprises sperm concentration, moti l ity and morphology. No isolated semen analysis measures have been sh o wn to be diagnostic of infertility in large studies (Guzick e t al., 2001). In an effort to increase the value of semen an a lyses, results have been incorporated into complex prediction m o dels (Snick et al., 1997; Hunault et al., 2004). However, the ou t put of these models has large confidence intervals and results must be interpreted cautiously (Snick et al., 1997; Hunault et al., 2004). Evidence suggests that the WHO recommend a tions for performance of semen analysis and reporting of results are adhered to poorly in routine laboratory practice (Keel et al., 2002; Riddell et al., 2005). Despite the availability o f established systems to improve staff training in semen asse s sments, such as ESHRE courses (Bjorndahl et al., 2002), the ma j ority of laboratories still do not have accurate methods or appropr i ate training systems. Thus, semen analysis results are often vari a ble. The demonstrated absence of standardization and strict qua l ity control for semen analysis undermines the diagnostic and p r ognostic value of the test. Despite the limitations described, seme n analysis is routinely used to evaluate the fertilization potent i al of the male partner in infertile couples. Semen analysis outcome s also guide management decisions and often influence the choice o f expectant management, intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vi t ro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Greater standardization of semen analysis and accurate laboratory evaluation is clearly needed to impr o ve the prognostic value of semen analysis (Ombelet et al., 2003). F u rthermore, high-quality studies are required to identify threshold le v els that are predictive of treatment outcome to assist decision-m a king for ART treatment. Sperm function tests may offer great e r predictive power than traditional semen analysis but require strict validation prior to use in routine clinical practice

16 HOW NOT TO DO IT What is the etiology of the luteal phase defect in stimulated cycles ? Oocyte retrieval ? GnRH agonist ? hCG ? Stimulation ? Combination of those factors ?

17 HOW NOT TO DO IT What is the etiology of the luteal phase defect in stimulated cycles ? Oocyte retrieval ? GnRH agonist ? hCG ? Stimulation ? Combination of those factors ? HR 1996 FS 2000 JCM 1985

18 HOW TO DO IT What is the etiology of the luteal phase defect in stimulated cycles ? Oocyte retrieval ? GnRH agonist ? hCG ? Stimulation ? Combination of those factors ? Fatemi Human Reproduction 2000 Fauser Human Reproduction 2008 Blockeel Human Reproduction 2009

19 Preparation What do I need to tell the audience ? How can I focus ? How can I keep the audience interested ? What did I publish ? KISS - Keep It Straightforwardly Simple Wording

20 Wording during the lecture NO I feel I think There is a trend to prove My personal view is YES It is observed A tentative interpretation of the data is So far it’s not significant The meta-analysis did show

21 Planning Story Take home message Coda

22 Considerations on personal guidelines Brain and behavior have to be in balance Fluent wording Constructive and innovative Transparent but provocative Focus on strategies and structures Traveling from slide to slide

23 Conditions to be creative Transparent rational behavior Convinced about change and novelty (progressive versus conservative) Global interest Personal niche Hotel room (cocooning) Monastery (isolation) Airplane (detached)

24 Consideration on provocation Notwithstanding, an unacceptable and immoral act according to the Vatican (1987), ICSI and TESE ICSI which we developed, led and will lead to the birth of millions of children Is this observation not an inspiring contradiction dedicated to the temple of humanity (Guayasamin, Quito)

25 Conclusions Preparation is of paramount importance Podium concept is mandatory Eye contact and body language are crucial The triangle concept helps communication

26 CODA Hostmanship Innovative story ICSI All men can be the father of their own child ICSI is applied globally Thousands and millions of children are and will be born tomorrow Aknowledgements to Melissa Defreyne

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