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The table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content Table Group Consulting Partners Bud Wrenn Grooming Managers into Leaders.

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Presentation on theme: "The table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content Table Group Consulting Partners Bud Wrenn Grooming Managers into Leaders."— Presentation transcript:

1 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content Table Group Consulting Partners Bud Wrenn Grooming Managers into Leaders NASACT 2015

2 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content All other things being equal, your people skills (or lack of them) become more pronounced the higher up you go…. Your people skills often make the difference in how high you go. Marshall Goldsmith ‘What Got You Here Won’t Get You There’

3 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content I. Leading Conduct

4 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content 1) Are you trustworthy?

5 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content A trustworthy teammate ALWAYS has the best interest of others at heart, is open-minded, honest and willing to admit mistakes, is dependable, exhibits consistent behavior and knows their limitations. She / he is accountable for behaviors, challenges the status quo, is self-motivating and assures quality, even in the face of discomfort.

6 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content Trustworthy Leader Themes Transparency Courage Willing to be a follower Authenticity Expecting the same behavior of self/others Influencing behavior of others Ensuring behavioral accountability Forgiving Self-motivated Empowering of others Alignment Resolute Competitive excellence

7 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content 2) Are you authentic?

8 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content - admit mistakes and weaknesses, - apologize and make amends and Vulnerability-Based Trust - The willingness of team members to be genuine, authentic, and to - ask for help.

9 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content 3) Are you emotionally mature?

10 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content Self-Awareness + Social Awareness = Emotional maturity

11 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content Self-Awareness – Knowing and understanding how I come across Social-Awareness – Knowing and understanding how others around me are processing and how they are bring impacted by what is going on around them.

12 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content Do you know what to STOP doing, and when to STOP doing it?!

13 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content II. Leading (is) Influence

14 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content Understand Human Behavior

15 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content The Nature of Communication: Differing ways of expression / total expressiveness…. - Body language - Media expression. - Verbal expression,

16 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content All of these modes- verbal, body language & media - will reflect Topic, Tone & Timing. Organizational communication is seldom the problem, but rather is a symptom of a deeper problem, usually related to trust. Quality of Communication is directly related to the level of trust between messenger and recipient.

17 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content Obstacles to Quality Communication … Personality Types – Natural Processing and Behavioral tendencies … Conflict Styles – Externalization of reaction to and navigation of potentially stressful encounters & situations  Personal Obstacles: Differences in ….

18 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content Obstacles to Quality Communication … External Perspective – The ‘lens’ through which we tend to see the world around us … Moral / Ethical Codes – Source and nature of moral standards … Personal preference for convenience rather than social ‘richness’ in communication

19 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content  Generational Factors –Shifts in views about…. … Morality: Moral Relativism vs. Moral Absolutes; … Relationship: Social Media, or ‘E- Communication’ vs. Social Relational; Easy access … Institutions: Institutional Trust or Allegiance Technology naturally leads to a focus on breadth rather than depth.

20 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content  Organizational Factors - The aggregation of personal and generational factors.

21 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content Demonstrate Empathy

22 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content Three questions employees are asking…. - Who around here really knows me? - Is my work impacting the lives of others? - How am I doing in terms of performance?

23 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content Dealing with Anonymity … Adapt your own leadership style to ‘fit’ each employee … Spend time to get to know your people – even outside work

24 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content Dealing with Irrelevance - Demonstrate personal vulnerability: Come to grips with your own insecurities, strengths and your weaknesses, and deal transparently with them - Get to know their strengths, personalities, etc. & help them leverage them

25 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content - Establish a clear mutual, corporate understanding of accountability with your people Dealing with Immeasurement

26 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content - Regularly check / update internal measurement systems Commit to regular, high quality feedback with employees (not an afterthought) Dealing with Immeasurement

27 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content Challenge Artificial Harmony

28 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content Healthy Conflict – Passionate, unfiltered debate around issues that really matter.

29 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content 1) To be heard 2) To know that their input has been considered. Reasonable people generally need two things in order to commit:

30 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content Peer-to-peer accountability Team members call each other out for unproductive behaviors. People hold each other accountable for norms of behavior and decisions made in the context of the team.

31 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content III. Leading Others

32 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content Developmental Accountability

33 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content 1 - Leader has an idea for a desired outcome 2 - Leader determines who best to lead initiative 3 - Leader has conversation with employee about initiative 4- Employee gives input into the idea about the initiative 5 - Adjustments are made to the leader's original idea 6 - Employee accepts the assignment 7 - Discussion about Performance 8 - Establishment of Performance Expectations, Metrics, etc. 9 - Performance 10 - Discussion / Feedback About Performance 11 - Adjustments to Performance, Rewards, Consequences The Cycle of Responsibility and Accountability Developmental Accountability Above the line… Basis: Positional Authority Result: Responsibility Shortcut Accountability for Performance Below the Line Basis: Relational Authority Result: Accountability

34 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content Major Points on Accountability - The development of a) a sense of responsibility, and b) an accountability relationship is a process, with relatively discreet steps. - We often use the terms ‘responsibility’ and ‘accountability’ interchangeably, which serves to create confusion over both terms.

35 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content - The first few steps in the illustrated process reflect the establishment of responsibility one might take for a set of expectations. - One must accept responsibility before they can accept being held accountable.

36 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content - The step labeled ‘Discussion about the expectation’ is the key step for getting the buy-in of the individual being assigned the subject process / assignment. Here is where the manager communicates the ‘Where?’, ‘Why?’, ‘How?’ and ‘What?’ questions. Here is also where there may be some ‘give and take,’ i.e. negotiation, between manager and subordinate.

37 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content Ironically, the level of buy-in of the subordinate is much less dependent on the scope and size of the assignment as it is on the fact that the manager actually takes the time and energy to have a high quality conversation with the subordinate.

38 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content - Often managers do the first few steps in the first quarter of the model, in building responsibility and then ‘jump left’ across the model to Discussion, performance assessment, and adjustments and consequences, thinking that is ‘accountability’.

39 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content However, it is only by going through the more relational steps in the lower half of the model, that the manager can build true accountability relationships.

40 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content - The responsibility-building in the upper half of the model are related more to positional authority, while the steps in the lower half of the model are more relational, and are based more on personal influence.

41 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content Communicating for Clarity

42 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content Four Questions Leaders Must Constantly Address Purpose – Why we are doing this? (Vision) Picture – Where we are going? (Vision / Mission) Plan – How we will do this? (Strategy) Part – What do I do? When? With whom? (Tactics)

43 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content Good leaders learn to communicate the direction of the organization in each of these modes of communication, answering the questions Why? Where? How? and What? simultaneously.

44 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content Leading Individuals

45 the table group consulting partners official providers of patrick lencioni content


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