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Lim Sei cK. After you read each characteristic, check below whether this is a behavior or attitude that you appear to have developed already, or.

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Presentation on theme: "Lim Sei cK. After you read each characteristic, check below whether this is a behavior or attitude that you appear to have developed already, or."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lim Sei Kee @ cK

2 After you read each characteristic, check below whether this is a behavior or attitude that you appear to have developed already, or does not fit you at present.

3 1. Tells people he or she is going to do something, and then always follows through and gets it done. Fits Me Does Not Fit Me

4 2. Described by others as being reliable. Fits Me Does Not Fit Me

5 3. Good at keeping secrets and confidences. Fits Me Does Not Fit Me

6 4. Tells the truth consistently. Fits Me Does Not Fit Me

7 5. Minimizes telling people what they want to hear. Fits Me Does Not Fit Me

8 6. Described by others as “walking the talk” Fits Me Does Not Fit Me

9 7. Delivers consistent messages to others in terms of matching words and deeds. Fits Me Does Not Fit Me

10 8. Does what he or she expects others to do. Fits Me Does Not Fit Me

11 9. Minimizes hypocrisy by not engaging in activities he or she tells others are wrong. Fits Me Does Not Fit Me

12 10. Readily accepts feedback on behavior from others. Fits Me Does Not Fit Me

13 11. Maintains eye contact with people when talking to them. Fits Me Does Not Fit Me

14 12. Appears relaxed and confident when explaining his or her side of a story. Fits Me Does Not Fit Me

15 13. Individualizes compliments to others rather than saying something like “You look great” to a large number of people. Fits Me Does Not Fit Me

16 14. Doesn’t expect lavish perks for himself or herself while expecting others to go on an austerity diet. Fits Me Does Not Fit Me

17 15. Does not pretend that a crisis is pending just to gain the group’s cooperation. Fits Me Does Not Fit Me

18 16. Collaborates with others to make creative decisions. Fits Me Does Not Fit Me

19 17. Communicates information to people at all organization levels. Fits Me Does Not Fit Me

20 18. Readily shares financial information with others. Fits Me Does Not Fit Me

21 19. Listens to people and then acts on many of their suggestions. Fits Me Does Not Fit Me

22 20. Generally engages in predictable behavior. Fits Me Does Not Fit Me

23 SCORING and INTERPRETATION The more statements that fit you, the more trustworthy you are- assuming that you are answering truthfully.

24 Your ability and willingness to carry out some of the behaviors specified in this quiz could have an enormous impact on your career because so many business leaders in recent years have not been perceived as trustworthy. Therefore, being trustworthy is a career asset.

25 Q Suppose you think you are not as trustworthy as you could be to advance your leadership ability. What could you do about your too-low level of trustworthiness?

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